On 1/25/2003 4:52:38 PM savyinvestor wrote:
Your kidding right? Let's take a vote. All in favor of pilots and there pension and how they are trying to get it resolved please respond in a professional manner. I don't want Oldie to think everyone is against him so think carefully before you respond. Thanks for your participation. Savy
Make no mistake, I am not advocating unions taking "job actions" while we are in bankruptcy. But, I must admit, this new management team needs to understand the meaning of "UNIONISM". Some may say this is not the time; I say, there is no other time. If a group can't collectively take a strong stand at what they "collectively" believe needs protected at all cost for the sake of ITS MEMBERS, than there should be no union. No group should be voicing against that. This management team saw a vulnerable airline with a franchise, and jumped at using their diabolical scheme to save a limping carrier, ALL on the sacrificing of the employees of U for the next 6 long years at least. There was no other "plan"; no marketing strategy, just bankruptcy, and lowering employee cost from mass furloughs, wage reductions so harsh, that many can't pay their bills. This co. has room to screw up now, and still make loads of cash once we emerges from bankruptcy.
This info for those who are on this board and do not work for U.
This management and its investors can not
wait to get out of bankruptcy so they can cash in..no matter how they can make that profit...be it on your wages, workrules, pensions etc. And let's not forget, we got here becasue of a mangement team that make blunderous decisions or lack of, and still got bonses for 2001. And some old management is till getting promoted, as we speak!
THIS CO. OR BOARD OF DIRCTORS WILL NOT LIQUIDATE THIS CO. THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO LIQUIDATE. Management's strategy is soley in INSTILLING FEAR, AND THEY UNDERSTAND THE HUMAN CONDITION LIKE NO OTHER. If the pilots permit this to happen...every single major carrier will go down this road. Behold,we are now witnessing the destruction of the "collective spirit", and this management is loving this. I WILL NOT speak against any one group and tell them they are wrong for taking a position they believe in so strongly. The pilots had worked hard with this mangement in "the best of good faith" and was above and beyond reasonable. I personally was shocked to see how cooperative the pilots were...even to a fault!
We may all be going down this road, if this company is successful in terminating the pilots pensions. I don't believe any defined pension is safe. The co. strategy may be to do this...one at a time, so we all do not mount a defense together. We need to be still. And not bash one another.
I believe, on this board, we all made our points to those few pilots who were so arrogant in their retorhic and unempathetic, that "now, how does it feel to witness that betrayl from this mangement that we told you all along were "union busters" at their finest." And some, still in their arrogance, will not admit it.
U was first...the "domino effect" is commencing!