I am curious about something, so excuse my ignorance in not knowing all the details of the matter. I grew up around pilots (both military and commercial) my whole life and understand the seniority and sadly the mentality of many (note i said many, not all or most so don't bash! we all know those who think they are flying next to God himself, or herself for the ladies!)
All feelings aside, has USAPA elected a representatives for the PHX base? If not, why since the USAPA website states it is made from elected officials from each domicile.
Is the former West ALPA pilots paying dues to USAPA, if not why?
Here is my worry, whatever happens someone is not going to be happy and resentment will be there and it will linger for years to come.
Now one day both US and HP pilots will be sitting next to each other with 100+ people and staff members they are responsible for. Feelings build up, communication is next to nothing, someone forgets to do something and next thing you I am one of many people who are sitting with the family members.
This has happened before in the industry and at this rate going to happen again. It is sad that grown men and women have such deep feelings they are putting their selfishness ahead of their morals. We are what we think.
"All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind and trouble will follow you as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart." -Buddha B)
My point is yes I have been around a long time, been screwed over by co-workers and company alike, yes I know of more skeletons in peoples offices around here than I care too and I am not particular to either side, but I just see this as dangerous.
Look, be the ox that moves things forward and not the wheel that just goes round and round wearing you down.
All feelings aside, has USAPA elected a representatives for the PHX base? If not, why since the USAPA website states it is made from elected officials from each domicile.
Is the former West ALPA pilots paying dues to USAPA, if not why?
Here is my worry, whatever happens someone is not going to be happy and resentment will be there and it will linger for years to come.
Now one day both US and HP pilots will be sitting next to each other with 100+ people and staff members they are responsible for. Feelings build up, communication is next to nothing, someone forgets to do something and next thing you I am one of many people who are sitting with the family members.
This has happened before in the industry and at this rate going to happen again. It is sad that grown men and women have such deep feelings they are putting their selfishness ahead of their morals. We are what we think.
"All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind and trouble will follow you as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart." -Buddha B)
My point is yes I have been around a long time, been screwed over by co-workers and company alike, yes I know of more skeletons in peoples offices around here than I care too and I am not particular to either side, but I just see this as dangerous.
Look, be the ox that moves things forward and not the wheel that just goes round and round wearing you down.