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Left with no choice...

Lets see what NWA does with its employees after they emerge from bankruptcy. Providing AMFA doesn't get another strong foothold in there, then we can see how they will treat their employees. I have a feeling you will be surprised.

Well you better hope they do... Else you guys wont have any way to defend yourself when it all starts going pear shaped. All I can say is Good Luck!

But forgive me if I say I won't be surprised when they break it off in your empennage. Sadly, history has a way of repeating itself. And a lack of empathy for their employees is something NWA is famous for, don't forget that little nugget.

Anyway, I'm off to drink cervezas! :up:
Have a good weekend!
E-TRONS are you ok? What do you not understand about this strike has served its purpose for NWA? It is now a dead issue and NWA wants it put to rest.

With the release of the contract company we have lost some mechanics, which I am sure, are going to need replacing. I said nothing about using AMFA AMT's to replace them.
:lol: I promise you that if a handful of unionized workers didn't show up for work the industry would continue on, business as usual. No implosions here.

Heard that freighter maintenance is being outsourced as current reliability is terrible. Any word on who will be
doing the maintenance?
The members were aware of what AMFA wanted them to know. AMFA did not inform them of how prepared NWA was for this strike. They down played everything they knew of NWA's preparedness, which wasn't much. AMFA failed to do their homework on this one. "A handful of scabs with a few months training in the Arizona Desert, learning how to work on Northwest aircraft." The Northwest/AMFA AMT's were misinformed and misled.

Really? Just how many of AMFA's meetings with their members did you attend, scabby?

I thought not.
Really? Just how many of AMFA's meetings with their members did you attend, scabby?

I thought not.

Just one. It was more than sufficient to see how mindlessly AMFA stumbled through this strike taking blow after blower and never even knowing where they were coming from. AMFA is a prime example of how people will abandon ship when faced with poor unprepared leadership.
Just one.

Hanging out at the fringes of a rally held after the strike started hoping nobody recognizes you doesn't count, scabby.

The fact is that you have no idea what you're talking about, as usual. You make big statements but have no facts to back them up, just opinions and what the boss told you.
Ludicrous. Although the members were not allowed by NWA to attend at the negotiation table this time, they were able to attend negotiations in the caucus room with the AMFA negotiators and watch them struggle with NWA's stonewall strategy. They were also kept informed by their negotiators at every step of the process.

The members were aware of what was on the table when we made our strike vote, and overwhelmingly voted to strike. How many times would you have the NWA mechanics say no to the same deal? The terms and conditions of employment offered by NWA were unacceptable then, and are even more unacceptable now.

Garfield was right "the union made it for them" basically the strike vote was supposed to have given "muscle or ammunition" to the amfa negotiators; however due to NWA preparedness it didnt give them anything. Plus and this is a big one, I bet every member that voted to strike thought that they would have the amfa constitutional right and privilege to vote on any offer instead of the amfa "leadership" making the choice to deny the members their vote. Amfa has violated their own constitution repeatedly thought out this "strike" it has functioned only to hurt its members instead of providing them with a true economic picture of what is going on and they basically sold out A&P's for a group of unskilled airplane maids. If the first offer had been made to the members and had the true economic picture been provided to the members then it probably would have passed. You must admit that 26 weeks of severance and bennies beats 4 weeks and severance anyday.
Hanging out at the fringes of a rally held after the strike started hoping nobody recognizes you doesn't count, scabby.
The fact is that you have no idea what you're talking about, as usual. You make big statements but have no facts to back them up, just opinions and what the boss told you.

How wrong you are AA-mci. You are the one with no clue. Talk to some of the AMFA Boys and they will tell you they were left in the dark. AMFA told them what AMFA wanted them to know, AMFA lied to its members and got the necessary votes to strike and than shut the members out until AMFA lost all control of the situation and needed a scapegoat. There is no democracy when it comes to money and unions. That sounds just like a corporation doesn't it?
How wrong you are AA-mci. You are the one with no clue. Talk to some of the AMFA Boys and they will tell you they were left in the dark. AMFA told them what AMFA wanted them to know, AMFA lied to its members and got the necessary votes to strike and than shut the members out until AMFA lost all control of the situation and needed a scapegoat. There is no democracy when it comes to money and unions. That sounds just like a corporation doesn't it?

That's funny.

Unlike you, I actually DID attend several meetings of AMFA locals with NWA members in the months leading up to the strike, as a guest. AMFA leaders at those meetings went into great and, as it turned out, accurate detail describing NWA's strike preparations to their members.

But, we know you won't let a little thing like reality get in the way of your usual anti-union whine, scabby. The only one doing any lying about the issue is you.
That's funny.

Unlike you, I actually DID attend several meetings of AMFA locals with NWA members in the months leading up to the strike, as a guest. AMFA leaders at those meetings went into great and, as it turned out, accurate detail describing NWA's strike preparations to their members.

But, we know you won't let a little thing like reality get in the way of your usual anti-union whine, scabby. The only one doing any lying about the issue is you.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't AMFA unable to strike until they were released from a cooling off period? If that IS in fact the case, NWA had all the time in the world to get ready for the inevitable because that's the way Government interference goes in our industry.

If AMFA could have walked off when THEY chose to rather than waiting and waiting while NWA hired strike breakers, I think we would have seen a different outcome.

Now those of you say what you will about AMFA but I think its a fairly decent union. Its democratic and ran BY the members rather than by cronyism.

I would much rather elected officials to have a hand in my professional destiny than someone who was put in that place by being in "the click".

Its not the perfect union by any sense of the imagination but at least we have the ability to change it where WE see fit versus being told to like it or leave.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't AMFA unable to strike until they were released from a cooling off period? If that IS in fact the case, NWA had all the time in the world to get ready for the inevitable because that's the way Government interference goes in our industry.

The cooling off period wasn't but 30 days long. Had they walked without the cooling off period the results would have been the same, we would have just deployed earlier is all.
The cooling off period wasn't but 30 days long. Had they walked without the cooling off period the results would have been the same, we would have just deployed earlier is all.

I think you're missing the point. The National Mediation Board(NMB) is the ONLY one that can start the 30 day cooling off period following a declared impasse. The NMB has a decidedly pro-company slant, often dragging out fruitless negotiations for years before granting a release. The interesting case here is how quickly the NMB moved the NWA/AMFA situation to the 30 day cooling off period.The point being, if NWA had wanted more time to set up their replacements, they most certainly would've gotten them

The point being, if NWA had wanted more time to set up their replacements, they most certainly would've gotten them

Sorry, should read:

"......they most certainly would've gotten IT "
So do you think AMFA or NWA pushed for the release to be so quickly? Remember, it was AMFA's choice to strike. Most people here think they did the right thing but I think otherwise. I think they should have stayed and crippled the company from within. NWA was hurting a few days before the strike and the first week after the strike. Had AMFA stayed on the property and kept that downward momentum going this might have turned out differently. AMFA shouldn't have been so quick to disregard, "a handful of scabs."
So do you think AMFA or NWA pushed for the release to be so quickly? Remember, it was AMFA's choice to strike. Most people here think they did the right thing but I think otherwise. I think they should have stayed and crippled the company from within. NWA was hurting a few days before the strike and the first week after the strike. Had AMFA stayed on the property and kept that downward momentum going this might have turned out differently. AMFA shouldn't have been so quick to disregard, "a handful of scabs."

It was NWA that pushed for the quick release. AMFA was serving them up some of their own medicine care of the previous negotiations. Back when NWA/AMFA went to a PEB, NWA drug their feet as far as negotiations, this time it was AMFA who was "offering" to meet like NWA did then, just a few times a month.

Compared to previous trips into negotiations by ALL airlines, if this wasn't the quickest release from mediation, its in the top 3. The NMB is decidedly biased towards the airlines.