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potential new f/a& customer service uniform pics on "about US"

Those uniforms are truly horrible. They do not even fit the models properly.
They really aren't even close to deciding on the new uniform. Clearly they have received a lot of feedback..not so positive feedback on the pictures shown. According to Anthony Mule, the process is not moving as quickly as they had hoped, but eventually they will just have to make a decision and know that 35,000 employees aren't going to like it, but hopefully the majority will.
They really aren't even close to deciding on the new uniform. Clearly they have received a lot of feedback..not so positive feedback on the pictures shown. According to Anthony Mule, the process is not moving as quickly as they had hoped, but eventually they will just have to make a decision and know that 35,000 employees aren't going to like it, but hopefully the majority will.

I just want some color. I am soooo tired if blue and grey. We are US Airways. I think the USA is representative of the colora red, white, and blue. Good God, this is a no brainer.

USA= red, white, and blue

Someone in Tempe needs to watch the Olympics. The kids from the USA where WHAT colors?

We are called US Airways. Frustrating!!
I just want some color. I am soooo tired if blue and grey. We are US Airways. I think the USA is representative of the colora red, white, and blue. Good God, this is a no brainer.

USA= red, white, and blue

Someone in Tempe needs to watch the Olympics. The kids from the USA where WHAT colors?

We are called US Airways. Frustrating!!
Heck ,even if it's something aside from GREY. So drab...I'm not asking for Tommy Hilfigger or someone like that to design our new uniforms but I WOULD like something with a little color!!! Grey would make most of us look like corpses no matter how much bright make-up one would wear to look otherwise. Even grey pants with a navy blazer would look better than ALL grey. (And I'm thinking that grey would blend into a lot of the aircraft seats! EW! Who wants to be aircarft leather grey??? lol.)
As for the Hawaiian shorts, even the ones they sell in the store here at corporate look a million times better than those pictured. (They at least have some color in them.)
Good God, this is a no brainer.

Someone in Tempe needs to watch the Olympics.

1. I thought no brainer was usairways.com

2. No one else is watching the Olympics, you can't expect Tempe to watch them

3. Red would be a nice touch....be consistent with your colors...carry them through everywhere and get rid of that horrible HP turquoise even in the USAIRWAYS magazine maps.
I agree! We need some red in our uniforms. I don't want to wear too much grey and blue. We definetely would look like we work as funeral directors. We need some red!
[If you don,t like the uniforms please let them know!
I stated before how horrible they are and sent in my opinion please do the same.
John McCorkle adressed this in his last news letter

Now, as far as the uniform comments go for all uniformed employees, a company official has told me that feedback has been poor. So, I can see it right now. Sometime this summer, you're going to be wearing a mauve-colored shirt with a plaid jacket that has really wide lapels, 100% polyester pants (with some rayon) and a red and white-checkered scarf (a la picnic table) and at that point, you'll want to email someone and complain. Before you do, ask yourself "did I send in my suggestion for this new uniform?"

The company is actually asking for your input on this issue and very few people are writing in. Just send an email-mail to: newlook@usairways.com In the subject line, put your job title so that it gets to the right people. Don't want to wear a tie? Well, send an email to newlook@usairways.com Do you mechanics want a new look? Send an email to newlook@usairways.com. Don't want to wear a bra anymore ladies? Send an email to JohnMcCorkle@Bellsouth.net Okay, but seriously folks, send in your comments to the company and if you don't want to, then don't complain this summer when you look like a circus employee on the midway.
The "prototypes" look horrible, frumpy and dull. :down:

I sent in my comments a month ago.

Here it is: **duck!!**

Dear New Look Uniform Committee,

Just my thoughts regarding ideas for the new uniform:


I feel that employees should have a choice if they wish to wear either business casual or a more "traditional" business look attire. I think that we should be able to wear both as we please. Some days, wear the polo shirt and slacks; other days wear the jacket/sweater, shirt/blouse, slacks/skirt or coatdress.


I would recommend getting rid of the aviator shirt for women and design a more feminine blouse. The blouse would be a synthetic/natural fiber blend, that doesn't wrinkle, and is cool to wear (breathable). The front should have a hidden placket (buttons don't show), which can be worn open at the neck or buttoned. The blouse can be offered in short sleeve and long sleeve with turn-up cuffs.

View attachment 4437


Design a tie using the Heritage Logo, in a diagonal pattern, on a red background. Men can wear the tie and women can wear a small ascot tie with the ladies' blouse.

View attachment 4438


Design a double-breasted jacket for both Flight Attendants and Customer Service. The double-breasted jacket is more flattering and stylish than a single-breasted jacket. Also jacket should be longer, covering the hips.


Double pleated or single pleated slacks are more flattering (than flat front slacks).


Dress should be slimming and flattering, unlike the current "housecoat" coatdress and be offered in both long and short sleeves.
Sent mine in. Told them to please not push the golf/polo shirt on us. Said we need a blazer (I prefer single breasted, double has to be buttoned and can be VERY hot), and a choice of flat front or pleated pants (I prefer flat front). Told them that they need to remember we need to fit in with our Star Alliance partners, especially on trans-Atlantic ops. As for color, it needs to show up in ties and shirts. No piping.

Good examples! I'd prefer a simple, well-cut blouse with a minium of "frou-frou" could work nicely. An optional tab would be so much nicer than some scarf tied rag-tagged around ones neck.

Actually, I would like a small bit of piping around the jacket lapels, and perhaps at the pocket in a nice red.

Gray is just flat out ugly on most skin tones. A banker's gray, closer to black might work. A slim-fit, A-line skirt and slacks would be fine too. Flat fronts seem to look better on most people, IMO.

I've always thought a princess cut dress looks good on most figures and ages. A bit of red piping around the neckline and sleeves (long and short) could be a nice touch of color.

Just my thoughts. Most important, a good quality material that will wear well. I'm so sick of seeing baggy knees and sagging seats! But again, maybe that's just me. :shock:

Where oh where is our favorite fashionista, Light Years?

I agree with the red, white and blue. Single breasted jacket (double makes people of size and bust look too big). No pleats anywhere for the same reason (looks too big). This doesn't have to look like "Design on a Dime".
Tailored,classic look with our colors of red, white and blue.
That thing was just aweful. And that Hawaiian shirt looked like something from the Salvation Army. Ick...
I'm so sick of seeing baggy knees and sagging seats! But again, maybe that's just me. :shock:

What about shiny seats and hanging linings from the skirts?

And, what about issuing t-shirts to all of the male flight attendants and requiring them to tuck in their shirts. An untucked shirt doesn't make you look more masculine, it makes you look like you don't have enough sense to dress yourself properly. A t-shirt does not make you sweat more--it's just the opposite and who wants to see your bare skin or the dark hair patches through your already thread-worn shirt? That is just gross.
That thing was just aweful. And that Hawaiian shirt looked like something from the Salvation Army. Ick...

I think the Hawaiian shirts are okay, but give it some color please!
Hawaiian and Aloha wears hawaiian uniforms and it can get really hot in Hawaii, so I would like to see the Hawaiian shirts stay.

By the way, you can vote on the Ramp Uniforms in the awacompass and hub websites now.

Flight Attendants and Ground Agents can casts their votes on the 24th.
Alot of this depends on someone's age as well. Double Breasted Blazers are FINISHED and if they even consider having such a thing they should be escorted from the building!!! And are we kidding with the tabs? They can hardly get the women to wear them now. Women in a men's tie? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! There are different ways to wear a scarf, it does not have to be tied around the neck to look like it is choking someone. Anyway being a guy I guess the only input I can give is that the tie should be an option on domestic and there should be a couple different color options. "IF" there would be a polo that should be an option as well but only during the summer, I like polo shirts but not really to wear to work as a uniform. The point is that different styles look good on different people, polo's may look good on some and not on others, red is a good color on me, however on some--- not so much.
What about shiny seats and hanging linings from the skirts?

And, what about issuing t-shirts to all of the male flight attendants and requiring them to tuck in their shirts. An untucked shirt doesn't make you look more masculine, it makes you look like you don't have enough sense to dress yourself properly. A t-shirt does not make you sweat more--it's just the opposite and who wants to see your bare skin or the dark hair patches through your already thread-worn shirt? That is just gross.


I agree completely. Now, I may be showing my age here, but wasn't there some kind of garter for men that kept the shirts tucked in? I think it fastened to the tops of the socks? My Dad was very modest but I have a memory of folding the laundry once and seeing this contraption. His shirts were never untucked.


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