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RECALL of Council 70 President! Merged Topics

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Let’s get back on the topic, the recall of the AFA LECP in Philadelphia.

I want to know what the grounds for the recall are.

Yea there are rumors of ethics issues, and I hear from many that have gone to her for help that she is rude and unprofessional, but I also hear from many that say she has been great to them and very helpful. Maybe all she needs is some better medication. Does anyone have any hard proof that Laura is doing anything that would warrant her being recalled?

Seems like everyone in the AFA office is rumored of doing something that some F/A’s have some problem with…ETB/AIL/FPL if that’s the case I agree that they all need to go.

I want to see the hard facts, expense reports, and pay stubs. Laura should produce these and if they show misconduct then I will sign the petition. Recalling her just because she is difficult to work with doesn’t make any good use of dues. I also want to see what Mike and Terry’s papers look like to be fair and make sure we are keeping the right people.

BTW...There won’t be another election if they are successful in recalling her, because there needs to be two (2) officer positions open the trigger another LEC election.
Ok, here we go again :blink: ....

He is not flying the line just like you and I! The Reserve Chair is in the office M-F. With this being the case, he would HAVE TO HAVE WEEKENDS OFF!! He flies an ETB over the weekend, he puts more time in the next week. He is working a h*ll of alot more time than you or I, so why should he be paid 73 hours? We are paid 73 hours to sit around and do [basically] nothing. What is so hard to understand about that?? Does it not make sense for him to work mostly during the week?! And then, does it stand to reason that he would then have to have weekends off? WHO CARES what rsv line he got for August, it is going to be moved around no matter what!!! He is junior to me, should I be whining because I cannot hold all weekends off? He has a responsibility to be available to us, and since most management is not around on the weekends, weekdays make sense! THAT is why it is permissible. 🙄 This guy works hard and we are lucky to have him on our side.

If you would like that same flexibility, then you too should get involved and secure a position similar to his. Channel your anger towards management, who plans on further gutting our contracts to maintain "COST NEUTRALITY." That should be the real focus here....

Thank you.

Once again he is not an elected officer!!! He should not be able to work his union schedule around his ETB time. If he wants to fly a trip then do it on the scheduled time that he is ON CALL FOR THE COMPANY. So Aredeetoo22 (which we have already figured out who you are too) step back and smell the coffee because you are going to be recalled too. You would do anything to anyone as long as it benefited YOU. It is very UNETHICAL for the A330boy to be getting 105 to work in the office and then the days that he is to be on call (like the rest of us having to sit around instead of flying which we would rather be doing) flying international 3 day ETB trips. If you believe that this is the example of one that we want to represent us you are totally out to lunch. Anyone can be replaced!!!!!
You haven't been gone that long...I can probably pull up your last post with your handle name, baby.

Cart Driver??? Wow, you have some pull. Nah, just take my millions and lay in the sun while you still scrounge around hoping to stay in the local...they will probably recall you too. You are not in the clear.
I have NEVER done any union work...I just have a lot of respect for those that do...internal customers are a pain in the butt...they show no respect to the reps that give there life and time to make ours secure...I don't know how they put up with all the BS but thank god they have the experence and drive to fight for all of us...If I worked in the union I would give them some cheese to go with all the wine and send them on there way...
Once again he is not an elected officer!!! He should not be able to work his union schedule around his ETB time. If he wants to fly a trip then do it on the scheduled time that he is ON CALL FOR THE COMPANY. So Aredeetoo22 (which we have already figured out who you are too) step back and smell the coffee because you are going to be recalled too. You would do anything to anyone as long as it benefited YOU. It is very UNETHICAL for the A330boy to be getting 105 to work in the office and then the days that he is to be on call (like the rest of us having to sit around instead of flying which we would rather be doing) flying international 3 day ETB trips. If you believe that this is the example of one that we want to represent us you are totally out to lunch. Anyone can be replaced!!!!!


What? First of all you have absolutely no idea who I am, I have already stated I have nothing to do with the union, and the Union officers and RSV Chair would not be able to pick me out of a lineup. 😉

Trust me, I smell the coffee! You should start as well, or switch to a stronger brew!! :lol: I realize that the RSV Chair is not an elected officer. We've known that. That's not news. What you don't seem to understand is the work that this RSV Chair does on our behalf! He works in the office, M-F, and is *always* available to answer questions and help the membership, be it B/H or Reserve. I have seen it with my own eyes. Once again, he would need to change his schedule to have weekends off, so as to be available to the FA's and Mgmt at the times when THEY are working. Pretty simple.

I am a RSV F/A. I have absolutely no problem with this guy flying ETB trips. Let him fly his a** off if he wants! As long as he is putting his time in at the office, fine with me. ETB is first come, first serve. By the way, if you want to move a couple days off, just give a Future Spv a call, and they will do it for you. Never EVER have I had a problem moving days. (Although I cannot hold ALL weekends off like the caniving RSV Chair!!! No fair!) 🙄

You are upset that you have to sit around nonstop waiting for scheduling to call? Well maybe you should turn some of that anger (and free time!) into support for our union during merger negotiations. Go down to the office, see what they do day in and day out, and offer to help. That would be nice. 😀 Hopefully we can improve the RSV system the next time around, and you and your friends won't have to sit around your crash pad looking for ways to take over the world :lol:

Thank you.

Seems like you have been granted your wish! Did you read the E-Line that just came thru? Let the games begin!

37 years does say alot!

Like you're not motivated to advance yourself.

You're content doing the same thing over & over & over & over again.

That maybe you're not smart enough to advance yourself.

Or maybe it says you like weilding power as a union official and playing fast and loose with the rules?

37 years in the same mundane repetitive job does indeed say a great deal.

That is a stupid remark....first off they don't do the same mundane jobs over and over.

Secondly much like a great attorney they need the years of experience to have the knowledge to fight your fight if you need them. I rather have T's experience behind me than someone new that doesn't know the ropes.

Thirdly its pretty obvious that the company has go through many changes over the years that her job is anything but mundane.

She practically works us 24/7....getting alot of feed back.

As for not changing her job...she started as an f/a and has had many different positions...

I for one could never work the hours she has dedicated to the same old stuff you dish out.

your opinion is just that...give us facts supported by documentation. I want to see the proof and just that.
Boy I'll tell ya. Many must lurk on this board. If you are on the line and talk about any of this many are clueless. :blink: People won't even understand why Laura put the letter out about her relieving him from his position in the office. Hmmmm.
Changes in PHL, see they do read the boards!

Changes in PHL
Dear PHL Flight Attendants,

It has become necessary for me to make changes in the Local PHL Office and I wanted you all to know the reasons behind those changes.

Michael Elias will no longer be the Reserve Chair and will no longer be managing the Local Office. Terry Graf, the Vice President will now be working one week a month for a total of 25+00 hours of AFA pay. I will be in the office starting in September Monday through Thursday, for an average of 80+00 hours per month. I will be flying on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I am in the process of getting part time help to answer the phones and possibly go to meetings with Flight Attendants and their Supervisors.

For those of you that do not know me, let me tell you a little about myself. I have spent the last 51 years trying to live my life as honest and forthright as possible. If something I am going to do has the appearance of being unethical or immoral, I investigate the situation thoroughly, contact all involved and get it approved. I did this prior to picking up trips on the ETB and prior to claiming AFA time over the vacation days I had last July (my first month in office).

When I fly ETB trips, I do not claim AFA time, even though I could, according to the International Office, as long as the AFA time does not overlap the flight time. The trips I fly are usually International and they go out after 6pm. I work from home in the morning up until the time I leave to drive to the airport. Contrary to what some say, an AFA Officer can claim AFA time while working from home, and you can work from home even though there is a Local Office. Your last LEC President, only worked from home, she hardly ever came into the Local Office at all.

When I was elected into this office a year ago July, I had vacation that month. I had meetings with the Company and training during my vacation, so I called the MEC President at the time and asked her what I should do. She told me the accepted practice was, if an officer had meetings with the company or training, they would be able to claim AFA time over their vacation, since they were actually working on their vacation days. I have not done it since, as I have not had meetings or training during the other scheduled vacation I have had.

One of the most important things an elected officer or volunteer does is meetings with flight attendants and their supervisors. These meetings, along with a lot of AFA business, are strictly confidential. When an officer or volunteer betrays your trust, by telling others what happened in these meetings, or repeats confidential information to those not involved, it cannot be tolerated. Every time someone wants me to pass on the "juicy gossip" about someone else, I remind them if they were being terminated or disciplined, they certainly would not want me talking about their situation to anyone else. You have given me your trust by electing me and I take that very seriously, so this is why I have changed things in this office.

When I was the Vice President, from November, 2000 until June 2002, I saw so much corruption. I promised myself that if I ever won election again, I would put a stop to it. I realize now that in part I have failed in that. I put out a directive last December, that anyone working in the Local Office, if they were on Reserve, could have their days off changed to work in the Local, but could not pick up ETB trips on those days. If they wanted to pick up ETB trips, then they would have to do so on the days they were awarded through their seniority. This wasn't stopped back in December and I did not realize until just recently that it was still going on.

The Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer (who hasn't worked in the Local office in over a year due to the strict rules I had set in place over giving out AFA days) have banded together to try to Recall me. If you feel I have not done what you expected, if this Office has not kept you informed, has not answered your calls and questions... then sign their petition. I work for you and if you are not happy with me, I can understand. But when you make your decision, make it based on facts, not lies and character assassination by those that are mad and jealous. This is a very hard job to do; if you do not fly you are criticized for getting paid to have a "cushy job" and people think you don't want to fly. Conversely, if you do fly you are criticized for taking time away from some one else. I have always felt anyone working in the Union must get out on the line to see what is going on. We complain about management, because they are too far distanced from the line flight attendants.

I am fully aware that those of you on Reserve are working under a horrendous system and your entire MEC is determined to make the Company realize that we cannot continue with this current system. The simple fact is I have been elected to represent everyone; from the most recently recalled members to those with 35 plus years of seniority.

It is very easy to believe the worst; it is very easy to be petty and childish. It is a lot harder to discover the truth through investigation. If you think I am doing something I should not, call me and ask me. I will tell you the truth; the hours that I claim from AFA are not secret. I have not claimed the full flight pay loss since last April.

In closing, remember, it is you I work for, and I do listen to what you have to say. Please don't listen to Rumors or Crew Room Gossip. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you,
LEC President
PHL Council 70

That is a stupid remark....first off they don't do the same mundane jobs over and over.

Secondly much like a great attorney they need the years of experience to have the knowledge to fight your fight if you need them. I rather have T's experience behind me than someone new that doesn't know the ropes.

Thirdly its pretty obvious that the company has go through many changes over the years that her job is anything but mundane.

She practically works us 24/7....getting alot of feed back.

As for not changing her job...she started as an f/a and has had many different positions...

I for one could never work the hours she has dedicated to the same old stuff you dish out.

your opinion is just that...give us facts supported by documentation. I want to see the proof and just that.

Your theory doesn't hold water...often times, those who have been in the union for many years become creatures of the political corruption that takes place with "long timers".

Just because someone has many years experience, DOES NOT MAKE THEM TALENTED OR SKILLED. This is no better definded then with Terry G. VP of PHL.

Seems like you have been granted your wish! Did you read the E-Line that just came thru? Let the games begin!


Yes! Seems the unethical practices of your favorite boy has come back to him. So now we know why Terry sent the letter in for Laura's recall. Terry needs to be recalled on this one!!!! Remember the saying what goes around comes around. So yes as you said let the games begin! :up:
All you people in the AFA office do is recall, recall, recall. I have lost all my faith in the leadership of AFA. And you wonder why so many complain and refuse to wear the afa pin. The impression I have gotten now for years is a venamous atmosphere of egotistical "leaders" that do nothing more than fight and undermine one another. This childish soap opera has been going on for years now.

This cycle is as old as the "dedicated" customer that does nothing here but biitch and moan 24/7. You guys should all join the same club...oh, I forgot there are alot of S&M Clubs in the world.
Your theory doesn't hold water...this is why for the U.S presidency there are "term limits". Just because someone has many years experience, DOES NOT MAKE THEM TALENTED OR SKILLED.


If you are reading this board, the previous LECP of PHL was in negotiations of 3 full years, my dear. Once again, when you were VP under Luther Riggs, there was much controversy surrounding that administration that you were a part of.

Bottom line, your getting back at your staff for trying to call a "special meeting" to get rid of you.

I know this about you...you can't get along with anyone for too long. You have never learned to compromise with the folks you work with, and you don't work well with the other MEC members unless they have to "kizz your a##.

Whether there is no language to guide the maxing out you do with your pay hours from both FULL Flight Pay Loss and ETB as a rep, your having any empathy for those 99.9% of f/as who are NOT in the union who have to fly the hours to get paid by the compnay, you can't appreciate.

Put out your scheudle weekly and furnish your pay hours to themembers for the past 12 months...don't use the excuses that you don't have to because no one else doesn...your honesty is in question, A-gain!

If you had such "strict rules" in your office you would have your finger on the pulse on what's going on...but obviously your too busy flying ETB to know what goes on in that office and who is signing what for FPL etc...

When is the last time you sent a local E-line to your members?? Go look. The only one writing is the appointed reserve chair that you now want to get rid of. How about letting your members know what's being discussed with the transition agreement and what you as a local president are looking for and what you are doing to promote productive negotiations on behalf of your members?

I think if the members talk to these other officers, they'll get an entirely different view.
Yes! Seems the unethical practices of your favorite boy has come back to him. So now we know why Terry sent the letter in for Laura's recall. Terry needs to be recalled on this one!!!! Remember the saying what goes around comes around. So yes as you said let the games begin! :up:

Now you are a fan of the LECP? You are all over the map! She is just covering her a** since she found out about the recall. It's a panicked, knee- jerk response. What would you do if you were being recalled? 🙄

Quoting Pitbull:
When is the last time you sent a local E-line to your members?? Go look. The only one writing is the appointed reserve chair that you now want to get rid of. How about letting your members know what's being discussed with the transition agreement and what you as a local president is looking for?

I think if the members talk to these other officers, they'll get an entirely different view.

Exactly! I don't understand where lovethesun and others got the idea that the RSV chair was sitting around in a swivel chair, relaxing at AFA70 and collecting 105 hours or whatever plus etb doing absolutely nothing. If he is gone, it will be bad for reserves. Especially for the 165 reserves that just returned and probably appreciate having him to answer questions, interpret the contract, etc.... The LECP is in panic mode, nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you.

Now you are a fan of the LECP? You are all over the map! She is just covering her a** since she found out about the recall. It's a panicked, knee- jerk response. What would you do if you were being recalled? 🙄

Quoting Pitbull:
When is the last time you sent a local E-line to your members?? Go look. The only one writing is the appointed reserve chair that you now want to get rid of. How about letting your members know what's being discussed with the transition agreement and what you as a local president is looking for?

I think if the members talk to these other officers, they'll get an entirely different view.

Exactly! I don't understand where lovethesun and others got the idea that the RSV chair was sitting around in a swivel chair, relaxing at AFA70 and collecting 105 hours or whatever plus etb doing absolutely nothing. If he is gone, it will be bad for reserves. Especially for the 165 reserves that just returned and probably appreciate having him to answer questions, interpret the contract, etc.... The LECP is in panic mode, nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you.
I Guess we should just start all over in PHL. Then we would know that all the problems currently in office are GONE!

Now you are a fan of the LECP? You are all over the map! She is just covering her a** since she found out about the recall. It's a panicked, knee- jerk response. What would you do if you were being recalled? 🙄

Listen to yourself. You seem a bit touchy. Never said I was a big fan of the Pres. but now we know why the VP started this. To me it seems as though the VP is also trying to cover herself. Seems as though she does not like the idea of having to go out on line and fly her time. Also seems that the A330boy does not like the thought. Wonder if he plans on picking up enough ETB time to get 135 hours a month......guess is now the same as the rest of us trying to make it on reserve.
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