Oregon Shooting

KCFlyer said:
Last I heard, state law trumps school rule.  They may well be a gun free campus.  Could you tell me how they got around the Oregon law that specifically stated that this did not apply to someone holding a concealed carry permit?  Read with your own eyes.
here's one from the left
here's one from the right
OAR 580-022-0045(3) 
March 9, 2012
"The Oregon State Board of Higher Education recently approved a new policy about firearms on the seven public university campuses, including the University of Oregon.
The policy, which became effective on March 2, 2012, prohibits the possession of firearms on university-owned or –controlled property by students; employees; contractors and vendors (and their employees and agents); any person attending a ticketed event; and any person leasing, renting or reserving university-owned or –controlled property. This prohibition applies to all individuals, including those with a concealed handgun license.
The policy also prohibits the possession of firearms by all persons, including those with a concealed handgun license, in any building or work place owned or controlled by the university, including but not limited to academic buildings, the Erb Memorial Union, and athletics and performing arts venues."
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Ms Tree said:
I'm not talking about house invasions and such.  I'm talking about a crowded environment where people are running around and in a panic.  If you have examples similar to this by all means share.  I am sure there are at least a few out there but I cursory search did not find any.  Perhaps you will have better luck.  Given the "hundreds more examples" you should have no problem finding a few.
Read it and weep.

KCFlyer said:
I had thought better and delted my post.  The bodies of the victims are barely cold.  Can we at least wait until after their funerals to defend or blame guns.
For Christ's sake, KC. President Obummer releases his statement about guns before the coroner has removed all the dead bodies, and yet you fail to criticize him or any other anti-gun liberal politician flapping their gums about the gun scourge.  
KCFlyer said:
But in less than 4 pages - Chris Harper is being talked about.  Just like he wanted.  Whether he was black or white or both or conservative or liberal or christian or muslim....he's getting talked about.   And he'll be talked about on the mainstream media, in the conservative media, on pro gun site, on anti gun site, on you tube.  He'll be talked about for a couple of weeks - then forgotten.   But in those couple of weeks, some other crazed loner will see that he too can get the attention he could never get in life by just shooting up a school.   And from what he's learned, he might be able to boost his "fame" by shooting up a kindergarten at a Christian school.    Chris Harper got exactly what he wanted.  And he thanks you.
No, not just "thanks to" Pete, but thanks to everyone in the country, because everyone is talking about him. I'm wary of those who actually think that not talking about it will reduce the number of tragic incidents like these. I'm sure the sheriff is a good guy but he needs to get over himself - not speaking the killer's name won't change anything.

Want to reduce the frequency of tragedies like this mass murder incident? Intervene, treat and maybe confine those who are mentally unstable and whose past behaviour offers some insight to their future conduct. Most of these cases (not all, but most) involve individuals whose mental troubles aren't a complete secret. If we want to be safer, we need to change our mindset and lock up those who would murder multiple people in senseless killings like we experienced on Thursday (and dozens of other times in the past few years).
Ms Tree said:
I'm not talking about house invasions and such.  I'm talking about a crowded environment where people are running around and in a panic.  If you have examples similar to this by all means share.  I am sure there are at least a few out there but I cursory search did not find any.  Perhaps you will have better luck.  Given the "hundreds more examples" you should have no problem finding a few.
TownPete (thanks Pete) answered your question before I had the chance Professor Tree, more than a few insane public shooters stopped as you requested. I was speaking about the general thwarting of gun crime, but you have your answer none the less.
Question for you Professor Tree; Would you surmise that possibly, if the Army hero Chris Mintz that spent 10 years of service to his country and was shot 7 times rushing the coward shooter, be trusted to carry a firearm that could have maybe stopped the cowardly murders in Oregon?  The only way the coward was stopped was a trained cop with a gun, after 20-30 minutes of waiting for cops on scene. Is that possible with your "Gun Free Zone" thought process? Just curious.
God bless Chris Mintz and those killed and wounded by another insane coward with a gun, may he rot in hell.
FWAAA said:
For Christ's sake, KC. President Obummer releases his statement about guns before the coroner has removed all the dead bodies, and yet you fail to criticize him or any other anti-gun liberal politician flapping their gums about the gun scourge.  

No, not just "thanks to" Pete, but thanks to everyone in the country, because everyone is talking about him. I'm wary of those who actually think that not talking about it will reduce the number of tragic incidents like these. I'm sure the sheriff is a good guy but he needs to get over himself - not speaking the killer's name won't change anything.

Want to reduce the frequency of tragedies like this mass murder incident? Intervene, treat and maybe confine those who are mentally unstable and whose past behaviour offers some insight to their future conduct. Most of these cases (not all, but most) involve individuals whose mental troubles aren't a complete secret. If we want to be safer, we need to change our mindset and lock up those who would murder multiple people in senseless killings like we experienced on Thursday (and dozens of other times in the past few years).
13 people dead and 10 pages of "guns are good"...not a word on how to prevent legal guns from being used to kill innocents...other than "arm everybody"...or just simply take down the "gun free zone" signs.  Then people won't know where to go since everybody might have a gun and nobody has any signs telling them they can't carry a gun there.    And I find it amazing that for all the "tyranny" I read about - a school can make a rule that supercedes state law, and it can be argued, federal law...and THAT is the problem.  
And yes....lock up the mentally ill.  IT will cost tax money, since if you make locking up a loved one too expensive, people won't send them to a private facility.  But what about even a silly law....you know....like the school rules that say "you can't bring a gun here"....that says "mentally ill people can't own a gun...and we are going to conduct a background search to determine if you can be considered mentally ill before we sell you a gun".  THAT is apparently an infringement on the rights of "law abiding citizens" who want to purchase guns and may have suffered a bout of depression after a divorce.    Bear in mind...these nut cases were all "law abiding citizens", right up to the point where they pulled a trigger in a school or movie theater. 
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KCFlyer said:
13 people dead and 10 pages of "guns are good"...not a word on how to prevent legal guns from being used to kill innocents...other than "arm everybody"...or just simply take down the "gun free zone" signs.  Then people won't know where to go since everybody might have a gun and nobody has any signs telling them they can't carry a gun there.    And I find it amazing that for all the "tyranny" I read about - a school can make a rule that supercedes state law, and it can be argued, federal law...and THAT is the problem.  
And yes....lock up the mentally ill.  IT will cost tax money, since if you make locking up a loved one too expensive, people won't send them to a private facility.  But what about even a silly law....you know....like the school rules that say "you can't bring a gun here"....that says "mentally ill people can't own a gun...and we are going to conduct a background search to determine if you can be considered mentally ill before we sell you a gun".  THAT is apparently an infringement on the rights of "law abiding citizens" who want to purchase guns and may have suffered a bout of depression after a divorce.    Bear in mind...these nut cases were all "law abiding citizens", right up to the point where they pulled a trigger in a school or movie theater.
Even the NRA supports gun restrictions for mentally ill people. Colorado shooter was a known mentally ill person but school psychologist failed to warn people. This Oregon shooter had no history on the books that would have prevented him from passing a federal backround check.

In the past when these types of laws have also been thwarted by the liberal leaning ACLU as well.

What law can be passed to identify the evil in ones heart? Since when does evil abide by the law?

It's not a easy solution that can be addressed by more laws.
KCFlyer said:
13 people dead and 10 pages of "guns are good"...not a word on how to prevent legal guns from being used to kill innocents...other than "arm everybody"...or just simply take down the "gun free zone" signs.  Then people won't know where to go since everybody might have a gun and nobody has any signs telling them they can't carry a gun there.    And I find it amazing that for all the "tyranny" I read about - a school can make a rule that supercedes state law, and it can be argued, federal law...and THAT is the problem.  
And yes....lock up the mentally ill.  IT will cost tax money, since if you make locking up a loved one too expensive, people won't send them to a private facility.  But what about even a silly law....you know....like the school rules that say "you can't bring a gun here"....that says "mentally ill people can't own a gun...and we are going to conduct a background search to determine if you can be considered mentally ill before we sell you a gun".  THAT is apparently an infringement on the rights of "law abiding citizens" who want to purchase guns and may have suffered a bout of depression after a divorce.    Bear in mind...these nut cases were all "law abiding citizens", right up to the point where they pulled a trigger in a school or movie theater. 
You want to lock up the mentally ill? They used to do that but your liberal ACLU let the dogs out.
Obama VA has tried using the PTSD/depression diagnosis for confiscating guns from veterans, which shows me their cards.
They want guns out of citizens hands because they fear the populace not because of these type shootings. If they were really concerned.......notice about the only time there is a MSM/liberal/government response to these types incidents is when its primarily whites as victims? Where is Obama and the MSM decrying the daily slaughter of blacks in most of these liberal gun control cities (which sure does work)? Every month more blacks are murdered consistently than any of these incidents. What gives here? Why isn't MSM giving it any coverage like they do for this.
Its an agenda to disarm the law abiding and nothing else or, like I said, they'd be crowing over Chicago type gun deaths.
I know you don't like it one bit but the fact is you are own your own in any violent action and have the personal responsibility for defending or sacrificing yourself in that moment. Police cannot be everywhere. The armed and trained citizen is your first line of defense unless you're happy to die.
What law can be passed to identify the evil in ones heart? Since when does evil abide by the law?

It's not a easy solution that can be addressed by more laws.
outstandingly accurate.
delldude said:
Where is Obama and the MSM decrying the daily slaughter of blacks in most of these liberal gun control cities (which sure does work)? Every month more blacks are murdered consistently than any of these incidents. What gives here? Why isn't MSM giving it any coverage like they do for this.
Its an agenda to disarm the law abiding and nothing else or, like I said, they'd be crowing over Chicago type gun deaths.
He talked about this just yesterday. Of course, you weren't paying attention because it doesn't fit the confirmation biased sources you are hearing.

From his press conference yesterday at Arne Duncan's send off the President said this:

"Which isn't to say stopping all violence we're not going to stop all violence. Violence exists all around the world, sadly. Part of original sin, but, our homicide rates are just a lot higher than other places, that by the way have the same levels of violence.

It's just, you can't kill as many people when you don't have easy access to these kinds of weapons.

And I'm, deeply saddened about what happened yesterday, but Arne's going back to Chicago. Let's not forget, this is happening every single day in forgotten neighborhoods around the country. Every single day.

Kids are just running for their lives trying to get to school.

Broderick when we were down in New Orleans, sitting down with a group of young men, when we were talking about Katrina and I've got two young men next to me, both of them had been shot multiple times. They were barely 20.

So we've got to make a decision, if we think that's normal, then we have to own it. I don't think it's normal. I think it's abnormal. I think we should change it, but I can't do that on my own.

So the main thing I'm going to do, John, is talk about it, and hope that over time I'm changing enough minds along with other leaders around the country that we start finally seeing some action. I don't think it's going to happen overnight."
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700UW said:
Colorado shooter did most of his shooting with a shotgun.

Oregon shooter had one assault rifle and 6 handguns.

Please tell us how a ban on assault rifles would have stopped any of this.
Glenn Quagmire said:
He talked about this just yesterday. Of course, you weren't paying attention because it doesn't fit the confirmation biased sources you are hearing.

From his press conference yesterday at Arne Duncan's send off the President said this:

"Which isn't to say stopping all violence we're not going to stop all violence. Violence exists all around the world, sadly. Part of original sin, but, our homicide rates are just a lot higher than other places, that by the way have the same levels of violence.

It's just, you can't kill as many people when you don't have easy access to these kinds of weapons.

And I'm, deeply saddened about what happened yesterday, but Arne's going back to Chicago. Let's not forget, this is happening every single day in forgotten neighborhoods around the country. Every single day.

Kids are just running for their lives trying to get to school.

Broderick when we were down in New Orleans, sitting down with a group of young men, when we were talking about Katrina — and I've got two young men next to me, both of them had been shot multiple times. They were barely 20.

So we've got to make a decision, if we think that's normal, then we have to own it. I don't think it's normal. I think it's abnormal. I think we should change it, but I can't do that on my own.

So the main thing I'm going to do, John, is talk about it, and hope that over time I'm changing enough minds along with other leaders around the country that we start finally seeing some action. I don't think it's going to happen overnight."

Obama did two firsts in his presidency this week, first, he tripped over hisself getting the flag at half mast instead of being ridiculed for weeks when the police were killed and second, finally made mention of inner city gun deaths.....which in itself is an admission of failed liberal gun laws.
The day before he lied by saying the states with the least amount of gun related crime were those with the 'toughest' gun laws'....now he changes his tune?
Question is, Obama, MSM and liberals never make as much tadoo out of inner city gun deaths as they do mass shootings when , in fact more die in the ghetto......why is that Mr Quagmire?