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SAndy Hook Latest

Yes...but it takes baby steps...get them to admit it's old first...then we work on telling them it's wrong. Conservatives are simple people and cannot process more that one thing at a time.

But they know more about the 2nd amendment, firearms and revere the Constitution for its value as the basis of our Democracy than any liberal ever will.
Yeah...and I have read on other forums that AR15's are just as docile as labrador retrievers.

That's just a complete LIE! I've never been almost knocked down when coming home by any AR in the house. Those "docile" labs on the other hand, know NO restraint at times!
If you don't believe in MSM, stop citing them when they say something you agree with.
Many LEO's looking tyranny dead in the eye.

Number Of Nation's Sheriffs Refusing To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws Snowballs

From Florida to California, a growing number of the nation's sheriffs are standing up to gun control measures proposed by both the administration and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
Many law enforcement officials have written letters to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden voicing their concerns over what they believe is an effort to infringe upon the Second Amendment.
My God man......such a souless heathen.

I suppose it means he'd go easier on criminals who shoot abortion providers in the face. Other than that, I'm not sure how a sheriff's stance on abortion impacts anything.
I suppose it means he'd go easier on criminals who shoot abortion providers in the face. Other than that, I'm not sure how a sheriff's stance on abortion impacts anything.

KC, you thought it prudent enough to throw it out there.
Common SENSE. (Absent a time or two here on our beloved 'cooler)
Common Sense GUN issues. For Example;
1. Scalia proclaimed that assault weapons are NOT protected by the 2nd ammd. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Not every TOM-DICK and HARRY can go and buy a F-15 jet FULLY LOADED !

3. NO ONE is coming to take away pistols with 7 shot clips from gun owners.

4. NO ONE is coming to take away 30-30's used for hunting etc.

5. Need a firearm for protection for your family. Get a DOUBLE Barrel SHOTGUN. (You never have to AIM it, but Never miss) !
1) So which weapons ARE protected?
2) Can they own a bazooka or rocket launcher?
3) You failed to emphasize if this includes the criminal gun owner.
4)Ask Peta!
5) I think everyone should own one assault rifle, one 20 guage and one pistol, per person, per household including newborns and dead cadavers lying around!

The real key is the ammo 😉
Why is it that after a masscre like this, the old line "guns don't kill, people do" is marched out....followed by "guns would have offered protection if teachers were allowed to carry them."