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RJ 900's for PSA-- REJECTED!

nothing to "wonder" here. dp said in CLT that the 50-seaters are too expensive and make no sense. which brings us back to the same point: they want psa to fly 90-seaters at 50-seat rates, when they plan on getting rid of the -200's anyhow. So I guess mainline should fly 330's for 319 rates, and express should fly 90 seats for 50-seat rates. f*ck DP.... he's proving himself more every day.

Also from the August crew news meeting in CLT, D.P. said that the cockpits are the same in the CRJ2/7/9 so just because more people sit behind you doesn't mean you should be paid more. It's all the same to the pilots.

My arguement to that would be:

But, Mr. Parker you and 50 other people have offices in Tempe and they are all pretty much the same inside. So, why should you make any more money than any other management employee? Just because there are more people under you doesn't mean that you shouold be paid more.

I'm starting to lose respect for this man.
Are they hiring a lot more? They have had a class almost every 3 weeks since the beginning of the year. Plus there are always open houses. While I don't think the attrition is horrendous, it is enough to have a class every 3 weeks. It's hard enough getting 50% of the classes to graduate, then 50% of those are gone around 6 months.

Hmmm Benefits....

Pay $15 k the first year.
Long 14 hr days.
Away 20 days a month.
Unhealthy lifestye. Poor choice in quality food.
7 leg days. Screwed every blend.
Travel benefits? WTF?
See the world....Well N/C anyway...and the finest industrial parks Fayotville has to offer.
Now with all the terrorism scares whether real or not it just doesn't make sense for someone to do this job. Mainline maybe, regional level is crazy.

They can make a lot more money working half the time elsewhere. They could work retail and make more money and still have a life. At least retail you would get paid time and a half for working holidays.
PSA management does nothing to keep people motivated here. They should all take a pay cut for the crappy job they are doing.
My arguement to that would be:

But, Mr. Parker you and 50 other people have offices in Tempe and they are all pretty much the same inside. So, why should you make any more money than any other management employee? Just because there are more people under you doesn't mean that you shouold be paid more.

I'm starting to lose respect for this man.

DP is responsible for 35,000 employees and 150,000 customers on a daily basis. Maybe you should cut him some slack.

I agree that regional pilots are underpaid, but the union needs to take some of the blame. Instead of promoting a compensation plan based on aircraft size wouldn't it be more prudent to flatten the payscales, base it on seniority alone and not have to struggle for several years in the hopes of cashing out in your last 10?
DP is responsible for 35,000 employees and 150,000 customers on a daily basis. Maybe you should cut him some slack.
Don't you mean that DP's 35,000 employees are responsible for the 150,000 customers!?!
Just because DP has 35000 employees doen't mean that he shouldn't have the empathy for a F/O making less than 20k. He knows very well the job we do and how underpaid we are. I will cut him some slack when he goes to PSA Management and cleans house because of the constant abuse they give their employees. And don't think ALPA knows where we stand either!

$15 raise for First Officers
$.50 For Captains
DP is responsible for 35,000 employees and 150,000 customers on a daily basis. Maybe you should cut him some slack.

I agree that regional pilots are underpaid, but the union needs to take some of the blame. Instead of promoting a compensation plan based on aircraft size wouldn't it be more prudent to flatten the payscales, base it on seniority alone and not have to struggle for several years in the hopes of cashing out in your last 10?

D.P. has been contradicting himself a lot lately. Just listen to the CLT Crew News Sessions. Start with the first one and go through them all. Take notes. You'll be surprised.

And one more thing from his last CLT session. He said that at mainline they have only two payscales, widebody and narrow body. He also said that it doesn't matter how many people sit behind you, the pilots should be paid the same regardless. But, what about the sub-par E190 pay rates they developed? Did he forget about those? According to his own words (go listen for yourself) the E190s then deserve to be considered narrowbody a/c and the pay should be the same.

When he stops sounding stupid and pleading ignorance when asked a question, he will start regaining my respect.
the E190s then deserve to be considered narrowbody a/c and the pay should be the same.

When he stops sounding stupid and pleading ignorance when asked a question, he will start regaining my respect.
"narrowbody a/c and the pay should be the same." E190 rate is a cancer. Management will negotiate up from the E190 rate and down for the narrow body rate. ALPA open the box with the E190 rate.And believe me management will consider the E-190 a narrowbody a/c when negotiating

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