Oregon Shooting

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  • #76
Ms Tree said:
You expect someone with little or no training in the use of gun, much less any practical use, to be able to pick out a suspect in a mass of panicking people and shoot that individual without any collateral damage?   
We already have an example of where that did not work out to well.

1 example out of what? 184846293738496847 that didn't happen.

You have a stereotype in your head that doesn't match up with reality.
WorldTraveler said:
Sure he is a hero but that part is obvious.

The harder part - and why it is being discussed is why this happened, why the shooter was motivated to do what he did, and why the checks and balances that were supposed to stop it (such as that it was supposedly a gun free zone) didn't work.

THAT is why the shooter is getting the media attention and will until we figure out how to stop this kind of stuff.

and those who argue for gun control in the US at this point fail to admit that doing that would only allow criminals and the police to have guns and not common citizens. that is why gun control won't go anywhere in the US at this point.
There is very little meaningful gun control in the US.  I can walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun.  No background check so long as I purchase the gun from someone who does not rely on gun sales as their principal source of income.  I can go to a person's house and buy a gun.  No questions asked.  
Gun control in the US is a joke.  At this point in the game I think it's a lost cause.  Gun violence is a part of the US culture.  I do not see anything changing that.  
WorldTraveler said:
The hero that was mentioned was ex-military, wasn't he?

if so not untrained at all.
He is not the one I am worried about.  It's all the other folks who want to pretend they are Rambo like the idiot in Houston who shot the Carjacking victim in the head.  Look around at the people you pass by on a regular basis.  Do you really think a majority of them are capable of preventing a crime without shooting their own dick off?  
My wife's step mother is over 70.  Has the common sense of a pebble and she packs a concealed handgun.  She cannot back out of the driveway without hitting something.
I've been looking for examples where there was a gunman in a crowded environment and a bystander took action.  The only one I can find is the Houston example.  I cannot recall hearing of any.
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Ms Tree said:
He is not the one I am worried about.  It's all the other folks who want to pretend they are Rambo like the idiot in Houston who shot the Carjacking victim in the head.  Look around at the people you pass by on a regular basis.  Do you really think a majority of them are capable of preventing a crime without shooting their own dick off?  
My wife's step mother is over 70.  Has the common sense of a pebble and she packs a concealed handgun.  She cannot back out of the driveway without hitting something.
I've been looking for examples where there was a gunman in a crowded environment and a bystander took action.  The only one I can find is the Houston example.  I cannot recall hearing of any.
Look harder, there's plenty of examples.
townpete said:
Agreed, very brave and selfless act of courage.
Kev3188 said:

...nice to see we all have a shred of shared common ground every once in awhile...
townpete said:
Pres Obama would like teachers to be more vigilant on guns, but look the other way on briefcase clock/bombs.[/size]
That was a great :16 minutes. Maybe we can beat that next time...
Ms Tree said:
You expect someone with little or no training in the use of gun, much less any practical use, to be able to pick out a suspect in a mass of panicking people and shoot that individual without any collateral damage?   
We already have an example of where that did not work out to well.
So your saying, since you say you own weapons, that if you happened to be carrying that some lunatic could walk into a public place, start shooting and you would just wait your turn?
southwind said:
So your saying, since you say you own weapons, that if you happened to be carrying that some lunatic could walk into a public place, start shooting and you would just wait your turn?
No.  What I am saying is that I think it is unlikely that an average citizen would be able to target the shooter and take action without harming a bystander as happened in Houston.  
WorldTraveler said:
Sure he is a hero but that part is obvious.

The harder part - and why it is being discussed is why this happened, why the shooter was motivated to do what he did, and why the checks and balances that were supposed to stop it (such as that it was supposedly a gun free zone) didn't work.

THAT is why the shooter is getting the media attention and will until we figure out how to stop this kind of stuff.

and those who argue for gun control in the US at this point fail to admit that doing that would only allow criminals and the police to have guns and not common citizens. that is why gun control won't go anywhere in the US at this point.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"
There it is. Gun control works for law abiding citizens. Maybe its time more citizens were trained and carry.......Police response times of 20-30 minutes are not uncommon.
You are on your own until they arrive.
Ms Tree said:
You expect someone with little or no training in the use of gun, much less any practical use, to be able to pick out a suspect in a mass of panicking people and shoot that individual without any collateral damage?   
We already have an example of where that did not work out to well.
Trained Police aren't an exception.
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  • #84
Ms Tree said:
There is very little meaningful gun control in the US.  I can walk into a gun show and walk out with a gun.  No background check so long as I purchase the gun from someone who does not rely on gun sales as their principal source of income.  I can go to a person's house and buy a gun.  No questions asked.  
Gun control in the US is a joke.  At this point in the game I think it's a lost cause.  Gun violence is a part of the US culture.  I do not see anything changing that.  
You may want to sit down. Your premise has been blown to bits.
Shooter Purchased All Guns Legally 
From a gun store, with a federal background check.
All questioned required under federal law were asked.
Your move.
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  • #85
Ms Tree said:
I've been looking for examples where there was a gunman in a crowded environment and a bystander took action.  The only one I can find is the Houston example.  I cannot recall hearing of any.
Since you have no interest then to further your misguided agenda, here's one to counter your hysterics over the Houston accident.

An Uber driver put his concealed carry permit to use Friday night when he pulled a gun and opened fire on a man he saw firing a pistol into a group of people on a Logan Square sidewalk, according to prosecutors.

Six blasts from his gun injured a 22-year-old man identified as Everardo Custodio.


Again, your move.
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southwind said:
Just heard the shooting took place in a "GUN FREE ZONE" and the lone security guard was armed with a can of mace. Some people call this scenario, open season.

So to all you anti- GUN freaks out there, just how do you keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have access to them and let the American citizen retain their right to own a gun without trampling those rights?

Again "GUN FREE ZONES" don't seem to be working and I would start there!
Yep... a gun free zone.  Now...let's take a look at Oregon law on concealed carry...shall we?
Places off-limits when carrying:
It is unlawful to possess a firearm loaded or unloaded in a public building. “Public building” means a hospital, capitol building, a public or private school, college or university, a courthouse, city hall, or residence of any state official and the grounds adjacent to each such building. This restriction does not apply to individuals licensed under Oregon law to carry concealed weapons.
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townpete said:
Not according to the University president. Listen to her own words: GUN FREE CAMPUS

Hear the community college president say "We are a gun-free campus." Hear with your own ears.

Last I heard, state law trumps school rule.  They may well be a gun free campus.  Could you tell me how they got around the Oregon law that specifically stated that this did not apply to someone holding a concealed carry permit?  Read with your own eyes.
here's one from the left
here's one from the right

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