According to the Constitution, there MUST be a local meeting before the Annual AFA BOD every year that's held in Ocotober.
At that meeting a member can make a motion to change the agenda. Make sure the member is recognized and it is called into the record. Another member can second the motion. Once the the motion is second. You can call for the vote to change the agenda. Unless, on the Regular Local meeting there is "new business" (which there should be). Then, a member can make a motion for a "special meeting to recall the LECP".
Once the vote is counted and the agenda is changed, then a member can make another motion to have a "special meeting for the purpose of a recall of the LECP. The motion needs second and then call for the vote to have a special meeting. Once the vote is known, then you can set the date of the special meeting to be held no less than 14 days. An e-line can go out to inform the membership.
There you have it. The members can have an opportunity to attend this special meeting and take the vote.
Its better than trying to obtain 800 plus signatures just to have a "special meeting".
Remember the Local must have a regular meeting before the AFA BOD annual meeting. The LECP will have to have it or you can as the LEC VP and Sec/Treas. The main reason this was put into the constitution way back was so that the members could attend and discuss the advanced agenda items for the BOD and for the members could bring their issues up under "new business". If the LECP does not put on the Regular meeting agenda "new business". Then a member will have to make the motion to CHANGE the agenda FIRST.
So no mater what, the LOCAL has to have a regualr meeting for the members. That's the opportunity to change the agenda during that meeting and call for another "special meeting" for the purpose of the a recall of the LECP'.
Simply put, the LECP can not avoid having a Regular Local meeting. I am sure she will try not to schedule it. But, that would be a violation of the C&B.
The Regular Local meeting date has to be before the BOD which is scheduled for mid Ocotober. The local officers need to discuss the date and send it out on an E-line as well as stuff the boxes. A local meeting is unavoidable for the LECP. If she doesn't call it, you should.
ALL the Locals have to have a regular meeting for their base members.
Remember, there needs to be someone appointed to tape the Regular local meeting so that you can have a record of it and then transpose it into minutes. Also, at the "special meeting" you must have that tape recorded or minutes taken, as well, in order to have these motions "on the record."