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More CRJ 900's....

The ALPA Transition Agreement was signed by both the US Airways and America West MEC's, not just one.

What's interesting is that the Transition Agreement authorizing 93 CRJ-900s was signed by a MEC who is controlled via the "roll call" vote by the PIT/PHL Reps. or the RC4. It's funny that some prolific posters conveniently seem to forget that...then again...

Meanwhile, when the new Pilot Permanent Bid is released for the fall season it will likely pull down seasonal transatlantic flying from PHL. The current "roll call" majority, which is 17 votes then could change the US Airways ALPA MEC "roll call" majority.

However, the EMB-190s, which will be initially based in PHL, could change the equation again.



I won't EVEN get in to that RC4/GAG bologna. 12 reps fighting for power while Rome burns. Suit me to throw the whole bunch out and start over. They are so busy finger pointing that it's no wonder the company does whatever it likes with our contract. What are we gonna do anyway...file another greivance???

Sure, we'll add that to the other 250 or so.

ALPA...the paper tiger.

A320 Driver :angry:

And on top of that, they meet for days, come back to their bases to report on the meetings and based on what I read I can only conclude that there was a least 4 different meetings. No way they were all at the same one.

A320 Driver

Dang I feel better.
As a PAX the CRJ-900 is the most uncomfortable in the fleet... Please no more CRJ900's - As a PAX I hate them. 🙁
I could not agree more. Like another poster, I avoid flying U when the routing includes a CRJ with over an hour segment. Hopefully ORF will be beneficiary of some of those EMB190's connecting through???

Once again, I believe the tranisition agreement with the number of 93 900's was simply an agreement that would allow for the number of 900's at AW and the possibly number at US be flown.

You see, you have to goto LOA93 to see the first opening to the 900's.....which goes back to LOA 91...which basically allows for 105 of those Large Sj's to be placed at a combination of Affliates and Wholly owned.

Hmmm....So tell me, who signed LOA 91/93? Oh I know, both of those LOA's were all the PIT/PHL reps faults? Right? Right????

Weren't you backing a letter written by a certain captain which basically endorsed capitulation<sp> to the company just to save your job???

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