snapthis said:USAPA the soap opera...
We have romance..
The Girlfriend
It's past being even marginally pathetic that "you'se" have absolutely NOTHING to offer in response to to asked/unanswered questions. HOW in the name of God Allmighty, do "you'se" actually manage to keep people interested in foolishly sending in donations?
Permit me to refresh "you'se" memory: "Since supposedly "All parties expressed regret that USAPA had decided not to participate in the Protocol Agreement negotiation process (as required by the MOU),"....."but proceeded to engage in meaningful discussions without its participation.", Well then; why aren't the APA and the company just all over the idea of continuing "meaningful discussions" with the noble AOL? Why not just "spartan"-up and tell 'em all what's what and that AOL's really running the show? Are "you'se" just too busy yawning to attempt any actual thought about that?...Much less any coherent response?" 😉