I think diogenes has nailed it. Nothing the Unions could have done, short of shutting the place down like Eastern, would have stopped US Airways "transformation".
As for Unions. I was required to join the Union as a condition of employment. I wanted the job, so I joined. I was a shop steward for several years. I attended Placid Harbor Leadership 1 school. I have contributed for years to the IAM's Non-Partisan Political League PAC. All of this training and experience has brought me to a conclusion that I have stated before. US Airways was my first, AND LAST, Union job!
I think diogenes has nailed it. Nothing the Unions could have done, short of shutting the place down like Eastern, would have stopped US Airways "transformation".
As for Unions. I was required to join the Union as a condition of employment. I wanted the job, so I joined. I was a shop steward for several years. I attended Placid Harbor Leadership 1 school. I have contributed for years to the IAM's Non-Partisan Political League PAC. All of this training and experience has brought me to a conclusion that I have stated before. US Airways was my first, AND LAST, Union job!