I am of the opinion that it would much easier and cleaner if every working man would just fill out a W-4, claim Tax Exempt status which will prohibit company deduction of taxes and then on April 15th we all tell them to pound sand, and refuse to fill out their form that admits to them what we owe. The economy would swell as we spend OUR money, but the Government would fail. DARN
No gun shot, no violence, no blood and guts, just a simple financial protest that would bring them to their knees if everyone would participate. Nobody would be in the street, nobody needing food, water, or shelter like the occupy groups needs. In fact would take zero time of anybody except for a few minutes to fill out the W-4. How satisfying would that be? I take that back, those on entitlements would be in a the steet in a hurry and that might get ugly.
If we take OUR money away from them, the game is over quickly