Reed Richards said:[SIZE=10.5pt]Those donating trust Steve and Gary. It's not a worry for them. Some folks have no desire to be on the forefront of any type of politics. But they understand in situations like this they can step up and do the work and/or donate, without subjecting themselves to the likes of your "proof" requests here. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Concerned pilots supporting a cause they believe in with moneys. You would not understand, nor would we ever find you in an airport engaging pilots to discuss the issues and solicit a vote. Instead, you would be right here, night after night with the smiley faces. Good work, really good and productive work. Those giving and those receiving said funds owe you nothing. RR[/SIZE]
"[SIZE=10.5pt]You would not understand" Testable IQ determined a reasonable probability that you're the inferior here. Smartest cartoon character/superhero in the world not withstanding. 😉 Kindly expand your position on a more rational level.....? "[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Those donating trust Steve and Gary. It's not a worry for them." answers not-so-much as any single question, all of which should be easilly addressed by any legitimate enterprise. I'll necessarily, however tiresome it is, simply repeat: [/SIZE]Do they have names? It's been my experience that most people do. Are they just so bashful and unassuming as to seek no credit for their efforts? Seriously: Just WHO exactly, receives the funds donated?..And on what basis are such distributed?...And to whom?/What agencies?/etc?
"[SIZE=10.5pt]Those donating trust Steve and Gary. It's not a worry for them.:..? Fair enough, I suppose. "A fool and his money are soon parted.[/SIZE]" If your enterprise is legitimate, and, most certainly, since you're soliciting funding; nothing involved should be any "mystery". That's plain enough...isn't it? Tell ya' what: send me a proper prospective on who's involved, what's the intended agenda, the expected returns, and how funds will be spent, and I might then donate...? 😉