Not voting no will be detrimental to our craft.
Informer - great post
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
Odie wants an AMFA card!
<_< ------ cf6, "Be careful of which you wish for!"We ARE remembering the past knuckle head ! , the past, present , and the lack of afuture with the TWU THATS THE PROBLEM ! ! Any Union except the TWU,.....Any at this point.
You keep quoting Delle from 2005, which you seem to support :blink: , but not supporting Informers plan (top of page) in 2012, which is different?"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
<_< ------ cf6, "Be careful of which you wish for!"
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
Remember the B-scale, those mechanics were outside looking in. Today the mechanics are inside being forced to take the cuts that put will put them outside looking in again. Or in this case giving them sub standard wage.In 1995 we gave them 25% SRP's and 6 1/2% over 6 years in pay raises to save jobs and turn this company around.
In 2003 we gave 17.5% paycut, Holidays, Vacation, and Sick time to save jobs turn this company around.
2012....17 years later, you are being asked to give again.
Concessions for jobs is the past Overspeed, and voting YES is the condemnation of repeating that failed past.
Why would a Union continue to make the same mistake over and over and over?
Does preservation of pay, benefits, and working conditions mean anything to the TWU?
And voting no means what? That we will get huge raises? Really? Time to wake up. Judge Lane is going to say that AMR should as a consequence of huge layoffs give everyone a big raise? Really? Has that happened? Uh, no.
The past is that in court CBAs get abrogated and jobs, benefits, and wages get hammered. That's the truth. No one has gotten a raise in BK court, no one. The thing you hang your hat on is that somehow in a matter of months or years of continued negotiations after BK we will get a raise to at best what? $38? $40?
Not likely but what is likely is that 4,300 will be out of a job and you will still blame the TWU and ask for another union to be our savior. Again, those that forget the past our condemned to repeat it.
I never claimed anything about a raise, but AA has said they will revert to 3/22 term sheet and there are payraises in that sheet. Paltry payraise, but still a payraise.
My position is simple, concessions for jobs has not turned this company around in the past, and it will not this time either.
Don't be caught telling lies on a regular basis, your credibility is already in question.
Truth be know, your name is probably Rick Mullins and it is your own ass you are trying to save here, you produce nothing every day for the company, instead you are part of a $21K per month Local 514 lost time bill that is nothing short of a waste of good money.