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Yeah...our local sheriff is one of those political hacks. Ran last November and made it clear that he opposed abortion.
How dare someone voice their opinion ! Or is it just that it doesn't agree with yours?
Why is it that after a masscre like this, the old line "guns don't kill, people do" is marched out....followed by "guns would have offered protection if teachers were allowed to carry them."
Why is it Barrack whores children around him, to advance his anti-gun agenda ?
Common SENSE. (Absent a time or two here on our beloved 'cooler)
Common Sense GUN issues. For Example;
1. Scalia proclaimed that assault weapons are NOT protected by the 2nd ammd. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Not every TOM-DICK and HARRY can go and buy a F-15 jet FULLY LOADED !

3. NO ONE is coming to take away pistols with 7 shot clips from gun owners.

4. NO ONE is coming to take away 30-30's used for hunting etc.

5. Need a firearm for protection for your family. Get a DOUBLE Barrel SHOTGUN. (You never have to AIM it, but Never miss) !

You and Biden have the same mother ?
Just don't have to reload your double barrel, especially if the perp is carrying a semi-automatic !
Why is it that after a masscre like this, the old line "guns don't kill, people do" is marched out....followed by "guns would have offered protection if teachers were allowed to carry them."

Because after massacres like that is the only time to use those terms.
Look at the bright side, massacres like that have been on the decline now for a decade or more.
Facts are, Drones fly & children die, courtesy of Barack Obama and our interventionist policies. Just curious, Is a Pakistani child only 3/5ths of a Child compared to the ones in Whitelandia, er Sandy Hook?

Dead kids are dead kids and those killed by the actions of Barack Obama are far more numerous then those in Whitelandia. Government sanctioned murder is an afront to every principle this nation was founded on. The unfortunate incident in rich, white, suburban CT was caused by the actions of one person who was at best a victim of bad parenting and possibly mentally ill as well.

The actions in the Middle East are sanctioned by government. A government that sees nothing wrong with ordering the murder of US Citizens without due process is far more frightening and a perfectly valid reason for the citizens to arm themselves to the teeth. Remember, the Afghan resistance gave the USSR fits with single shot WWI vintage weapons. As citizens of the Republic we need the same or better capability.
And someone said you couldn't shoot someone in the kneecap !
Drones were used in the Sandy Hook massacre? That is the "Sandy Hook latest"

I believe the police are keeping it out of the media, but I heard that drones were found in the back seat of the shooters car...AND it had a "best wishes" card from Obama on it.