When we voted on our concessionary contract, it was stated in all the things that were given out to us, and you can ask TG about that, she will back me up, that the new RSV system and a Pref. Bidding would be implemented no later than June 2004. Of course the company puts the new LTO system in place Oct. 2003. An immediate drop of 50% flying for all RSV's. And if you don't recall, that is the same time the Fed. judge imposed a 21% paycut, which was on top of the 13% paycut we took in the first round. Do the math. 34% paycut and 50% less flying per month. As you recall or don't, the ETB didn't come until later, when they got rid of all the options. After going from 98 hours to 52 in one month, I called my then LECP about what we should do. The RSV's had just taken the biggest paycuts, far larger than any blockholder ever took. His adice, do quickcall. Guess what. He ain't in office no more. He couldn't get the 455 votes from BH's to offset every RSV voting against him. In DEC 2003, I spoke with Ann Crawley and Glenda Talley on speakerphone and they said "Don't worry, you should hold a block come June 2004, when we get Pref. Bidding" I told them that I would lose over $10,000 in that 7 month period, but not to worry as they both were getting FPL and this cut wouldn't effect them. Called them again in July 2004 and inquired about Pref. Bid and the deadline of June 2004. I was told neither side could agree on a vender(3 were looked at). The feeling was Ok to put the LTO system in, but don't worry about that Pref. Bid part. They said also that June 2004 "was just a target date". Do you see were I am going here, Just look at the track record.