😱 😱 😱 😱 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r: SO the tide will go by and you all think LA is the BEST of them all?....I disagree Oh do I cry for all of you. You do not know your worth and are so afraid to take it back!? I welcome all the challenges AFA will give me tomorrow because you allow yourselves to be raped. I see what is coming down the path and it's no wonder DP is smiling... your all AFRAID to recognize the fact that you are the ENERGY.IT'S YOUR LIVES SO STAND UP AND TAKE IT BACK! Doug Parker is no more than the Broker..................
What are you not understanding, Hula?
"I cry for you" = she won't be around much longer, and she is sad to see the ugly state of affairs AFA70 is in, and she is not receiving much help in changing that....
"You do not know your worth"= self explanatory, tho I am not certain how broken your english is, Hula, I have flown with some beauties lately....
"so afraid to take it back?" = stand up for ourselves, we are being made a laughing stock by LA and Mgmt... what confuses you there, Hula?
"allow yourselves to be raped" = look at the contract and what Mgmt is asking for, are you able to understand this one now?
"you are the ENERGY"= we are the frontline people that make our customers come back, day after day, for our incredibly inferior product. We would be long gone if it wasn't for us... We can make a plastic glass and a bag of pretzels in F on a 3 hour flight look like caviar served with champagne in a crystal flute....It's all about the attitude. Make sense, Hula?
"IT'S YOUR LIVES SO STAND UP AND TAKE IT BACK".....Ask around if this REEEALY confuses you, but it's clear to most of us
Good luck. Read carefully, slowly, and I am sure EAP could help with a tutor.
Quality, well thought out response. Have you ever met TG in person? Sat down and talked with her? IF not, try it sometime. You will be pleasantly surprised. She is our best hope to straighten this cr@p out in PHL.....