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Nov/Dec 2013 Pilot Discussion

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snapthis said:
USAPA the soap opera...

We have romance..

The Girlfriend
It's past being even marginally pathetic that "you'se" have absolutely NOTHING to offer in response to to asked/unanswered questions. HOW in the name of God Allmighty, do "you'se" actually manage to keep people interested in foolishly sending in donations?
Permit me to refresh "you'se" memory: "Since supposedly "All parties expressed regret that USAPA had decided not to participate in the Protocol Agreement negotiation process (as required by the MOU),"....."but proceeded to engage in meaningful discussions without its participation.", Well then; why aren't the APA and the company just all over the idea of continuing "meaningful discussions" with the noble AOL?  Why not just "spartan"-up and tell 'em all what's what and that AOL's really running the show? Are "you'se" just too busy yawning to attempt any actual thought about that?...Much less any coherent response?" 😉
USAPA the soap opera..

We have violence:

There have been at least two recorded physical attacks in our Union, both directed at Secretary Treasurer Rob Streble. The first involved Mike Cleary. He placed his hands around Rob Streble’s neck in an argument over a billing for liquor on a credit card, which is against the USAPA Constitution. The second incident and more recent, involves Vice President Randy Mowrey pushing Rob Streble into a metal door frame over an argument regarding the ability of the Secretary Treasurer to call a meeting at the request of 1/3 of the Board of Pilot Representatives. This duty is clearly described and detailed in the Union Operating Manual. The most recent event was reported to the Charlotte Police. The BPR is aware of BOTH these allegations, as is USAPA outside legal counsel. Our current VP has a history of physical confrontation. He was tried but not convicted in FL of an incident involving the threat of violence. He was arrested for this event. They say where there is smoke there is fire, we don’t need the likes of Randy Mowery bringing his physical confrontational style into our own offices. Both Cleary and Mowrey need to resign for the good our Union.

Compass correction
snapthis said:
USAPA the soap opera...

We have romance..

We have a certain number of pilots living in the desert because if they lived somewhere with steady rain, the would drown.............
snapthis said:
We have violence:
No frets for "you'se" there snap. "You'se" widdle "spartan" wimps won't even accept a wagered challenge for some purely recreational flying....although I've no doubt you're personally, a grand "patriot", and would've personally proven as truly ferocious as a "spartan" in any of your Nation's battles. "You'se" just didn't feel the need...I understand. 🙂
Pi brat said:
We have a certain number of pilots living in the desert because if they lived somewhere with steady rain, they would drown.............
I don't doubt that. Some creatures are indeed, just too stupid to not know how/when to shut their mouths, when staring blankly upwards during a downpour. 🙂
snapthis said:
Not a union.
 Yet legally elected and fully recognized as such, whilst "you'se" mighty widdle "army" of supposed "spartans" and AOL are naught but laughable jokes.  Your response is duly noted as yet another, typical Waaah! Perhaps it's time for a mighty, "spartan" "Yawn" to follow? 😉
Keep the always dependable, west chuckles coming snap. 🙂 Meanwhile?...I'll make sure you've no unsupervised access to my wallet, the Family silverware, or any spare change I've left lying around.
PS: Does anyone have a suggestable protocol for preventing the intrusion of unwanted ferrets into one's land? 😉 I'd prefer something that doesn't needlessly harm them...?
USAPA, the soap opera...

We have mystery:

Police called?

Posted by TheEye at 1/26/2011 9:24 PM
Categories: uncategorized
TheEye has received reports that the police responded to a call for assistance at USAPA headquarters early this week. It appears the union is covering up the event as there have been no official statements explaining this unusual activity.

We are very concerned about this latest development in light of Captain Rich Peters widely distributed letter warning of high crime rates in locations under consideration for the new USAPA offices.

The membership has a right to know why the police were called. The members also have a right to know whether any arrests were made and the identity of such individuals.

Until the union issues a statement regarding this event, we strongly suggest extra care and vigilance be observed if you must visit the USAPA offices.

Mr. Theuer care to comment?


TheEye would like to reiterate that we’ve asked Mr. Theuer and the union for more information. Some reports have the victim filing a report with the local police and some indicate that the police were summoned. That is why the title of the post has a question mark.

What we can confirm is something happened and Mr. Cleary is engaged in a full blown coverup.

Didn’t the founders intend USAPA to be a more businesslike and professional union?
snapthis said:
We have mystery:
We do indeed, and I've long wondered about it. Explain how ANY supposed "adults", much less "professional pilots", could've EVER produced such gems as this? 😉 Go back to trying to pick pockets/loose change, excrete "you'se" slime onto others, or just steal purses snap. I must stick with my earlier here: "Some creatures are indeed, just too stupid to not know how/when to shut their mouths, when staring blankly upwards during a downpour."
Reed Richards said:

Methinks joevotesno@gmail.com is cowardly for not placing his name below his shamefully incorrect / misinformation / blame transfer etc etc etc political attempt letters at scaring the UN-Informed.

What you think ?

fatherabraham said:

Methinks joevotesno@gmail.com is cowardly for not placing his name below his shamefully incorrect / misinformation / blame transfer etc etc etc political attempt letters at scaring the UN-Informed.

What you think ?

 I don't care what you think.  And "Methinks" you cannot read.  The correct site, run by supporters, the one with picture of Steve and Gary on the the front page..is votenorecall.org. 
As many times as you want to misrepresent that fact I will be happy to correct you.  And, oh yeah, any "uninformed" pilot at this point deserves what he or she gets, especially one that come to this forum for "facts." 
How about some real dialog from you, instead of playground taunts?  Can you please rebut at least the logic in the recall of the Founder by selling him out to the West Class?  Can you please give me a rational argument for the return of the "roll call" vote, which by the way was NOT used in the BPR vote approving the MOU?   Maybe you can color your commentary with "shamefully incorrect / misinformation / blame transfer etc etc etc political attempt."  You probably won't, as your facts would of course just be ...."facts."
Reed Richards said:
.. run by supporters,..
 Do they have names? It's been my experience that most people do. Are they just so bashful and unassuming as to seek no credit for their efforts? Seriously: Just WHO exactly, receives the funds donated?..And on what basis are such distributed?...And to whom?/What agencies?/etc?
"You probably won't, as your facts would of course just be ...."facts."....? "How about some real dialog from you, instead of playground taunts?" I'd gently suggest that I've now offered you a full opening to pursue honest dialog at your convenience Brother.
EastUS1 said:
 Do they have names? Just WHO exactly, receives the funds donated?..And on what basis are such distributed?...And to whom?/What agencies?/etc?
"You probably won't, as your facts would of course just be ...."facts."....?
[SIZE=10.5pt]Those donating trust Steve and Gary. It's not a worry for them. Some folks have no desire to be on the forefront of any type of politics. But they understand in situations like this they can step up and do the work and/or donate, without subjecting themselves to the likes of your "proof" requests here. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Concerned pilots supporting a cause they believe in with moneys. You would not understand, nor would we ever find you in an airport engaging pilots to discuss the issues and solicit a vote. Instead, you would be right here, night after night with the smiley faces. Good work, really good and productive work. Those giving and those receiving said funds owe you nothing. RR[/SIZE]
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