CG, SCAB AIR had made it publicly known that they had scabs in hotels all expenses paid plus free transportation. To me, SCAB AIR had ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE as to why THEY COULDNT NEGOGIATE in GOOD FAITH. YET they continued to make sure the contract got worse and now they are doing the same to the F/As. When will it all ever stop with those A**holes? I hope that one day they face financial problems but of course that wont happen.
I thnk I'm starting to understand here. Where we differ is our definition of "good faith". From my understanding, both sdes were VERY clear as to what actions would take place should negotiations fail. Both sides carried those plans out to the letter. AMFA said "if you impose those terms, we strike!", and they did. No ambiquity there!
NWA said, " you strike, and we replace you!", and they did. No ambiquity or falsehood there, either. Now, if NWA had said from the start that there WERE no replacements, we WONT replace you, then turned around and did the opposite, I would agree with you and say that is NOT in good faith! To the best of MY knowledge, however, this was not the case. If there are any here who were ACTUALLY at the bargaining table, and not just repeating second or third hand heresay, please chime in- we all would welcome your firsthand knowledge.
For the record, my gut feeling is that NWA wanted AMFA AS THE BARGAINING AGENT gone. I dont feel however, that they really wanted to permenantly replace the rank and file.
I admit completely that NWA lost a HUGE amount of good A and P's because of this. Hell, the numbers alone speak for themselves. Lets take a conservative estimate, and say that 3500 mechs were lost, each averaging, say 15 years experience(Again, I feel these are CONSERVATIVE numbers) That means NWA lost FIFTY TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED YEARS experience! That number is ASTOUNDING! Culling the fat is one thing, but this is ridiculus! This is why I really believe NWA never intended things to go this far. IMO, they had planned to use the replacements to keep flying untill enough Amfa members would cross to "replace the replacements". I'm pretty sure this is what is actually happening, albiet at a slower pace than originally planned. I admit to this being purely conjecture, as I am not privy to the exact numbers.
Guys, If I could wave a magic wand and bring everybody back at 50 an hour, return all the overseas jobs, and NWA flies happily ever after, I would. Lets face it though...that aint gonna happen. It was never in the cards, and probably never will be. All i can do is my job to the best of my abilities, and hope somehow to make a difference to those around me.
Best wishes