EVERYONE has a personal agenda. The question is really this.
Is the person's personal agenda or motives at cross purposes with the greater good of the members on AFA70?
While I do not care for her personally, I do think she has her heart in the right place on this. You could do much worse than have her as your leader!! OH Wait, you already are! 🙄
I just have to laugh at this post. After referencing many of your posts (#18, 29, 37, 39, 55, 137, 150, 154, 169, 252, 260), we are able to see your
absolute disdain for our LECVP. She is not worth it, according to you. What ever "run in " you had with her, you made it pointedly clear that she is not worth your time, or any of ours for that matter. We in PHL are being duped.
Now, you sit here and tend towards tolerance. Suddenly, you just don't "care for her personally," but we "could do much worse...!" She is "ok" now??? Not great, but better than nothing??? Suddenly, her "heart is in the right place?" Get real. LOL You talk out both sides of your mouth, and hold no credibility whatsoever.
I just realized, (reminded by a co-worker) that I have met you. I enjoyed having you on my flight, and was happy to have you "on my side." All that I can draw from this is that you talked to Pitbull, or read her posts, and backed off. You are her lapdog, plain and simple. What she says, goes. She says previously that LECVP is basically doing the right thing (post 244), so now you do too.
I am just assuming that your previous destructive comments regarding LECVP were completely personal, and you used this thread to further berate and belittle someone who is actually doing good things for the FA group, regardless of what
horrid thing she did to you. You claim to be "on our side," but your comments, to me, say otherwise.
Thank you for your continued business.
PS: I still have the utmost respect for Pitbull and her views. They speak the truth, and are on target....