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New Fa Uniforms

PineyBob said:
Again I urge you ro check out the international carriers and get a look at their uniforms. Some are quite nice.

Sky high states: Quite nice?...BUT HOW COMFORTABLE for getting on your knees to pull garbage out from underneath a seat? OR work a 14 hour duty day in? OR sit with little to no air-conditioning on the runway being number 20 for take off?
The "professional" uniform no longer represents this job's environment. Southwest got it right!! They put their employees (F/A's) in COMFORTABLE LOW COST Uniforms. Comfortable for the F/A's.............Low Cost for the company!
win <----> win. :up:
sw f/a's look like a bunch of band camp leaders . where's the whistle and flute?
I just flew in from my SNN flight and this "europeans are more dressy" crap is nuts. Maybe in Buckingham Palace. Have you walked the streets of London, Paris, Frankfurt etc? They look no damn different. The airport waiting area in SNN looked like the Greyhound depot or the PHL airport. True some European carriers have these spiffy uniforms but they dont have some of the same working conditions we have. They don't work the 737-300 for 6 legs and have no apu or ground air in the hot smoldering southern states with the humidity. Trying to do that all dressed up on a 35 minute turn now is crazy. If all we had to do was stand at the damn door with white gloves on and say hello like Julie the cruise director it would be different. We as f/a's work harder today than we probably ever did in the past. So when it's hot the tie comes off. I don't care if its January. Some of the ones to judge the way we look should take a look at themselves and what they wear. Some of the worst are in f/c. It kills me. LOL
I will say though.... to hell with sneakers and shorts. PLEASE NOOOOOO ! ! :lol:

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