I would be willing to bet that there is more seniority in Tulsa than anywhere else. Look at the seniority list. I am also pretty sure that with 28 years, if it were an open bid (like it should be if the pay structure changes) I could get a bid at DFW. My point is that there is no way a 28 year guy should have to accept a new lower pay scale while a 15 year guy gets the top dollar. I should be able to bump that guy. That is what seniority is all about. If the shoe were on the other foot you would think so also. I know there would never be an open bid like that because it would cause a lot of moving around. But I'm sure someday there will be outsourcing on the line as well. All it will take is someone like Boeing to offer contract line maint. AA will jump at it. The only way to stop AA from completely destroying our way of life is to stick together, but it looks like that ain't gonna happen.