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Uniform Rollout Delayed

The real reason is a miscalculation in the amount of fabric required to complete the uniforms ordered.

It seems the East employees have many more "persons of size" in their ranks, especially the International Flight Attendants, and the vendor simply can't produce enough fabric to cover the job, so to speak.

Glad to hear that..Whew!..I was briefly concerned that this was merely another demonstration of westie "management genius" and am now greatly relieved. As for "especially the International Flight Attendants"?..I wouldn't trade one of them for a hundred with your outlook. :lol:

Keep the Koolaide excuses for the Tempe Team Twits coming 😉
Folks, the BOD or Tempe Execs don't care! They don't care how stupid they make the front line employees look. As long as they make money, they don't give a rats a$$. We are the fools for once again believing that the AWA WonderKids could actually pull this off successfully. They've not done one thing right yet so why in the hell would anyone think this would be any different.

The idea of business casual banding and uniforms seems to have come from some west coast, tie dyed, layed back, slouch who is too lazy to press his clothes and put on a tie. Open collared shirts with curly gray hairs creeping out is disgusting! Skorts for CSA's!?!?!? McDonald's styled polo shirts, WAL-MART smocks (the zippered vest). Hip Hugger uniform pants....please...A BradyBunch Airline. Some may like this kicked back, wash'n wear, $4.95, one-size fits most, drive to the next window style...but it's just another screwup from the AWA braintrust.

I used to be a supervisor for a major retail TeleCatalog Call Center. Our agents never saw the public face to face but they were required to wear a tie, dress shirt and slacks to work every day. This promotes an atmosphere of professionalism. Something our New US Airwys is lacking.
Ok this is just waaaaay to easy. Most of us knew this was coming though there were a "few" cheerleaders out there who thought otherwise. "oh I was told that the order and rollout was right on time". Yeah and the moon is made of cheese. We had a half a$$ed designer make uniforms when he should have kept to what he knows best. Oh what does he make? Yeah clothes that old ladies buy off QVC. Don't be surprised if your uniform pieces don't have the friggin Visa tag on it. :lol: Remember Barbara Mandrell pushing that visa tag in the 80's? So we have Twin hill which isn't that bad of a company bogged down with unrealistic demands from the company. They try and try to keep up with demand yet should have known they would not meet the target date. I'm sorry but ANYTHING this company touches turns to $H!T. Rest assured you won't find any BIG BANG CHEERLEADERS on this thread. :lol: This place is an absolute joke. Oh just watching it unfold month to month is actually entertaining. Imagine what other airlines in the industry must think. Even Mesa finds Usairways a joke.
this is very dissapointing. i swear sometimes you just wonder. :down: :down:


Not "All The Time?"

Man alive....I'm just a stupid, worthless, CP that Tempe could care less about....and I wonder CONSTANTLY.

Actually, check that.....I've given up wondering....I'm just getting my money's worth after being jammed one too many times by the rocket scientists at The Sand Castle. 😉
I spoke to someone on the unform team today and they said that the survey was only completed by a handful of FAs :down: (something like 1000). I am not that disappointed, it's only delayed by 5 days for FA's, not bad. He also said that there were problems on Twin Hills part too. :shock:
Don't you mean a month and five days? Roll out was scheduled for Jan 28 and now we're supposed to start wearing it in March. Perhaps you're using a calendar that was printed in Tempe...they've forgotten many things in the past, why not February?
Sounds like the projections based on the survey were off. The question is; did people respond inaccurately when they participated in the survey or was the projection doomed by a lack of participation in the survey?

Answer: Lack of participation in the survey...out of 18,000 uniformed employees, only 2000 took the time to participate.

So question: for those pointing fingers and cutting down the uniform program and the Marketing deprt...ask yourself..did I participate in the survey? If the answer is NO, then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Answer: Lack of participation in the survey...out of 18,000 uniformed employees, only 2000 took the time to participate.

So question: for those pointing fingers and cutting down the uniform program and the Marketing deprt...ask yourself..did I participate in the survey? If the answer is NO, then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Why am I not surprised?
I used to be a supervisor for a major retail TeleCatalog Call Center. Our agents never saw the public face to face but they were required to wear a tie, dress shirt and slacks to work every day. This promotes an atmosphere of professionalism. Something our New US Airwys is lacking.

Interesting that it doesnt take a tie to make one a professional...its acting like one and treating our passengers correctly that will make you a professional in the eye of a passenger. Some could learn from this.
Answer: Lack of participation in the survey...out of 18,000 uniformed employees, only 2000 took the time to participate.

So question: for those pointing fingers and cutting down the uniform program and the Marketing deprt...ask yourself..did I participate in the survey? If the answer is NO, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Lemme see here = Uniforms announced/delayed...must be employees fault.

(Hand Up in hope) Teacher!?...Oh Teacher!!??...Ummm...I'm not clear on this at all: Exactly WHAT was the/ANY motivation for anyone to waste any time on some Tempe-Team Twit's "Survey"? :lol:

Sigh...I know that the geniuses there, what with all their multi-million dollar packages because they're great, highly "eddeecated" and thusly need to be retained/etc...(gonna' puke now..just a moment)....ummm..didn't their professors ever give them even the slightest clues on how to motivate employee participation?..>Shucks..even mine did..and I was only a Bus Admin "basic" grad :lol: See...here's how it actually works = Offer something of even slight value. Be properly perceived as being personally involved in the work, and success of the business entity, and: Don't beat up your employees so much that they're far past giving a rat's arse.....etc.

Sigh.."those dammm employees"...again? 😉

PS: "I used to be a supervisor for a major retail TeleCatalog Call Center. "..Whoo-pee! I'm no fan of "Business Casual"..but the idea of forcing people to wear ties/etc while performing distant phone work from the customer base is..well..nuts. Expecting wholesale participation in the "Skort of the month club" survey's equally insane...Blaming an utter failure (what's new here?) and a wholesale lack of planning for proper implementaion of an external contract on in-house employees..well..that's the last refuge of the total moron. If you're of the Sandcastle persuasion..you should be promoted instantly 😉...You're sure that you don't allready work there? 😉
Oh please. You have a HUGE and I do mean HUGE amount of people based in cold weather cities yet they were backlogged on the sweater? Give me a freakin break. They were also backlogged on the short sleeve white shirt? I guess everyone in warmer cities or anywhere for that matter all wear long sleeve shirts? It's a crock of SH!T! I guess they needed everyone to fill out the "mock" order survey to know this? Any excuse is as good as any I guess. 🙄 Unprofessional all the way around.
How very telling how immature, ignorant and just plain stupid this group is to toss in the info about participation in a voluntary survey. Like a scolded child trying to deflect some blame to another sibling.

You know what? You're management. YOU manage.

Look at some of the things other airlines with much larger, broader and complex operations MANAGE to do- provide a consistent product people actually like, run a somewhat smooth operation, maintain customer loyalty and employee morale- even launch new uniforms, professional ones at that!

They wanted to buy Delta? They don't seem to have problems re-outfitting their employees every few years.
Wow... also odd in places but at least not gym ready. I like the gray, its professional, which is why we didn't use it, opting instead for obnoxious green and orange baby airplanes to signify our crappiness. It also appears that there are different uniforms and colors for different work groups instead of our "guess what I do or if I even work here at all" phillosophy. I still don't understand the zippy sweater set shell thing, I guess you have to drive a minivan and wear "mom jeans" to appreciate it- the one lady there is having a blast strutting her stuff in it. In the new uniform catagory, I'd say Delta at #1, Northwest at 2, and US Cheezwhiz at a close third.

I do have to say, at least they had the decency to use models in our catalogue instead of our own hideous looking people. Who in MSP thought it would be a good idea to send those people dinosauring down a runway?
Gray doesn't look good on everyone just ask the folks at Delta. I am disappointed to hear that we won't be wearing our new uniforms in Jan.