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potential new f/a& customer service uniform pics on "about US"

His shirts were never untucked.
That is because your father had self-respect. Why would anyone think it is professional to walk around in a uniform with your shirt untucked. And, please, put on a t-shirt. There are only a [/i]few female f/a's who could go braless, and there only a few male f/a's who can sport a uniform shirt without a t-shirt....for godsakes, put on a t-shirt people. And, not to stereotype, but it is usually the straight f/a's who elect not to wear a t-shirt and to untuck....take a hint from your gay co-workers....and no, your gay co-workers are not wearing wife-beater t's either.

And by the way, speaking of wife-beater t's, Walk the Line is a really good movie (they are showing it on US this month). I think Reese Witherspoon was great and Joaquin Phoenix did a great job also. The movie was really well done and I think Reese deserves the accolades she is getting...ok...back on topic...Please issue t-shirts for men and the contraption Dea speaks of in her post.
Ok, so I looked at the Hub and the latest pics of the potential uniforms. I think the problem may be how the uniforms are being presented. I'm sure those modeling are sweet people. I know the very heavy guy. But none seem to flatter the uniforms. They seem to be thrown on like someone got up late for work. Also, the thinner guy's shirts are not sized correctly. It is hard to know the full potential if a person is wearing a shirt that is too big.

Having said that, believe it or not, I am warming up to some of the pieces and the colors. I just would like to see more accent colors. The pant colors are fine. Most of the shirt colors are growing on me. They seem to be thicker and better quaility of what I can make out. I just HATE the tie, but since that will be an option, I am not as concerned. At least the colors aren't all navy.

I also liked the red short sleeve shirt that can be tucked in OR out. I just would like to see a more tailored look to that kind of shirt so that they are not boxy in style. This kind of shirt has alot of potential for the guys who have the midlife belly and those that like the modern style of the no tuck. Regardless, my shirt WILL be tailored to look nicely presented, worn out. This guys, is my favorite. Many will poo poo it but it is the first time any airline has acknowledged the modern casual way todays men dress.. I liked the casual longsleeve semi mock crew look as an alternative for winter. It is a nice alternative to the dressier look that is suited for transtlantic. I like the casual jackets ok but would like to see more red and white accents maybe on the sleeves.

I know you guys will think I'm crazy, but besides that HORRIBLE tie and Hawaii shirt, I see a little for all taste. I am trying to keep an open mind, but am anxious to see them in person.
Maybe if they had used better models, people might have a different opinion.

After all, a model can either make or break the clothes.

(I guess I watch too much America's Top Model and Project Runway)
Maybe if they had used better models, people might have a different opinion.

After all, a model can either make or break the clothes.

(I guess I watch too much America's Top Model and Project Runway)

I wouldn't say the models are horrible. They are merely showing that the average flight attendant (male or female) are not a size 30 or a size 2.
I wouldn't say the models are horrible. They are merely showing that the average flight attendant (male or female) are not a size 30 or a size 2.

But not all are a size 52 or size 18. No matter your size, a person can still look great, but if the clothes don't fit correctly, then it misleads how nice or promising the look could be. The thinner male model's clothes are falling off of him. How can I get a true idea of how these potential uniforms are going to fit if the model looks like he just got off a 2 week meth binge and decided to put on his original size clothes.

Like I said, I would really like to see these prototypes in person to check out the quality and how they look in person. Pictures that aren't professionally done can sometmes change the colors and texture.

Done correctly, I still like the red short sleeve. How about a longsleeve that can be worn the same way in the red, white, or that greyish blue color?

(I guess I watch too much America's Top Model and Project Runway)

YOU TOO?!! :up:
hey! I wear a size in 6 a cheap cut and a size 4 in good cut!

It's all about the maker! Trust me on this! Currently hanging in my closet is a 2, 4 and a 6, all fitting quite well!

Some of the sixes need an adjustiment at the waist, some of the two's need a nip and tuck or a "easement' at the waist or hip, not much, just enough for a proper fit.

Most women know this, Nordstrum excells at proper tailoring. Some proper dry cleaning stores have decent alterations,or can refer you to such. It's all about fit.

The Flight Attendants at US West are just now starting to see what the uniforms looks like and the feedback that the uniform committee have been receiving are not all positive.

I got this info from the uniform committee in the AFA website. Here are his responses:

Hi gang

I just wanted to give a heads up on the uniform status.

Management and marketing will be regrouping this week to discuss all the negativity and sarcasm they have received pertaining to the photographs posted on compass regarding the uniform pieces.

In regards to hiring a major designer...I do not see that happening. Trust me!

However, I would like to send some information your way to consider. I too think that the new Delta uniform looks quite nice and they are very very lucky to have had Richard Tylor design it. At one of our meetings, we were given the opportunity to view a few pieces from that line. I don't know if you have had the chance to actually see and touch their uniform, but I think you would be surprised. The materials are the standard wool/rayon/polyester blends. The key to their new uniform is the tailoring. Which I believe that we are addressing in our endevor. A few of the items in the Delta uniform are size restricted and are self purchase only. Plus there are some safety concerns with a few items that may not be practical for the duties a FA performs. As for the designer and Deltas bankruptcy status...that goes to the well thought out business plan of Richard Tylor. It was well known that Delta was on the verge of bankruptcy and looking to cut cost anywhere they could. Delta attempted to bag the new uniform do to the cost, but the contracts that were in place prevented it. Delta can no more afford the uniform that they are in let alone the new one that they are getting. The runway show the highlighted Deltas uniform at the Richard Tylor Spring fashion event was a great marketing concept, but does not change the fact that the only attachment Richard Tylor has left to that uniform now is the "Designed by Richard Tylor" label. It may sound impressive, but when you truly know that it is being produced by a uniform vendor like LION Apparel or Cintas and the quality of the garment is the same as everyone elses it takes the air out of the balloon.

The US Airways uniform steering committee, the New York design team and the members of AFA, from both east and west, who sit on that committee are working diligently to bring together the best possible uniform that will present our employees and our company in the most positive and professional manner.

I just am curious if any item be it mens or womens that you did like, let us know also. I do not think everything was as hideous as you all are stating.

We will keep you posted as thing progress.

UC co-chair

and this one:

Thanks for your opinions...but keep in mind that company is heading towards a Business Casual uniform.

Ties will be optional, jackets will have more of a casual look to them.

All I am saying is there already is alot of negativity out there and you have not seen all of the proposed items in their entirety.

If you want something to really complain about, you should consider what the company had in store for your uniform prior to the merger.
A nice striped teal/silver striped SeerSucker shirt! It resembled a Handi wipe that some wash dishes with. Now that is something you could have complained about.

Trust me your uniform steering committee has worked hard at selecting items that the workforce would like. We weeded out many items that you would not want. (Also keep in mind that we also are working with folks from the East, some of which also represent the CSrs.) We know that we cannot please everybody, as everyone has different likes and dislikes.

When you view the pictures on the survey. Take into consideration, that the vendor who was awarded the Design stage of this task, brought uniform items that were not in full representation to what was originally designed. They had included wrong fabrics on select pieces, sewn a straight cut rather than a princess cut, and even failed to put a zipper on the womens jacket. All of this has been addressed and will be taken into consideration when we award a uniform vendor.

Keep in mind that the items you will see in the survey, may not be the correct size for the volunteers who had modeled these pieces. They did the best to give you a general idea as to what the uniform could look like.

The steering committee has requested that the company not fast track this process, we want items that will be stylish and present the business casual module we are striving for.

We ask you to be patient and take the time to complete the survey when it does become available. Through feedback, we will know if we are headed in the right direction or head back to the drawing board.

Co-chair Uniform Committee
I haven't been able to view all the proposed pieces yet.
But what I have seen makes me think, WTF?

I agree with whoever stated its important ot have an option. At HP we have two styles of pants to choose from, flat or pleated.
I DISAGREE with whoever said flat looks good on everyone and pleated looks out of date.
Flat looks AWFUL on me, and I wear pleats BEAUTIFULLY.
I am relatively slender, but have a woman's figure, narrow waist curving out to hips. Relatively flat tummy.
I have tried the flat pants on at the company UDO and there is no way I would buy those.
I do, however look better in a flat front skirt, than the pleated one.

I am hoping for a scarf OPTION. If it is available, I would take advantage of it. But, as an OPTION, one would not be forced to wear it.

I sent in comments a few weeks ago to newlook.

I think the BASIC pieces should be plain, tailored, and well constructed. Then give us OPTIONS, such as 2 diferent neck-style shirts, two different front-style pants, two different cut jackets, tie or no tie,....etc. So all different body types can put together a uniform that is flattering.
And I am proof that any clothes or uniform look better if you are not over-weight, keep that in mind.
I went from 16 to 10, so I know.
I DISAGREE with whoever said flat looks good on everyone and pleated looks out of date.

It's not that they look bad on people, they are OUT OF STYLE. Leisure suits look good on some, but....the are out of style.

Go to any Banana Republic, Zara, etc and you will not find pleated pants as they are OUT OF STYLE. I know it is a UNIFORM, but..... 🙂
It's not that they look bad on people, they are OUT OF STYLE. Leisure suits look good on some, but....the are out of style.

Go to any Banana Republic, Zara, etc and you will not find pleated pants as they are OUT OF STYLE. I know it is a UNIFORM, but..... 🙂

OMG, I think this is the first time I totally agree with you.... :wub:
Leisure suit? Dang, Twicebaked! I'd pay good money to see you in a leisure suit, lime green with a Quiana shirt, stacked heels and a white pleather belt!

Do the Hustle for me, big boy!


OMG, I think this is the first time I totally agree with you.... :wub:

LOL...well thanks....I THINK???? LOL

Leisure suit? Dang, Twicebaked! I'd pay good money to see you in a leisure suit, lime green with a Quiana shirt, stacked heels and a white pleather belt!

Do the Hustle for me, big boy!



Sadly, I do know how to do the hustle. And I did see someone last night at a club with the exact belt you wish to see.

What is a Quiana shirt?
LOL...well thanks

Sadly, I do know how to do the hustle. And I did see someone last night at a club with the exact belt you wish to see.

What is a Quiana shirt?

Twice, I probably mispelled Quiana. It was a really cheesy, shiny faux-silk. Snagged easy and was just ugly. Usually sporting those phoney Pucci designs. The worst of '70's fashion by far. Seemed to always be paired with gold chains and those Angel Flight pants. Also made of some acrylic material.

Ohhh, the horrors of the 70's!

It was a really cheesy, shiny faux-silk. Snagged easy and was just ugly. Usually sporting those phoney Pucci designs. The worst of '70's fashion by far. Seemed to always be paired with gold chains and those Angel Flight pants. Also made of some acrylic material.


Well, we might as well get that look. Since we only get new uniforms every 20 years or so, they will be in sytle again in about 15 years and we will then be "in style". 🙂
The possible New Uniforms are now posted in the awacompass. We'll get to vote on some of them in the next few days or so.

Please! Please! Please!

Do not vote for the T-shirts or the Red shirts. They don't look attractive.

Here are the ones that have potential.

For Men:




There are going to be optional items like sweaters, vest and stuff. But the ones that are going to be potential uniforms are now posted. Some are really horrid looking and some are okay and nice. I personally prefer the blazer with the light blue shirt.


This one looks like Deltas


I like this as an optional business casual jacket. It's easy to take care of.


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