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Replaced And Outsourced

700, i do believe that the union could have negogiated a hell of a better deal that the crap we got. we in the small cities arelooked under just to protect the screwups in places such as phlly. catering could have been outsourced to protect the 600 or so employees in the 30 or so cities. i talked to mdt today and only 2 agents are staying at piedmont when pi takes over. that alone should say something. but in my city at least 5 peopl that i know including myself are out the door. it is a slap in the face for the experienced to work for pi at 10.06 an hr and not even guaranteed to see top out of which sucks--12.50 an hr
Actually, robbed, the original 1999 FSA called for catering to be outsourced in 2004.

That they are still on the property while 600 senior agents are shown the door is a travesty.

Makes you wonder what kind of deals have been made.
700UW said:
Glad you have to insult instead of trying to actually add to the topic.

They are doing the same job as before for less money, that is a scab (see Webster's Definition below), they voted themselves out of a job instead of taking a stand against the company.

There are still 50 Utility jobs on the property and if US makes it as a viable company I think you will see utility back at the hubs within two years as the vendors are not doing a good job from what I have been told.

Let Webster Educate you pay close attention to #4
Has anybody ever told you to shut the F#@$ up! You are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Are you or are you not doing the same job now for less money!! Everybody that works for U is a scab then right! Because didn't everybody take a paycut. I am sick and tired of you sticking up for this worthless union and then using the all catch phrase, "You Voted For It". Wasn't there a no vote one time before and the union held a revote. Thats really taking a stand there isn't it. The IAM endorsed a yes vote and you know it, Like I have quoted so many other times before the local lodge president in PIT was quoted in the Pittsburgh Post as saying I WISH I COULD VOTE NO. This union is no different than the company it screws it's members and then says don't blame us we didn't vote for it you did!! The only thing the IAM will ever take a stand on is lower wages for airline workers!
diogenes said:
Actually, robbed, the original 1999 FSA called for catering to be outsourced in 2004.

That they are still on the property while 600 senior agents are shown the door is a travesty.

Makes you wonder what kind of deals have been made.

Travesty indeed
If thats what you think then,now that things are behind us, lets ask Chandlee ,Flyn and Armeedo to explain on this board what went on in negoations why they sold catering to the company for 600 senior agents and many many small stations .
When I walked into ops this am there were the vendor's job applications on top of the ops counter. I might as well been slapped at that point, it took the better part of 2 hours to finally calm down. I do not know who put them there but I suspect a fellow worker that's staying with the vendor. I'm not angry at the people staying behind or their efforts to recruit agents from other vendors but to turn ops into a recruiting center is an insult to all the people that had the cojones and pride to walk away from U.
For the sake of everyone involved I hope a certain amount of decorum and decency is maintained just to make it through the last weeks. Best luck to all.
fanlube said:
Has anybody ever told you to shut the F#@$ up! You are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Are you or are you not doing the same job now for less money!! Everybody that works for U is a scab then right! Because didn't everybody take a paycut. I am sick and tired of you sticking up for this worthless union and then using the all catch phrase, "You Voted For It". Wasn't there a no vote one time before and the union held a revote. Thats really taking a stand there isn't it. The IAM endorsed a yes vote and you know it, Like I have quoted so many other times before the local lodge president in PIT was quoted in the Pittsburgh Post as saying I WISH I COULD VOTE NO. This union is no different than the company it screws it's members and then says don't blame us we didn't vote for it you did!! The only thing the IAM will ever take a stand on is lower wages for airline workers!
You don't like what I have to say then use the ignore feature.

And what a local lodge president says does not speak for the district, the district did not give a reccomendation nor did the negotiating committee.

The workers at US are still unionized so no that does not make them a scab, go read the definition again.

Worthless union? Look in the mirror, the membership voted the contract in, not 4 general chairman, look around AMFA, CWA, TWU, AFA, IBT, ALPA have all taken concessions at one carrier or another.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
700UW said:
Worthless union? Look in the mirror, the membership voted the contract in, not 4 general chairman, look around AMFA, CWA, TWU, AFA, IBT, ALPA have all taken concessions at one carrier or another.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
Worthless union indeed!! The IAM was the only union to proclaim "concession stand closed"!! Only the IAM did a 180. As I have stated before time is not on the IAM's side. :down: :down:
Go read the bankruptcy code, once a carrier files a Section 1113 c motion, the union is bound by law to negotiate.
airbiiguy said:
get an education people! the days of easy, good paying jobs are gone.
you mean no more of those cushy nut licking jobs like i had at U??
700UW said:
Go read the bankruptcy code, once a carrier files a Section 1113 c motion, the union is bound by law to negotiate.
As long as you and the unions continue to make excuses, just to keep the dues rolling in, WORKERS will continue to lose and tradional unions like the IAM will continue to push workers to alternative unions. :down: :down:
Keep ignoring the facts and the law, if your rhetoric makes you feel better, then have it, if it does not go read up on section 1113 c of the bankruptcy code and see the cause and effects.
fanlube said:
Has anybody ever told you to shut the F#@$ up! You are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Are you or are you not doing the same job now for less money!! Everybody that works for U is a scab then right! Because didn't everybody take a paycut. I am sick and tired of you sticking up for this worthless union and then using the all catch phrase, "You Voted For It". Wasn't there a no vote one time before and the union held a revote. Thats really taking a stand there isn't it. The IAM endorsed a yes vote and you know it, Like I have quoted so many other times before the local lodge president in PIT was quoted in the Pittsburgh Post as saying I WISH I COULD VOTE NO. This union is no different than the company it screws it's members and then says don't blame us we didn't vote for it you did!! The only thing the IAM will ever take a stand on is lower wages for airline workers!
hey fanlube...are you by chance the ace mechanic who drops the blades in the nose cowl and makes all the dents at the 6 o'clock postion that have to be fixed ALL THE TIME in FAB??
unit4clt said:
As long as you and the unions continue to make excuses, just to keep the dues rolling in, WORKERS will continue to lose and tradional unions like the IAM will continue to push workers to alternative unions. :down: :down:
so when you're driven to another union by the lackeys at IAM...i suppose you'll just dive in there and run for a position,eh??? ah ha ha..lol
when driven to another union i guess everyone will still be the same ....skip getting involved,sit in the corner and whine about their new union,,,,talk it down,don't get involved let someone else do it because i don't got time and i pay high dues...its not my job.....
you people make me sick...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM...not your union...you are the reason .....you are the spineless smacks with no balls to vote a piece of crap out and take the consequences...
700UW said:
You don't like what I have to say then use the ignore feature.

And what a local lodge president says does not speak for the district, the district did not give a reccomendation nor did the negotiating committee.

The workers at US are still unionized so no that does not make them a scab, go read the definition again.

Worthless union? Look in the mirror, the membership voted the contract in, not 4 general chairman, look around AMFA, CWA, TWU, AFA, IBT, ALPA have all taken concessions at one carrier or another.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
If I recall correctly wasn't good old Frank on the negotiating committee!! Never the less why didn't the district make a recommendation, what happened to the fighting machnists, they sure talked a good game but when they were backed in a corner by the company they took the cowards way out, we just won't make any recommendation then we can't be blamed for anything we will blame the members if they vote yes or no either way our hands are clean! Your first statement really says it all about the IAM, they didn't give a recommendation that is great leadership there isn't it!!
fanlube said:
If I recall correctly wasn't good old Frank on the negotiating committee!! Never the less why didn't the district make a recommendation, what happened to the fighting machnists, they sure talked a good game but when they were backed in a corner by the company they took the cowards way out, we just won't make any recommendation then we can't be blamed for anything we will blame the members if they vote yes or no either way our hands are clean! Your first statement really says it all about the IAM, they didn't give a recommendation that is great leadership there isn't it!!
like i said....why then did the fighting machinists vote in a piece of crap contract and take it in the shorts??
frank isn't the union dude...its you and me and 700 and everyone else......
the union didn't take the cowards way out either dude....the membership accepted the contract...they could have put their balls on the table and voted it down by a majority...but what happened there dude???who do you blame for the members not having enough balls to stop this crap??? besides recommended or not you're doing a pretty good job on the blame game....
the recommendation was for you and i to decide......do you still have to be told how to make up your mind dude???time go potty dude....

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