USAir has furloughees working overseas at places like Emirates and Cathay Pacific.
There are furloughees working for part-91 flight departments who may be gone weeks at a time.
There are furloughees working for Fractionals such as NetJets who may be on 7-14 day "tours".
It will take time to get even a registered letter to these people. And once they have it, they won't be able to make a decision instantaneously.
The fact is that, for many of us, it has been 5 years since the furlough. While we appreciate the opportunity to be recalled, we need some consideration in terms of time.
We need the time to discuss the decision with our families and determine what impact a recall might have. Heck, some of us don't even live in commutable cities, so a recall would mean moving, the wife finding a new job (that's right, most furloughees are two-income families for what should be obvious reasons), taking the kids out of school, etc.
Two-weeks notice to employers is often required in order to be paid for accrued vacation etc.
And -- listen up ALPA -- the furloughees should all be sent a copy of a current contract or a summary of pay, benefits, work-rules, retirement.
I wouldn't buy a car site-unseen, how can I be expected to make a life-changing decision without knowing what it's going to be like?
This is the time that the furlough administrator needs to really get on the ball and start doing some hard-core communication! That's what he's being paid for.
I agree that it would be nice to be able to place a standing bid, but without a little information I would frankly just be shooting in the dark.
DOH 1/99