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Notes from the AMFA 33 rally on 6-30

NO! No! NO! He wants to know what kind of SOLUTION AMFA could have done to prepare and what AMFA should have done.

I know what AMFA should have done...*chime*

Upon HEARING that they were training MX... they should of gone out and created a replacement AIRLINE. Then you would of had 52,000 or 42,000 or 33,000 workers we have left to happily work at the replacement AIRLINE.

Sorry Jenny but my original statement included a quote from CSAR GYRENE. See the first few lines are his...not mine. At the union meetings we were being told to pay down our debt, build up some savings to generally prepare for the strike. What we (AMFA members) should have done is take the first proof we had of hiring replacement workers, take it to a judge and get a restraining order put on the hiring of replacement SCABs. If no order came then we should have struck then. But its all spilt milk. Woulda, shoulda coulda. Now we are relegated to spreading the word through rallys and letters and word of mouth saying DON'T FLY nwa! :down:
Sorry Jenny but my original statement included a quote from CSAR GYRENE. See the first few lines are his...not mine. At the union meetings we were being told to pay down our debt, build up some savings to generally prepare for the strike. What we (AMFA members) should have done is take the first proof we had of hiring replacement workers, take it to a judge and get a restraining order put on the hiring of replacement SCABs. If no order came then we should have struck then. But its all spilt milk. Woulda, shoulda coulda. Now we are relegated to spreading the word through rallys and letters and word of mouth saying DON'T FLY nwa! :down:
🙁 This was a failure of our leadership. Where was seham when all this was going on? Why did we sit there and watch like deer in the headlights? Did they think nwa was playing? Iti s all to sad now. What a waste. Up until the last days there were still people thinking this would work out. Del is still in hiding.
🙁 This was a failure of our leadership. Where was seham when all this was going on? Why did we sit there and watch like deer in the headlights? Did they think nwa was playing? Iti s all to sad now. What a waste. Up until the last days there were still people thinking this would work out. Del is still in hiding.

Well no, it is failure in the system.

Who knew they were going to take the Draconian apporach to this? I think they had faith that NW wasn't going to do this and they did. What a nasty employer. Unions are here to provide a system of checks and balance like Necro said in another post. I am sure that NW saw this like some classic battle field where sometimes the opposing team loses because they were following the rules and guidelines as stated by law. Whaddaya expect from 2 history buffs, lawyers, pothead and a nasty former REPUBLICAN governor? :down: I wonder how many more crazy people are running the streets of Michigan thanks to him?

What we (AMFA members) should have done is take the first proof we had of hiring replacement workers, take it to a judge and get a restraining order put on the hiring of replacement SCABs.

hmm yeah, I know the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" thing but there's always tomorrow. And tomorrow is a new day.

I suggest some new snazzy (or sleazy) plan B. I think Safe truck is effective but what else can we do? Besides me running around in Bikini with "ask me about the hot button issues" and passing out flyers? I'm all for peaceful protesting but there has to be something else that can be done. Think outside the box. It's pathetic that NW spent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ dollars having armed guards all over the place looking over UNARMED STRIKERS.

Keep your chin up guys, I love all you NWA NON SCAB MX... :wub:
Well no, it is failure in the system...Who knew they were going to take the Draconian apporach to this?...I am sure that NW saw this like some classic battle field where sometimes the opposing team loses because they were following the rules and guidelines as stated by law.I suggest some new snazzy (or sleazy) plan B...I'm all for peaceful protesting but there has to be something else that can be done. Think outside the box. It's pathetic that NW spent $...dollars having armed guards all over the place looking over UNARMED STRIKERS.
You guys might be almost a year late and a few million dollars short but at least you guys are beginning to learn that AMFA screwed you guys by leading you into this strike ill-prepared. Just a hint here for you guys, No one ever won a war playing by the "rules". How the hell can you have set rules in a forever evolving game with the cards consistently being stacked to one side?

NWA saw that fighting a strike without changing their strategy to something a bit more than sitting around to see who gives first was paramount to winning this thing. AMFA on the other hand sits back and plays the "lets wait and see what happens" game. NWA has the foresight to see what is going to soon happen. AMFA sits in denial. NWA shifts into high gear and even warns AMFA of its intentions. AMFA sits in denial. NWA spends millions and dumps in a tremendous amount of resources. AMFA sits in denial. NWA shows its hand. AMFA sits in denial and calls "all in". Though at one time AMFA at least had the power of the "short stack" they failed to use it. Why? They wanted to play "by the rules" in a game they had no chance of winning. At this rate their only choice was to lose and semi-save face. Remember their motto, "No Concessions." That is a bold Motto when you don't have a plan or chance in hell to back it up.

Of all the AMFA Strikers I can think of only one that I have a bit of respect for. The rest of you are a bunch of laid back Sallie's or better yet, Sheep that were led to slaughter. As for the rest of you…well enjoy the grazing.
Remember their motto, "No Concessions." That is a bold Motto when you don't have a plan or chance in hell to back it up.
When the hell was AMFA's motto EVER"No Concessions"?

News flash SCAB, AMFA was willing to give concessions. Reasonable concessions. NWA's response "Ohhh, our hands are tied. Unless we get X number of dollars from you guys, we'll go out of business!" AMFA negotiators matched NWA's number NUMEROUS ways, even though they knew the membership wouldn't accept it, just to find out what NWA truly wanted.

Guess what? NWA's maintenance costs are up 31% over last year, and the maintenance is WORSE than before. Emergency landings, having to reduce schedules, accelerating DC-10 retirement (the strikers I've talked to simply can't understand why one of these suckers hasn't gone down, being the finicky maintenance pigs that they are), and parking planes EVERYWHERE. Saving money my ass. This was union busting plain and simple, and anyone that says it isn't is blind, deaf and dumb.

Oh, and they did have a plan, and they did have a chance in hell to win while playing by the rules. You've even admitted that they could've won. It's the weak-kneed sons of bitc*es that crossed their own picket line that ruined everything.

Of all the AMFA Strikers I can think of only one that I have a bit of respect for. The rest of you are a bunch of laid back Sallie's...
Gee, of all the SCABs I can't think of ANY that I have a bit of respect for.

Laid back Sallie's? Right, because 4400 people who collectively decide to take a stand and fight for the common good are "laid back".

The only laid back Sallie's I see are the approximately 880 SCABs, including the 200-300 who were too selfish and lazy to stick it out for a few months and win their strike, and decided to cross their own picket lines.

PTO, give the pants pack to your wife, put on your sun-dress, and go water the garden in front of your double-wide.
PTO, when will you EVER LEARN that NWA NEVER wanted to NEGOGIATE with
AMFA in GOOD FAITH? SCAB AIR had spent millions upon millions "training" you scabs to do a job that became the most shoddiest in SCAB AIR history. IT is because of lowly life filthy rotten scabs like you that has derailed the airline industry with the filithiest wages yet. AMFA would have accepted a pay cut but not the dracian furloughs that old stealin and conehead wanted
it was in an article a while back. I can believe it because of all the incidents that have occured and how even some FAA have questioned NWA's shoddy maintaince practices, which by therefore places passengers and flt crw and the plane all in danger
why do/did/still do have ARMED men looking over unarmed mechanics on stirke. Retarded. :down: And those guards aren't cheap either.
You guys might be almost a year late and a few million dollars short but at least you guys are beginning to learn that AMFA screwed you guys by leading you into this strike ill-prepared. Just a hint here for you guys, No one ever won a war playing by the "rules". How the hell can you have set rules in a forever evolving game with the cards consistently being stacked to one side?

NWA saw that fighting a strike without changing their strategy to something a bit more than sitting around to see who gives first was paramount to winning this thing. AMFA on the other hand sits back and plays the "lets wait and see what happens" game. NWA has the foresight to see what is going to soon happen. AMFA sits in denial. NWA shifts into high gear and even warns AMFA of its intentions. AMFA sits in denial. NWA spends millions and dumps in a tremendous amount of resources. AMFA sits in denial. NWA shows its hand. AMFA sits in denial and calls "all in". Though at one time AMFA at least had the power of the "short stack" they failed to use it. Why? They wanted to play "by the rules" in a game they had no chance of winning. At this rate their only choice was to lose and semi-save face. Remember their motto, "No Concessions." That is a bold Motto when you don't have a plan or chance in hell to back it up.

Of all the AMFA Strikers I can think of only one that I have a bit of respect for. The rest of you are a bunch of laid back Sallie's or better yet, Sheep that were led to slaughter. As for the rest of you…well enjoy the grazing.

Let me help this discussion by saying that NO ONE is looking for the respect of a SCAB. So you have a "bit" of respect for "one" srtiker...Well whoopdeedoo! Was this some SCAB that finally saw your side and crossed the picket line? You losers make me sick to my stomach.
The AMFA didn't sit still while nwa was stacking up the dirty tricks...We offered concession in accordance with the LAW. The AMFA didn't wildcat, we followed the procedure and the LAW to achieve our end. Just because our opponent didn't follow the LAW doesn't make nwa the winner in this. Thanks to you and your kind the battle lines have been drawn farther back that we wanted but the line is still there...As long as nwa is flying without an agreement with the AMFA I will continue to do all in my power to call attention to the battle. If my only weapon is speech then that is more than enough slay the dragon.
You SCABs will never know the meaning of brotherhood and honor...(Getting a little off topic here now)...If you were in a real battle you'd be standing by yourself...you in particular PTO would probably be one of the many running to hide.
The take home here is that I would rather be where I am now with pride AND honor intact than where you have been and are now...A dirty low-down SCAB, forever licking the boots of your master.
This is the quote from the article, and it is very misleading if not interpreted properly:

However, the cost of aircraft-maintenance materials and repairs increased by $45 million — or 31 percent — as Northwest shifted maintenance once done in-house to outside vendors

Yes, materials and repairs (vendor maintenance costs) increased 31 percent. This is obviously offset by a huge reduction in in-house mechanic wages, as the workforce was reduced from about 4000 mechanics to 900 mechanics. On the whole, the cost of maintenance (in-house and vendor combined) has obviously decreased YOY. We had this conversation concerning this misleading excerpt a few months back.
You guys might be almost a year late and a few million dollars short but at least you guys are beginning to learn that AMFA screwed you guys by leading you into this strike ill-prepared. Just a hint here for you guys, No one ever won a war playing by the "rules". How the hell can you have set rules in a forever evolving game with the cards consistently being stacked to one side?

NWA saw that fighting a strike without changing their strategy to something a bit more than sitting around to see who gives first was paramount to winning this thing. AMFA on the other hand sits back and plays the "lets wait and see what happens" game. NWA has the foresight to see what is going to soon happen. AMFA sits in denial. NWA shifts into high gear and even warns AMFA of its intentions. AMFA sits in denial. NWA spends millions and dumps in a tremendous amount of resources. AMFA sits in denial. NWA shows its hand. AMFA sits in denial and calls "all in". Though at one time AMFA at least had the power of the "short stack" they failed to use it. Why? They wanted to play "by the rules" in a game they had no chance of winning. At this rate their only choice was to lose and semi-save face. Remember their motto, "No Concessions." That is a bold Motto when you don't have a plan or chance in hell to back it up.

Of all the AMFA Strikers I can think of only one that I have a bit of respect for. The rest of you are a bunch of laid back Sallie's or better yet, Sheep that were led to slaughter. As for the rest of you…well enjoy the grazing.

HA HA HA! As if any of the strikers are worried about gaining respect from a SCAB. PUH-LEEZ!

Your true colors really show in the post above. You're the guy who in is own delusional state is smarter than everyone else. Fact of the matter is that intelligent, ethical and creative people don't have to cross a picket line. Think progressive, you will never be a team player so long as you are a self centered SCAB.

SCAB mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
This is the quote from the article, and it is very misleading if not interpreted properly:

However, the cost of aircraft-maintenance materials and repairs increased by $45 million — or 31 percent — as Northwest shifted maintenance once done in-house to outside vendors

Yes, materials and repairs (vendor maintenance costs) increased 31 percent. This is obviously offset by a huge reduction in in-house mechanic wages, as the workforce was reduced from about 4000 mechanics to 900 mechanics. On the whole, the cost of maintenance (in-house and vendor combined) has obviously decreased YOY. We had this conversation concerning this misleading excerpt a few months back.
Spin it however like beancounter, the facts remain regardless how you manipulate the abacus. yes we did have this conversation several months back, and your wrong now as you were then and history will prove it to be so!
gee finman, i wonder what the numbers are like now given that SCAB AIR has had weekly emergence landing and/or aborted take offs.
that must raise it higher than 31%. Face it finman, SCAB AIR has not had good maintaince since AMFA went on strike and as LOCAL said in the earlier post, HISTORY will REPEAT itself.