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Notes from the AMFA 33 rally on 6-30

Go read his autobiography, You would'nt make so much of a pimple on his arse SCAB. your a blood sucking leach, who takes the easy way out.
Since it has been a LOOONG time since I studied London, I went back and confirmed the fact that he was indeed a very radical socialist, including running several times for political office while head of the SOCIALIST party in his area. (San fransisco, I believe.)
While I enjoy him as a quite talented and prolific author, I would venture to say his socio-economic views were too much in line with the likes of Karl Marks for my tastes.
best wishes, CG
I didn't even ask you A question on "Laws of Land and Warfare".

If you read my analogy, I know it.

Again, as expected, the topic has been skirted.

So I guess in this analogy the Leader of the group is at fault because he should have known better that their captors were actually brutal and unfriendly.How is the leader going to fight back after he had followed the rules to a "T"? What is he going to do when he sees them grinding the machette?

To the captors, it seemed to be a good idea at that time to use educated POW's to build their bridge until they wanted to save their resources.

Never mind the other captives from other nations because due to their country of origin, they are on different level of diplomatic "friendliness" with the captors. (e.g. pilots... :unsure: )

Told the story in a more gentler terms for those who can't go to bed without perfectly pressing their uniform and hanging it on their closet door for the next day......
As a vet, You are very aware of articles III and IV of the code of conduct governing action while POW. They are very specific regarding your exact scenerio. The Code of Conduct is the "Bible" so to speak, of all actions of American POW's. (If ya have ever been to SERE school, ya know EXACTLY what I'm talking about)
CG, SCAB AIR had made it publicly known that they had scabs in hotels all expenses paid plus free transportation. To me, SCAB AIR had ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE as to why THEY COULDNT NEGOGIATE in GOOD FAITH. YET they continued to make sure the contract got worse and now they are doing the same to the F/As. When will it all ever stop with those A**holes? I hope that one day they face financial problems but of course that wont happen.
I thnk I'm starting to understand here. Where we differ is our definition of "good faith". From my understanding, both sdes were VERY clear as to what actions would take place should negotiations fail. Both sides carried those plans out to the letter. AMFA said "if you impose those terms, we strike!", and they did. No ambiquity there!
NWA said, " you strike, and we replace you!", and they did. No ambiquity or falsehood there, either. Now, if NWA had said from the start that there WERE no replacements, we WONT replace you, then turned around and did the opposite, I would agree with you and say that is NOT in good faith! To the best of MY knowledge, however, this was not the case. If there are any here who were ACTUALLY at the bargaining table, and not just repeating second or third hand heresay, please chime in- we all would welcome your firsthand knowledge.
For the record, my gut feeling is that NWA wanted AMFA AS THE BARGAINING AGENT gone. I dont feel however, that they really wanted to permenantly replace the rank and file.
I admit completely that NWA lost a HUGE amount of good A and P's because of this. Hell, the numbers alone speak for themselves. Lets take a conservative estimate, and say that 3500 mechs were lost, each averaging, say 15 years experience(Again, I feel these are CONSERVATIVE numbers) That means NWA lost FIFTY TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED YEARS experience! That number is ASTOUNDING! Culling the fat is one thing, but this is ridiculus! This is why I really believe NWA never intended things to go this far. IMO, they had planned to use the replacements to keep flying untill enough Amfa members would cross to "replace the replacements". I'm pretty sure this is what is actually happening, albiet at a slower pace than originally planned. I admit to this being purely conjecture, as I am not privy to the exact numbers.
Guys, If I could wave a magic wand and bring everybody back at 50 an hour, return all the overseas jobs, and NWA flies happily ever after, I would. Lets face it though...that aint gonna happen. It was never in the cards, and probably never will be. All i can do is my job to the best of my abilities, and hope somehow to make a difference to those around me.
Best wishes
THB-B-B! Give me a break already. When did CSARSCAB become interested in organized labor? Somebody smells like dead fish.

I suppose this will be good for another military parody from CSARSCAB.
As I have stated before, the unionist mindset was something I had very little expeience with, and quite frankly, left me somewhat befuddled. Your practices, customs, beliefs and rituals were as unknown to me as the rituals, customs and beliefs of, say Islam, or scientology. I do believe, however, that, having gained some insight into the mindset of those on the opposite side of this debate, I feel compelled to refrain from mocking them, just as I feel it is wrong to mock those who hold the Papacy to be infallable. While I disagree with the socio-economic ramifications of unions run amok, I support your RIGHT to unionize completely and unequivically. I also now have a better understanding of the passion with which you defend your institutions.
Passion for a cause run unchecked, however, can have disasterous consequences. If passion is the engine and driving force behind our actions, than reason and logic MUST be the rudder to steer us clear of the potential mine fields of unintended consequences our actions may otherwise precipitate.
At any rate, I do thank you all for the patience you have shown my ignorance. While I have indeed learned a considerable amount from you all, I freely admit that there is much yet to BE learned.
Best wishes
As I have stated before, the unionist mindset was something I had very little expeience with, and quite frankly, left me somewhat befuddled. Your practices, customs, beliefs and rituals were as unknown to me as the rituals, customs and beliefs of, say Islam, or scientology. I do believe, however, that, having gained some insight into the mindset of those on the opposite side of this debate, I feel compelled to refrain from mocking them, just as I feel it is wrong to mock those who hold the Papacy to be infallable. While I disagree with the socio-economic ramifications of unions run amok, I support your RIGHT to unionize completely and unequivically. I also now have a better understanding of the passion with which you defend your institutions.
Passion for a cause run unchecked, however, can have disasterous consequences. If passion is the engine and driving force behind our actions, than reason and logic MUST be the rudder to steer us clear of the potential mine fields of unintended consequences our actions may otherwise precipitate.
At any rate, I do thank you all for the patience you have shown my ignorance. While I have indeed learned a considerable amount from you all, I freely admit that there is much yet to BE learned.
Best wishes

Are you really so blinded by delusions of grandeur that you believe yourself of superior intelligence to the rest of us here? If you continue to compare unions to Islam you are bound to find someone who will bite. As for me, I just consider the source. SCABS stoop to anything for matters of self validation.

SCAB mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
Are you really so blinded by delusions of grandeur that you believe yourself of superior intelligence to the rest of us here? If you continue to compare unions to Islam you are bound to find someone who will bite. As for me, I just consider the source. SCABS stoop to anything for matters of self validation.

SCAB mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
Fair enough, but let me ask you this: Is a comparison between unionISM and Islam more, or less, accurate than a comparison between crossing a picket line and, say molesting a child, or murdering 3000 Americans?
that he was indeed a very radical socialist, including running several times for political office while head of the SOCIALIST party in his area. (San fransisco, I believe.)

So? What's wrong with socialism? It's one of the purest forms of democracy there is.

Guys, If I could wave a magic wand and bring everybody back at 50 an hour, return all the overseas jobs, and NWA flies happily ever after, I would.

Your actions say otherwise.

Lets face it though...that aint gonna happen. It was never in the cards, and probably never will be. All i can do is my job to the best of my abilities, and hope somehow to make a difference to those around me.
Best wishes

All you are "doing" is helping destroy the middle class in America. You can "verbal judo" it all you want, but at the end of the day it's just that simple.

SCAB mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.

Okay, that's just hilarious (and appropriate)! :lol:
Fair enough, but let me ask you this: Is a comparison between unionISM and Islam more, or less, accurate than a comparison between crossing a picket line and, say molesting a child, or murdering 3000 Americans?
how do you draw a comparison between these two, please enlighten those of us who are confused.

Is·lam (s-läm, z-, släm, z-)
1. A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God.

un·ion·ism (yny-nzm)
1. The principle or theory of forming a union.
unionism - the system or principles and theory of labor unions
labor movement, trade union movement, labor - an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action especially via labor unions.
Guys, If I could wave a magic wand and bring everybody back at 50 an hour, return all the overseas jobs, and NWA flies happily ever after, I would. Lets face it though...that aint gonna happen. It was never in the cards, and probably never will be. All i can do is my job to the best of my abilities, and hope somehow to make a difference to those around me.
Best wishes

The only reason you Scabbed was for the pay and benefits that Unions have fought for. Many years of sacrifice just to obtain a relatively decent wage. Your 'contract' with nwa is to work for less than the workers that sacrificed to get their pay to the level were it ‘was’ and now (by your own actions ie…Scab) you are lowering the bar. If ‘unions’ had not sacrificed to get the pay and benefits to that level, then you would not be here scabbing today.

On one hand you detest unions yet on the other hand you salivate over their pay and benefits.

For your edification (as it appears you need some):

The airline industry was ‘built’ on ex-military personnel (little else existed). The historical hiring came from the ex-military pool as we are converse in the language and ability to maintaining, fixing and flying these aluminum tubes.

On one hand you proclaim your devotion to your ex-military brothers yet on the other hand you work for less and take their jobs. :stupid:

Granted, in this industry downturn, you had no chance of ‘ever’ working for the money you are making today, and ‘no’ chance of working for an airline.

But you knew of all of this before becoming a scab so why all of the drama?


So? What's wrong with socialism? It's one of the purest forms of democracy there is.
Your actions say otherwise.
All you are "doing" is helping destroy the middle class in America. You can "verbal judo" it all you want, but at the end of the day it's just that simple.
Okay, that's just hilarious (and appropriate)! :lol:


You can "verbal judo" it all you want, but at the end of the day it's just that simple.

Very well stated!!!

Take Care,
"I disagree with the socio-economic ramifications of unions run amok"

Where has this occurred? and what about the socio-economic ramifications of the raping of the middle class that is transpiring across this country by corporate america.

You also don't seem to mind that you obtained your payscale and benefits off the back of a union negotiated contract. you begrudge the Idea of Unionism, yet chase the benefits they produce, your not only a low life SCAB but a vulture looking for an easy meal, that is akin to a predator mindset, except your eating your own!
Fair enough, but let me ask you this: Is a comparison between unionISM and Islam more, or less, accurate than a comparison between crossing a picket line and, say molesting a child, or murdering 3000 Americans?

Oh this is pretty ridiculous! Fact of the matter is that SCABS will make radical claims about the labor movement in an attempt to validate their acts of crossing a picket line. END OF STORY!

SCABS are vile, offensive and destructive to a modern society. Whether SCABS hurt more families than do sexual preditors is academic. Either of these critters would blend better in The Sudan than they do in the USA.

SCAB mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
As a vet, You are very aware of articles III and IV of the code of conduct governing action while POW. They are very specific regarding your exact scenerio. The Code of Conduct is the "Bible" so to speak, of all actions of American POW's. (If ya have ever been to SERE school, ya know EXACTLY what I'm talking about)
SERE school is about them throwing a cute bunny rabbit at you and telling you "See ya" after they drop you off in the middle of the forrest, throw you in a metal tin oven for 16 hrs and banging the daylights out of it with YOU in it, learning how to eat ants like crunchy snacks, ect. (BTW my MOS called for that training) So if your captors don't follow the "Code of conduct" then what? :unsure:

What did Jack say in "A Few Good Men"? you can't handle the truth
Fair enough, but let me ask you this: Is a comparison between unionISM and Islam more, or less, accurate than a comparison between crossing a picket line and, say molesting a child, or murdering 3000 Americans?
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAH! :shock: I was going to give you more credibility on intellegence until I saw that statement. That didn't make any sense however you sliced it.

Only that the similarity in the two is that they both belong to a collective group that has simmilar beliefs.

the similarities of molesting a child, murdering 3000 Americans and crossing the picket line is that IT IS UNETHICAL IMMORAL BEHAVIOR.

Try reading some Durkheim, that is more in your intelectual flava, I think.

SCAB mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
you mean like a pet rock? :unsure:
Try reading some Durkheim, that is more in your intelectual flava, I think.

Yea that might massage his brain cells a bit, but what he really needs is a good dose of WTFU! Try reading some of this,

Unequal Protection:
"The rise of corporate dominance
and theft of human rights" ~Thom Hartmann