It's a damned shame that the newly combined USAir/AWA contract could not include payrates/work-rules for the CRJ-900.
It is a DC9/F100 replacement. Would've been nice to have those aircraft go to mainline to allow for the recall of some of the 1800+ pilots.
To paraphrase my favorite victim of shiny-jet-syndrome,
"growth (jets) = Job Security and thats a good thing if I'm not mistaken."
DELTA PILOT’S agreement
• Limited authority to operate 71-76 seat DCI jets, provided that no pilot on the
current seniority list is placed on furlough. This
The following is a summary of the T/A:
• 76-seaters will be allowed at DCI, with strict limitations on numbers, and with
incentives for mainline growth.
• If the Company furloughs a pilot on the current seniority list, DCI
cannot fly any of the 71-76 seat jets with more than 70 seats. In fact, they must then
physically remove the excess seats from ALL such aircraft for the balance of this
o Beginning January 1, 2007, DCI is allowed to operate fifteen jets
configured with 71-76 seats. They may operate these aircraft prior to this
date, but with a maximum of 70 seats.
o On January 1, 2008, DCI is allowed to operate an additional fifteen 71-76
seat jets.
o Additional 71-76 seaters can be added, but only on the basis of mainline
aircraft growth (three 71-76 seaters for one growth mainline aircraft).
• The 12 year captain rate for the EMB-190/CRJ-900 will be $95.70 on June 1,
2006 and subject to the above adjustments.
• The 12 year captain rate for the EMB-195 will be $112.50 on June 1, 2006 and subject to
the above adjustments.