45% of man hours vs 35% of spend, two different metrics, they didnt back down at all. If anything they got more, thanks to you. With the ability to outsource any where. At the rates paid in some of those places 35% of spend could be 70% of manhours or more. You also leave out that is RR backs out of TEASL they can change the "cap" to more than 45%. IIRC they project we will be below 7000 in a few years.The TWU never said there would be no outsourcing. The contract clearly stated that CFPs would be outsourced. The statement that jobs were saved is when you compare what the ask was and what the reality is. AA wanted to got to 45% or what United, US, and Delta have which would have equated to 4,500 jobs approximately. The 35% cap brings us to about 2,500 jobs due to outsourcing. Any future job reductions will be directly related to new fleet maintenance requirements and not outsourcing.