Our "contract" allows AA's overseas mechanics to do anything they want them to do over there, A-checks, mods etc. There is no limit. AA could even open up their own OH facility in South America if they wanted to and send our work there. AA is allowed to send all there outsourced work overseas if they choose to. That's the language our boy Don Videtich crafted for the company. As you can imagine even if the 35% spend cap was real that would allow them to outsource a lot more than 50% of manhours. That's why we said go ahead and abrogate and lets continue to fight them, the pilots voted NO and had things in their contract changed. I believe they still have a better contract than US pilots. I'm sure Overspin will come and claim that the total for concessions did not change, but the fact is the numbers that make up the total can be changed because its all BS anyway, the company put understated values on some things and overstated values on others and simply makes the figure come out to what they want it to be for the press release.
Here's another kicker, we have already gone from 12500 to around 9300 for our contract group (Title I and II) . The company has started outsourcing the 767 and they are getting rid of MD-80s. and word is will reduce headcount in Tulsa by around 400 guys a year right up until the end of the contract. So by 2018 Tulsa most likely will only have around 1700 people left, 650 of them very low paid OSMs that earn less than TIMCO wages, that's less than the number of mechanics AA will employ in the Dallas Fort Worth area. So we will have at best less than 6000 mechanics by the time this contract becomes amendable. We will have less than 10 mechanics per airplane, count only A&P mechanics at A&P rates of pay and it drops to around 7. by the time this contract becomes amendable at best we will only have around 4200 A&Ps. WE DID NOT CAPTURE THE VALUE OF THESE JOB LOSSES JUST LIKE IN 2003 WHICH BROUGHT US FROM 18000 to 12500, THE COMPANY GOT ALL THe EXTRA HEADS FOR FREE. On top of that Don Videtich and his appointed posse went around promoting JLT and PLI, programs designed to maximize productivity with no return for our members, in fact it allowed the company to insource more work while still eliminating heads faster than the rate of fleet reduction. This was outside of the contract, but Don made sure to include language in this deal that made participation in these zero gain programs part of the contract. Between JLT and PLI we saved the company over $500 million and got NOTHING for it.
If the goal was 20% savings and we are losing 50% of the heads then we had roughly 30% left over for raises, the restoration of Vacation, sick time, Holidays, Shift differentials etc. Ok I'm sure that Overspin will cite the fact that the savings wont actually materialize until 2018, so the actual savings would be less, but the fact is that's more due to the fact that AA doesn't have anyplace to send the MD-80s, than the language. If we give them the language for the savings and they are unable through no fault of ours to capitalize on it should we lose the value? Should we give guaranteed savings even though we have no control? Just like in 2003, we gave much more than the company was asking for, we got credit for 20% but in the end gave 50%. In 2003 we got credit for $320 million and gave several times that figure.
That headcount ratio per airplane is with multiple fleet types (including widebodies) and ETOPs operations, which as Overspin has admitted generates more headcount than say a Southwest Operation, which also generates lower RPMs per aircraft. So our numbers as far as productivity will be around the same as SWA but our pay will be much, much less, we will get a much, much smaller 401K match, we will have much, much less vacation, continue to work Holidays for no extra pay, or half pay extra at best, less sick time, less IOD time, no allowances for tools etc, no retiree medical, very expensive current medical, etc etc.
The fact is that Don Videtich along with the other people Jim Little hired, Sharon Levine, Mark Richard and even Tom Roth, crafted this horrible, horrible deal, and through fear and lies they managed to get most of the Title II guys, Tulsa and STL to support this deal and get it past the committee, every A&P on the committee except Charlie Meyers of STL voted against it, and then they worked with anti-labor forces in Tulsa to scare the Tulsa membership over the cliff. It is only now they realize what they did.