Hmm, and didn't what became 591(561, 562, 563, 564 & 565) all campaign against passing this contract that let them change the test however they wanted to? Didn't 565 actually go to TUL and try and get Tulsa to reject what those guys are now complaining about?OldGuy@AA said:Here is how the conversation went between me and a local 514 union official:
Him- 591 and the line were the ones who pushed the new line test.
Me- Oh yeah? Peterson sent out a letter to his membership denying that. He also said they disputed two of the questions and AA pulled them. Why didn't local 514 dispute the test?
Him- We lost that with the BK agreement. The company can change any test they want. They can come up with any test they want and make any changes they feel like.
Me- If the company controls the tests, how did 591 get the old test changed?
Him- They are all for AMFA on the line.
I am paraphrasing a little bit but you can see where he reversed himself and changed the story. Lots of that over the years from 514.
I wouldn't get all worked up about the test, they need bodies. Ironically in places like NY guys are not as willing to work OT. It was never consistent so they turned to more reliable additional income sources. If they have a RIF it will be to try and fill vacancies on the line, what good would failing the few young guys that are willing to make the move do? Lets face it anyone over 55 is not going to follow the work if Tulsa shut down. I'm 53 and I would not follow the work.
I think I'd rather deal with the economic hardship before having to deal with that mindset day in and day out.