So how exactly do we stop Muslims from entering the country?
Looking at them?
Asking them?
Some sort of Secret Muslim Detector Ring?
Does that include American Citizens? (He said all...)
Members of the American Armed Forces serving overseas? (He said all...)
Does that prevent another San Bernadino, or Ft. Hood, or any future attack by Muslims or any other person who is already here?
Is this banning people based on religion consistent with our founding principles?
Since some of y'all believe that this is a Christian Nation, and Christian literally means followers of Christ, is this what Jesus says one should do?
Looking at them?
Asking them?
Some sort of Secret Muslim Detector Ring?
Does that include American Citizens? (He said all...)
Members of the American Armed Forces serving overseas? (He said all...)
Does that prevent another San Bernadino, or Ft. Hood, or any future attack by Muslims or any other person who is already here?
Is this banning people based on religion consistent with our founding principles?
Since some of y'all believe that this is a Christian Nation, and Christian literally means followers of Christ, is this what Jesus says one should do?