The fight to save Tulsa is over. Ream and Evie Rodriguez went around the system telling the line guys they needed to vote for this because it would allow the company to get rid of Tulsa. Ironically Tulsa voted in their own demise.
Even most of the company men on the line said "no way", it wasn't worth accepting this deal, which would last until 2018 or beyond if Videtich is still running things (he managed to stretch negotiations from 2007 till they filed BK a month prior to 2012 even though the members rejected a substandard TA in 2010). With the encouragement of Little, Gless, Videtich, Mark Richard , Sharon Levine and Tom Roth (none of whom had to work under the deal)Tulsa voted in language that would allow the company to outsource at least 35% of "spend". Who the hell uses "spend" as a criteria for outsourcing, and who is monitoring it? I'll tell you who-Videtich, as none of the locals have access to what is now considered to be "Confidential information". If its Confidential then how do you enforce it? We have to rely on Don Videtich, the same man who prevented us from moving the process towards getting a deal forward from 2007 till nearly 2012, the same guy who made sure that in addition to the concessions of 2003 we gave the company JLT and PLI which saved the company even more money and allowed them to get rid of even more mechanics, the same guy who made sure that AA got everything they wanted both in 2010 and in 2012, yes, thats who we have looking out for us. The guy who nobody voted for who rides around on A5 passes in First Class courtesy of a very appreciative AA management. The Locals cant grieve even if the company went over 35% because they don't have access to the info. Under prior contracts all the locals were sent a breakdown of total hours outsourced, not anymore, thanks to Don Videtich and his confidential maintenance spend, which encourages the company to outsource maintenance overseas, we don't really know how much they are spending on outsourcing or how many manhours are being outsourced-in other words how many potential jobs we lost. Maybe thats why he put it in there. I agree Videtich must go, if he serves any appointed capacity in the TWU it eliminates any possibility that the M&R membership will support this organization. Its not like he doesn't have a job to go back to, and he worked very hard to make it what it is.