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Another Reason #2

Wasn't that the logic when Bill Clinton and other proponents endorsed NAFTA? Let's bring Mexico wages UP to USA wages???????????????? We all know that's not how it turned out!
In my opinion it turned out: that instead of massive amounts of goods being trucked across the border, labor is coming across on foot. There are some trucks coming across but they are not carrying a legal product.
Not a whole lot different than the reason state lotteries bring in billions of dollars.
and yet lottery purchases are predominantly by lower income people who are allowing the tax burden to be shifted from the middle and upper classes to themselves, all in the name of higher education benefits - most of which again do not benefit the people who buy the lottery tickets....
again, not much different than NAFTA.
In my opinion it turned out: that instead of massive amounts of goods being trucked across the border, labor is coming across on foot. There are some trucks coming across but they are not carrying a legal product.

Not true.


In fact fewer people from the south of the border are coming up. Unfortunately, the jobs are going south and that in turn is slowing immigration. The thing that was attracting them were the jobs up here. Now that they are not here, immigration has slowed. So we can stop free trade agreements and protect our job market which in turn drives illegal immigration or we can implement them and slow immigration. NAFTA is slowing but hurting the US job market. Always trade offs it seems.
Need to get the FACTS straight, Daddy Bush tried to fast track it before he got booted,Clinton put in some safeguards for us workers such as no mexican trucks into US interior untill bush Jr repealed that !

You're right. Republicans are your enemy and Democrats are always your friend. Keep sending money to Democrats and don't forget to stop and pick up some lottery tickets on your way home.
Need to get the FACTS straight, Daddy Bush tried to fast track it before he got booted,Clinton put in some safeguards for us workers such as no mexican trucks into US interior untill bush Jr repealed that !
People thinking like you are why the working class is in its present situation. Bush Jr., as I recall, repealed the trucking provision during his second term (he couldn't be elected again, so finish the hosing of those who elected him). If the present White House infestation manages to steal another term, you can kiss the country goodbye and say hello to your new masters, the socialist United Nations.

There is no such thing as a "good politician", of any party - thinking otherwise ensures failure as all of them are professional liars and thieves. Working men and women do not have the money to buy the favor of these scumbags.

Politicians can be made "good", but that's not a subject for a public forum.
People thinking like you are why the working class is in its present situation. Bush Jr., as I recall, repealed the trucking provision during his second term (he couldn't be elected again, so finish the hosing of those who elected him). If the present White House infestation manages to steal another term, you can kiss the country goodbye and say hello to your new masters, the socialist United Nations.

There is no such thing as a "good politician", of any party - thinking otherwise ensures failure as all of them are professional liars and thieves. Working men and women do not have the money to buy the favor of these scumbags.

Politicians can be made "good", but that's not a subject for a public forum.
Just stating the FACTS !!!
All of this debate over specific issues as they relate to either political party is exactly how they keep us in check. Neither party is a friend of the middle class or the working stiffs of the United States, instead they keep us arguing over single issues which they have conveniently split up amongst the two parties to keep us all divided. Single issue Politics along with Money being defined as “free speech” is nothing more than a ruse that keeps us believing that our individual beliefs make us right and others wrong. Labor, Civil Rights, Abortion, Gun Control, Entitlements, War, Gay Rights ect., these issues keep the masses divided and no threat to civil war and a middle class uprising/revolt from taking place.

The truth is neither party is a friend to labor or the middle class and even though union workers live in the same neighborhoods as most management workers, we are divided by our job function to begin with and then single issues beyond that.

You guys all keep claiming that your beliefs are the only correct beliefs and that one party is better than the other. Meanwhile, those that you are arguing about will keep enjoying making you pay them nicely to continue the manipulation of your thoughts.
All of this debate over specific issues as they relate to either political party is exactly how they keep us in check. Neither party is a friend of the middle class or the working stiffs of the United States, instead they keep us arguing over single issues which they have conveniently split up amongst the two parties to keep us all divided. Single issue Politics along with Money being defined as “free speech” is nothing more than a ruse that keeps us believing that our individual beliefs make us right and others wrong. Labor, Civil Rights, Abortion, Gun Control, Entitlements, War, Gay Rights ect., these issues keep the masses divided and no threat to civil war and a middle class uprising/revolt from taking place.

The truth is neither party is a friend to labor or the middle class and even though union workers live in the same neighborhoods as most management workers, we are divided by our job function to begin with and then single issues beyond that.

You guys all keep claiming that your beliefs are the only correct beliefs and that one party is better than the other. Meanwhile, those that you are arguing about will keep enjoying making you pay them nicely to continue the manipulation of your thoughts.
Well said. Whats your solution? Mine is we need a real Labor Party that focuses on attacking the economic divide and restoring the value of work. Abortion and gun control are pretty basic issues and should be left up to refferendum votes in the states to be decided by the people directly. I work alongside people who want to be able to own any weapon ever created and those who feel that abortion is just another form of birth control. I dont agree with either of them but those are their beliefs and I'm not going to change them. Where most of us agree is that Corprations are taking over and taking it all for themselves and they are doing it by controlling legislature and the courts. Money being defined as Free speech I feel is an issue that affect voters across the spectrum and releavant to all. Look at how corporate policies exact penalties on free speech in the workplace and are now reaching into cyberspace, off the workplace to limit it there as well. To me if you can not cast a ballott then you can not participate. Why should we allow Corporations who obtained "personhood" but lack citizenbship and may be under foreign ownership participate in our electoral process through the use of the money they have at their disposal?

Did you see what happened in Greece and Italy recently? Basically both governments were taken over by International banks based in Germany. They chose who will run those countries instead of the people of those countries. They did what Hitler did without a shot being fired!
Did you see what happened in Greece and Italy recently? Basically both governments were taken over by International banks based in Germany. They chose who will run those countries instead of the people of those countries. They did what Hitler did without a shot being fired!
Those other countries made themselves financial slaves to those who could pay the bills. Greece could not pay so the Germans bailed them out.
The lesson is to live within your means if you wish to remain independent.
Those other countries made themselves financial slaves to those who could pay the bills. Greece could not pay so the Germans bailed them out.
The lesson is to live within your means if you wish to remain independent.
Really? If those governments spent recklesly then shouldnt the people of those countries be able to hold them accountable?

In the end who held the debt? So if they defaulted wouldnt, shouldnt, the banks be on the hook for making the loans in the first place? Dont banks collect interest in part because of the fact that there is risk associated with loans? Maybe the banks need to be held responsible for making reckless loans?
Really? If those governments spent recklesly then shouldnt the people of those countries be able to hold them accountable?

In the end who held the debt? So if they defaulted wouldnt, shouldnt, the banks be on the hook for making the loans in the first place? Dont banks collect interest in part because of the fact that there is risk associated with loans? Maybe the banks need to be held responsible for making reckless loans?
Why do you even waste your time explaining to fools the realities of the financial mess????? I love the fact that the U.S. govt is telling European gov'ts what to do, get their house in order because those gov'ts are recking havoc with OUR financial system, and picking and choosing which prime ministers should step down......well, why doesn't our current govt step down, OUR financial mess isn't any better than the Europeans????......bottom line, they're all crooks....dems and repubics. Forget about Occupy Wall street....those are amateur protesters....the real protesters will march to Washington one day with guns ablazing and get our house in order.....that's the only way, brother! Violence and chaos is the only way to stop the greed.....only time will tell.
Why do you even waste your time explaining to fools the realities of the financial mess????? I love the fact that the U.S. govt is telling European gov'ts what to do, get their house in order because those gov'ts are recking havoc with OUR financial system, and picking and choosing which prime ministers should step down......well, why doesn't our current govt step down, OUR financial mess isn't any better than the Europeans????......bottom line, they're all crooks....dems and repubics. Forget about Occupy Wall street....those are amateur protesters....the real protesters will march to Washington one day with guns ablazing and get our house in order.....that's the only way, brother! Violence and chaos is the only way to stop the greed.....only time will tell.

I am of the opinion that it would much easier and cleaner if every working man would just fill out a W-4, claim Tax Exempt status which will prohibit company deduction of taxes and then on April 15th we all tell them to pound sand, and refuse to fill out their form that admits to them what we owe. The economy would swell as we spend OUR money, but the Government would fail. DARN

No gun shot, no violence, no blood and guts, just a simple financial protest that would bring them to their knees if everyone would participate. Nobody would be in the street, nobody needing food, water, or shelter like the occupy groups needs. In fact would take zero time of anybody except for a few minutes to fill out the W-4. How satisfying would that be? I take that back, those on entitlements would be in a the steet in a hurry and that might get ugly.

If we take OUR money away from them, the game is over quickly.

Bob's idea of Labor Party has, I believe worked twice already, but not the full and complete creation of a third party. It just forced the two party system to come to working mans term to stop the third party from taking over. But once they quell the movement, the two party system goes right back to old supression tactics. Stil a valid idea, but I like mine better LOL

utOh, Fed's are knocking on my door, Gotta Go!
I am an advocate of the Fair Tax. I believe that it will solve a lot of the economy problems.

If the working man could have his whole paycheck and be able by choice to pay taxes on his new purchases, there would be some control brought back to the people.

It is about who has control.
I am of the opinion that it would much easier and cleaner if every working man would just fill out a W-4, claim Tax Exempt status which will prohibit company deduction of taxes and then on April 15th we all tell them to pound sand, and refuse to fill out their form that admits to them what we owe. The economy would swell as we spend OUR money, but the Government would fail. DARN

No gun shot, no violence, no blood and guts, just a simple financial protest that would bring them to their knees if everyone would participate. Nobody would be in the street, nobody needing food, water, or shelter like the occupy groups needs. In fact would take zero time of anybody except for a few minutes to fill out the W-4. How satisfying would that be? I take that back, those on entitlements would be in a the steet in a hurry and that might get ugly.

If we take OUR money away from them, the game is over quickly
This was tried before by a few guys who happened to work on midnights and joined an anti tax organization. The problem is that the IRS went after a couple of them and garnished their pay.
This was tried before by a few guys who happened to work on midnights and joined an anti tax organization. The problem is that the IRS went after a couple of them and garnished their pay.

A few guys is a far cry from what I was proposing. People that measure success or failure on a few guys is why we will never make anything significant happen.

I sure as hell wasn't proposing a few guys on midnights do this.

Congratulations on being part of the do nothing because a few couldn't succeed crowd. Unreal!

One guy got walked out for 1/2 day for holding a rally on the wash rack, now we have no rally....get the point?
By the way...What is your plan?