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RECALL of Council 70 President! Merged Topics

I got to view the results of the charges, and her response to not claiming sick in December of 2005. She states she did union work from her hospital bed and used vacation...that's her excuse for claiming AFA pay for December.

So one just has to deduce from her character if she is the type of person that is forthright and honest about claiming AFA time in December. I don't know what kind union business one can do from a hospital bed when you can't use cell phones in hositals. But, I am sure she would have an answer for that too.
I got to view the results of the charges, and her response to not claiming sick in December of 2005. She states she did union work from her hospital bed and used vacation...that's her excuse for claiming AFA pay for December.

So one just has to deduce from her character if she is the type of person that is forthright and honest about claiming AFA time in December. I don't know what kind union business one can do from a hospital bed when you can't use cell phones in hositals. But, I am sure she would have an answer for that too.

the last time I was in the hospital, there were phones next to every bed
I checked the AFA PHL Web Page and it doesn't state anything about the times or dates for the Union meetings. Can anyone supply the time for the Union meeting on the 30th and the date and time for the other one? I also checked with other flight attendants and none of us got an e-line (either).
Did an E-line go out? Did anyone get that E-Line?
The Local Council meeting will be held at the Mariott on
Monday October 30 11:00 to 2:00

Monday November 6 1:00 to 4:00

Hope to see you all at the meetings
the last time I was in the hospital, there were phones next to every bed


Do you know how sick you would have to be to spend 2 weeks in a hospital? Insurance companies want you out. I know what her dx was and there is no way she could conduct union business from her bed. She did have other officers and help in the office, cause they received FPL.

I can see it now...some member calls her from her bed to ask her how she is doing, and she bills 5 hours fpl for the day.... :lol:

There is not a member that would contact Laura for union business from a hospital bed. And there is no way that Laura spent 6-8 hours doing union work to justify billing AFA in December for Flight pay loss hours instead of Sick time.

The members have to decide if her response to the eithics board (which is written) is really credible. IF it is, the members can keep her and go off into the sunset. If it isn't, then they will work to remove her from office.

Membership opinion has a greater impact than any Ethics Board of 3 elected from other airlines.

You need no reason to recall an AFA officer. Losing faith and lack of credibility (even if you can't prove it; like OJ vs. Simpson), is enough. There wasn't one MEC member or AFA Officer that would furnish those members who requested, information. It was like pulling someone's teeth out. What I despise seeing more than anything else in any organization, is "cover ups" for fear of retribution...Just like what happened most recently in the Republican party with the Foley scandle and even Watergate. Folks want to disassociate themselves and throw it under the carpet as quickly as possible.

None of the AFA Leadership wants to open pandora's box for public or company scrutiny :shock: ...they all could lose thier priviledges if they abuse them. It is a matter for the membership to take care of and the Constitution provides those checks and balances.

Do you know how sick you would have to be to spend 2 weeks in a hospital? Insurance companies want you out. I know what her dx was and there is no way she could conduct union business from her bed. She did have other officers and help in the office, cause they received FPL.

I can see it now...some member calls her from her bed to ask her how she is doing, and she bills 5 hours fpl for the day.... :lol:


If the Council 70 President used vaction time while in the hospital would the FPL sheet reflect less time under Company and/or Union time for that month?

Yes. If she had vacation in December, which I suspect she bid for back in February 2005 when everyone had to bid, the Flight pay loss would reflect less than 105 International.

What I think ocurred is that she had at least 6 days vacation which the company would automatically pay through normal payroll channels, and Laura submitted her "AFA flight pay loss" to the MEC Sec/Treas for around 65-70 hours. That would fill in what she needed to come in with her min required hours for the company of at least 105. This way, she would not have to claim any sick time and keep it accruing for her retirment when she will then cash it in.
I did find out that the PHL LECP claimed 90 hours of AFA flight pay loss for the month of December 2005.

That translates to approx. at least 15 hours of vacation and upwards for her total pay for December to meet at least the 105 min. for those red circled on that option.

However, I read that her response to the AFA Ethics Committee was that she worked AFA from her hospital bed. (All members who attend their meeting should be able to read the final results of the charges that were dismissed, as usual, from the AFA Committee. I also hear that DCA, Alin B., LECP was there by her side. Remember, he is running for AFA International VP and needs her rollcall numbers for his election to this position.

Members need to figure if she is being honest with those dues $$ as she controls the PHL budget given to her monthly from AFA International for union work and to represent the membership.


Hope you folks are paying attention!

When the leadership moves to remove the purposeful checks and balances from the Constitution, the union is no longer a democracy...but rather autocratic!

If this BOD Agenda Item is not read at your meeting by your LECP, that means they will present it to the BOD as a "LATE" Agenda Item to ensure acceptance and relieve the LECPs from discussion at their local meetings.

Make sure all of you call your LECPs to ensure that they do not change/amend the Constitution with regard to "recall of an officer".

Any LECP that votes for amending the C&B at the AFA Annual BOD meeting in Nov. to make it more difficult for the members to recall them should not be voted in again as a representative of their respective council if they rerun for office in the future.