[SIZE=14pt]Ballot Certification Committee Resigns[/SIZE]
To the USAPA Officers and BPR: 12/24/2013
It is with great regret that we tender our resignations from the Ballot Certification Committee immediately.
It has been a privilege serving the pilots of USAPA, and we thank them for trusting us with the oversight of this important committee. We recognize that our members have very diverse and passionate views. USAPA's elections and referendums are the vehicle by which the collective will of our pilots is truly and accurately expressed.
We have had many challenges to overcome, both internal and external, in order to maintain fair elections for our pilots. Since its inception, every election conducted by this committee has adhered to the highest ethical standards, and has met or exceeded every applicable statute outlined by the US Department of Labor. We have worked very closely with the Department of Labor and have received high accolades from them, as well as from our pilots. We are proud of the fact that the Department of Labor has upheld this committee's actions and decisions in every challenge which has arisen to date.
The time commitment involved in scheduling, conducting, and officiating elections is considerable. Every member of our committee is married with young children. Our families' support, encouragement, and willingness to sacrifice time together, is what has made it possible for us to serve our fellow pilots.
We've dealt with a lot of challenges over the years, but the dysfunction and dirty politics which now seem to permeate USAPA's governing body has reached a level that we have not witnessed before at USAPA. It is truly sad to see just how much we have returned to the practices of our former bargaining agent.
It has recently come to our attention that several current and former BPR members have begun a campaign to undermine our personal integrity, and the integrity of the Ballot Certification Committee. We can only speculate that the intent of this campaign is to influence the outcome of the current recall referendum. We willingly endured the sacrifices to our personal and family lives in order to contribute to an organization which promised a better way to do business. Quite frankly, with the current level of dysfunction in USAPA, we have neither the time nor the desire to deal with such distractions.
We currently find ourselves in the difficult position of having to administer a recall referendum without the guidance of the Constitution and Bylaws or the UOM. In cases such as these, we must defer to the governing body for guidance. Unfortunately, recent actions by members of the BPR in knowingly disseminating false information to our pilots make it clear that the governing body lacks the integrity our pilots deserve. We refuse to be a part of any of that, and so we feel duty-bound to resign from the Ballot Certification Committee.
We are by no means trying to interfere with the ongoing referendum by withdrawing our volunteer services. Thus, should the BPR and officers request, we will provide the association with technical assistance in order to finish the current referendum and PHX nominations.
Jay Morgan
Wes Yount
Andy Hunt