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Nov/Dec 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Res Judicata said:
I was told the MOU said....
Perhaps it's past time "you'se" learned how to actually read then. Just a crazy notion here, but try READING and comprehending documents, without requiring too much hand-holding from others...if that's at all possible. Well...unless "you'se" are now suggesting wholesale west-group illiteracy, and proffering such as being a legal "defense"...? 😉
Res Judicata said:
I don't know what the hell is in the Water back East, but a more embarrassing ship of fools has never been observed.
"a more embarrassing ship of fools has never been observed."..? Seriously? You clearly give your group FAR too little credit for your much-deserved efforts then. 🙂 "You'se"...umm..."spartans" and "Lords and Ladies" have anything to offer in supportive argument that even comes close to THIS? 😉
Graceson said:
That affair was a foolish gamble absent of anything resembling leverage.

In fact it was an act of desperation after recognizing too late the consequences of previous trades where strength and leverage were exchanged for nothing more than hope and promises of good faith.

But the focus is on where the group is going, only looking back to prudently learn from mistakes, not be consumed and distracted by them.
Well put.
Ames said:
I have in my possession a letter signed by Doug Parker accepting the Nicolau list,.....
That might look cute on a wall display in your home. Consider having it framed. 😉
Piedmont1984 said:
It also doesn't hurt to attend ALL meetings with the company and AOL.
Low vis and indeed murky conditions exist within showing up for meeetings, with an as yet entirely unsupported, defacto bargaining-agent. Doing so could give some degree of credence to an improperly asserted interest, and I'm content with the decision to ignore them entirely, unless forced to do otherwise by improper, and definitely subject to appeal, court order. Since when is there established precedent for some runaway judge to, out of thin air, concoct an additional bargaining agent within a legally established one?
Ames said:
My guess the real reason you are leaving the board is that the writing is on the wall and you are about to face the Nicolau list put into effect.  You can't handle the reality.  It's the whole reason I have come back to this board..... to witness the east reaction/implosion.  Promises to provide all of the enjoyment we Westies have been waiting for.
Dang.  Busted!   I see the Ninth just dismissed the appeal (and thus affirmed) Judge Silver's original ruling NOT giving you the NIC. Really, you come at we with this....today?  RR
Keroseneuser said:
Snap, My quote function is still not working,  but you stated that the flying transferred east because of our lower pay scale.    It was your side that DEMANDED that we not be brought up to parity with the west  causing Parker to have that option.   At the time you figured it was a good way to put pressure on the east to accept the NIC and complete your land grab of our seats and attrition.   In hind sight that greedy play ended up biting you in the butt.  If we were all on the same paycale all these years you might still have Vegas as a base and who knows what else Parker would have put on the west.
I do not agree with the RICO crap and all that USAPA has done.   But I sat there and listened to a west "friend" who was hired in 2003 go on a long rant about how he "deserved' to be able to bid an east a/b Capt. slot since some bozo somewhere told him prior to the merger that he was going to be a Captain in 4 years.  At the time the junior capt on the east was something like a 1987 hire.   
That is nothing but pure greed and no amount of B/S that you can spew out will change that fact. 
I guess now is when you will post that same tired old garbage about how you saved usairways and if it had not been for your supreme personal sacrifice you would now be flying all our routes and airplanes anyway after buying up the pieces.    Go push your greed soaked filth on the AA guys,  as I am sure it will come to sooner or later when they tell you to go pound sand on your inevitable land grab try with them.
He shoots and misses. You are the greedy, integrity challenged group thinking that you can impose your will on a smaller group.

I've got news for you Homer, I'm in contact with the AA folks every day.

They know your type, the cheats who can't be trusted.
Reed Richards said:
Dang.  Busted!   I see the Ninth just dismissed the appeal (and thus affirmed) Judge Silver's original ruling NOT giving you the NIC. Really, you come at we with this....today?  RR
snapthis said:
I've got news for you Homer, I'm in contact with the AA folks every day.
Give 'em my best. The ones I know say "you'se" are completely full of BS with what you offer as their supposed group position.
Per your juvenile and tiresome rantings of how noble, virtuous and true a "knight" you are...? Seriously!? One must necessarily, simply laugh. It's much akin to your being a supposed "patriot", but one who, as if by "Larry Potta" magic, never so much as saw the need for even "serving" in the Cub Scouts for the Nation's interests. 🙂
"You'se" are nothing more than yet another little "spartan" joke, and I'll stick with "you'se" being a person I'd not trust with an unattended wallet.
snapthis said:
How does this relate to Judge Silver's other upcoming decision? Is it mutually exclusive, or will this have some bearing on the Addington DFR Case as well?
Reed Richards said:
Dang.  Busted!   I see the Ninth just dismissed the appeal (and thus affirmed) Judge Silver's original ruling NOT giving you the NIC. Really, you come at we with this....today?  RR
Indeed, and well RR..with all that's going on in these "interesting times"...it behooves us all to take pleasure in what laughs we can, and such folks are always a ready source of good chuckles. 😉
snapthis said:
 Another astonishingly erudite response. I'll properly file that away, right alongside of your "Yawn" and standard Waaah! 😉
USAPA, the soap opera..

We have resignations:

The following is USAPA’s Executive Vice-President Dave Ciabattoni’s resignation letter:

Dear BPR,

I hereby resign my position as Executive Vice President of USAPA effective immediately. I will simultaneously leave the Scope Monitoring Committee. Finally, at the end of the LOA 93 Grievance I shall resign from the System Board.

I must be blunt here: the mutation of USAPA from a democratic, line pilot oriented and controlled union into the current administration that is about enrichment and ease of life style for President Cleary and his supporters is nearly complete and in record time.

Had the Board been more assertive, as is your responsibility and Constitutional duty to enforce accountability, this might not have happened, but you were not and as a result, I have no desire to be associated with such an organization.

I fully expect that my complete resignation letter will be sent to the pilots when I make it available to USAPA. Nonetheless, the resignation letter will be made available to the pilot group through private email lists and hard copy postings in all the crew rooms to preclude USAPA censorship.

I chose to be part of a new Union that was founded on transparency, fiscal responsibility, and true representational leadership. Currently, I find none of that in the leadership of USAPA.

Good luck to you all and my sincere wish that USAPA rights itself and finds its way.

Dave Ciabattoni
USAPA the soap opera...

We have romance..

The Girlfriend

Lee Seham had an attorney working in his firm that had been doing legal work for USAPA. This female attorney started dating the USAPA VP – Randy Mowrey. One of his clients, an Officer of a labor union, was dating one of his staff members who was closely involved in legal work for the client – the labor union — a big problem!

(A new law firm for USAPA, O’Dwyer and Bernstien, have said it is not a problem…Even though they are lawyers and they are not directly involved, they do not know the entire history and they do not know all the details. It is a real problem for another firm to say there is no ethical problem when the principles of the firm involved say there is. We believe that it is not a call for outsiders to make.)

The Seham attorney who is romantically involved with USAPA VP Randy Mowrey has stopped working for Lee Seham. The details of her separation from the law firm Seham, Seham, Meltz, and Petersen are not known as they are covered under confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.

There are many rumors out on the line, and good information has been hard to come by. The situation brings up more questions than answers, but we have been able to learn several things.

At an earlier BPR meeting, Randy Mowrey read a statement that stated the ongoing relationship between USAPA and Lee Seham’s firm was dependent on how Lee Seham treated his former staff attorney, who is now romantically involved with USAPA VP Mowrey.
Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey were upset with Lee Seham when the BPR sought his legal advice over the alleged altercation between Randy Mowrey and Sec/Treas Rob Streble.
Mike Cleary did not consult with Lee Seham prior to filing the NY lawsuit against US Airways for status quo violations this past May 2011. Mike was not happy when Lee advised against the NY lawsuit and that it undercuts USAPA’s interests.
We also believe that Lee Seham advised USAPA the union was exposed to the preliminary injunction that was just decided by Judge Conrad in NC. We understand that Seham’s law firm was not consulted in the unsuccessful defense of this injunction action.
We can all read into what has happened.

The “romantic relationship” has become more important, than “keeping” one of the best Railway Labor Act attorneys in the country –an obvious conflict of interest! The ego of Mike Cleary and his controlling nature have both been threatened when Legal has advised against his legal strategy. We all know that Mike Cleary, and only Mike Cleary (in his own mind), knows best.

Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey know the pilots will not sit still and watch Lee Seham get fired over a girlfriend and legal advice that Mike doesn’t like. So they have to “cook up” a valid reason. And that is why we are hearing that Lee Seham was terminated for overbilling.

Compass correction
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