Though I wasn't involved in the letter sending part, that's my understanding also - 10 furloughed folks get a letter for each available recall slot, of 150 letters for this recall of 15. The betting is that it'll take going down the list a lot further than that to fill these slots, but as alqflyr said, "We'll see."
The committee chairman and I had a couple of discussions over beer at the hotel the two nights we were in PIT - one over some way to streamline the process of filling these slots and the other over the potential problem (real this time) of furloughed folks having only the E-190 F/O available to them (with the associated 18 month equipment freeze) while pilots junior to them that accepted recall earlier have other (better) positions potentially available.
On the first issue, we talked about some sort of email system where the furloughees could say in advance of the bid closing which positions they'd accept recall to, meaning they'd have to "phantom bid" in the blind so-to-speak (active pilots pretty much bid in the blind too - they don't know what they get till the results are posted).
For the second, I proposed just letting the furloughed pilots take part in the bid - just like the active pilots. That would solve the whole problem. I've got a feeling that this won't fly though - there was resistance to the idea and it would take some software changes as well as a work-around of furloughed folks not having access to put their bids in electronically.
Anyway, this was my last bid closing but hopefully a better system will get worked out.