AMFA sold us out. you really think it should have been brought up for a vote? And (showing the conspiracy theory in me) do you really think it passed???

Last December AMFA brought forward a T/A almost identical to this last one, however it guarenteed over 2,500 jobs. We received overwhelming condemnation from AMFA leaders as well as a letter sent to our homes from Delle himself blasting that contract as the worst settlement in the history of the organized labor movement.

Where was Delle and the AMFA leaders this time??? ZERO JOBS SAVED!!! Little or no hope of ever getting back. And to top it off we actually were voting on a pay increase for the SCABS, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???

SCABS representing SCABS, you deserve each other.

Its over with the membership passed it..nothing you can do about it so don't let it drive you crazy, time to forget about it and move on!! it is what it is
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  • #32
...staying on the theme of how AMFA sold us out, I heard this morning that somewhere in the contract (where, I have no idea, I never read anything to this affect) that if there is a buyout or merger at Northwest, that if you're name is on the recall list, that you'd receive 52 weeks of severance pay... Is this true?

Now I went to every business meeting and even the recall/resignation meeting AMFA local 33 had, never was the membership told of this.

Is that why all our glorious leaders (hypocrits and liars that they are) put themselves on the recall list, even after slamming NWA and the SCABS as bad as they did???
...staying on the theme of how AMFA sold us out, I heard this morning that somewhere in the contract (where, I have no idea, I never read anything to this affect) that if there is a buyout or merger at Northwest, that if you're name is on the recall list, that you'd receive 52 weeks of severance pay... Is this true?

Now I went to every business meeting and even the recall/resignation meeting AMFA local 33 had, never was the membership told of this.

Is that why all our glorious leaders (hypocrits and liars that they are) put themselves on the recall list, even after slamming NWA and the SCABS as bad as they did???
I never heard of this, and it's not why I went on the recall list. It sounds like a rumor meant to flame the already burning embers inside a lot of people. If you didn't read it, couldn't find it, it's a good chance its not there.
...staying on the theme of how AMFA sold us out, I heard this morning that somewhere in the contract (where, I have no idea, I never read anything to this affect) that if there is a buyout or merger at Northwest, that if you're name is on the recall list, that you'd receive 52 weeks of severance pay... Is this true?

Now I went to every business meeting and even the recall/resignation meeting AMFA local 33 had, never was the membership told of this.

Is that why all our glorious leaders (hypocrits and liars that they are) put themselves on the recall list, even after slamming NWA and the SCABS as bad as they did???

So now you've sunk to the level of contrived innuendo to try and slight AMFA.

Posing a question on action, pertaining to contract language that you freely admit may not exist.

Yea, you're certainly "1withIntegrity"
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  • #35
So now you've sunk to the level of contrived innuendo to try and slight AMFA.

Posing a question on action, pertaining to contract language that you freely admit may not exist.

Yea, you're certainly "1withIntegrity"

Maybe you should go back to page one of this discussion and read about how bad AMFA screwed it's honorable members. Oh I almost forgot, I am the union.

I'd still like to know, after all the garbage said about NWA and all the SCABS, why in the world would all our union leaders/brothers place their names on the recall list. Do they really think (being outnumbered as they'd be SCABS vs. non SCABS) that you'll have a chance to sit on your ass in that union office and perform ligitimate union business. Get real.
Maybe you should go back to page one of this discussion and read about how bad AMFA screwed it's honorable members. Oh I almost forgot, I am the union.

I'd still like to know, after all the garbage said about NWA and all the SCABS, why in the world would all our union leaders/brothers place their names on the recall list. Do they really think (being outnumbered as they'd be SCABS vs. non SCABS) that you'll have a chance to sit on your ass in that union office and perform ligitimate union business. Get real.

I don't have to go back to page one, I just go back to the post I responded to.

You wish to ask a question, then ask a question.

This is your post, this is clearly your attempt at a pathetic slight against AMFA, this isn't you merely asking a question.

...staying on the theme of how AMFA sold us out, I heard this morning that somewhere in the contract (where, I have no idea, I never read anything to this affect) that if there is a buyout or merger at Northwest, that if you're name is on the recall list, that you'd receive 52 weeks of severance pay... Is this true?

Now I went to every business meeting and even the recall/resignation meeting AMFA local 33 had, never was the membership told of this.

Is that why all our glorious leaders (hypocrits and liars that they are) put themselves on the recall list, even after slamming NWA and the SCABS as bad as they did???

If your intentions were as noble as you claim, your post would've ended at .....Is this true?

It didn't, and you got called on it.
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  • #37
I don't have to go back to page one, I just go back to the post I responded to.

You wish to ask a question, then ask a question.

This is your post, this is clearly your attempt at a pathetic slight against AMFA, this isn't you merely asking a question.
If your intentions were as noble as you claim, your post would've ended at .....Is this true?

It didn't, and you got called on it.

You're an idiot, you're blind support for AMFA just shows how stupid you really are. What's noble about posting comments and questions on an aviation forum? It's funny however you're the only one who's answered (...or an attempt to anyways) my questions.

Forums are designed to be thought provoking, to receive different opinions or perpective on the topic being discussed. In this case I mearly asked the question why all our fearless leaders, who badmouthed NWA as bad as they did, place their names on the recall list, only to go back there working under the control of Andy and Doug and with the SCABS who's actions they so viciously attacked during the strike?

Also I just wanted to know if anybody heard anything about the severance pay to those on the recall list in the event of a buyout or merger. Is that so difficult.

If it's true that we are the union, then shut your pie hole or answer the question. There is no nobility or honor in blasting the person who asks the question, only stupidity and ignorance in the one who attempts to look smart but is unable to contribute to this discussion.
You're an idiot, you're blind support for AMFA just shows how stupid you really are. What's noble about posting comments and questions on an aviation forum? It's funny however you're the only one who's answered (...or an attempt to anyways) my questions.

"Blind support" Hardly, I worked under an iam contract for 18+ years at UAL, and had my fill of thier brand of "unionism", and myopic idiots like you. I can freely admit the strike could've been handled better, that doesn't change the fact that AMFA is still the superior organization when it comes to representing aircraft mechanics.

Forums are designed to be thought provoking, to receive different opinions or perpective on the topic being discussed. In this case I mearly asked the question why all our fearless leaders, who badmouthed NWA as bad as they did, place their names on the recall list, only to go back there working under the control of Andy and Doug and with the SCABS who's actions they so viciously attacked during the strike?

Also I just wanted to know if anybody heard anything about the severance pay to those on the recall list in the event of a buyout or merger. Is that so difficult.

Yes, I'd agree that "Forums are designed to be thought provoking, to receive different opinions or perpective on the topic being discussed". However, with that said, thats not what you posted. Lets examine this little gem from your post in question...

..." hypocrits and liars that they are"

Is this what idiots like you consider "merely" asking a question? To others with a tad more intelligence than you, it is, at the very least, an inflammatory accusation. At the most an idiotic opinion,never mind the fact that the entire premise was based on what up to this moment still amounts to hearsay, this clearly betraying your position, or in this case, lack there of.

If it's true that we are the union, then shut your pie hole or answer the question. There is no nobility or honor in blasting the person who asks the question, only stupidity and ignorance in the one who attempts to look smart but is unable to contribute to this discussion.

I wasn't "blasting the person who asked a question", I was simply exposing yet another pathetic board troll for exactly what he is.

You display your own stupidity and ignorance in your vain attempts to try and legitimize your original post simply as a call for discussion when it clearly was not.

No matter how angry you are at the end run to all of this you need to remember one thing: You got to vote. Period.

Sometimes democracy means being in the minority; that's just how it works (ask me or UAL_Tech-among others-how it feels to be a multiple time "no" voter on our respective CBA's).
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  • #40
"Blind support" Hardly, I worked under an iam contract for 18+ years at UAL, and had my fill of thier brand of "unionism", and myopic idiots like you. I can freely admit the strike could've been handled better, that doesn't change the fact that AMFA is still the superior organization when it comes to representing aircraft mechanics.
Yes, I'd agree that "Forums are designed to be thought provoking, to receive different opinions or perpective on the topic being discussed". However, with that said, thats not what you posted. Lets examine this little gem from your post in question...

..." hypocrits and liars that they are"

Is this what idiots like you consider "merely" asking a question? To others with a tad more intelligence than you, it is, at the very least, an inflammatory accusation. At the most an idiotic opinion,never mind the fact that the entire premise was based on what up to this moment still amounts to hearsay, this clearly betraying your position, or in this case, lack there of.
I wasn't "blasting the person who asked a question", I was simply exposing yet another pathetic board troll for exactly what he is.

You display your own stupidity and ignorance in your vain attempts to try and legitimize your original post simply as a call for discussion when it clearly was not.

...and still you are unable to answer the simple question, why did our fearless leaders put their name on the recall list? And because of their actions (vs. what they said during the strike), they are, in my book, hypocrits and liars.

hyprocrit (hip'ecrit): one who pretends to be pious, virtuous, etc. without really being so.

liar (li'er): one who tells lies.

lie ((li): to make a statement that one knows if false, or a false statement made to deceive.

It doesn't get any simpler than that my friend.

"AMFA being a superior union to the IAM"

Hmmm, now that looks more like an opinion rather than fact. How many jobs did AMFA save? "0", zip, nadda one... Why did we vote for a payraise for the scabs??? You got me on that one too. Where was our national during the presentation of this T/A, nowhere to be found. Why aren't they considering decertifying? Oh that's right the old using of the Railway Labor Act... (that's original).
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  • #41
So now you've sunk to the level of contrived innuendo to try and slight AMFA.

Posing a question on action, pertaining to contract language that you freely admit may not exist.

Yea, you're certainly "1withIntegrity"

..and yet again you prove your inability to answer a simple question (not a contrived innuendo as you so elequently put it, however I am impressed with your commmand of the English language), is there a clause in the contract that rewards 52 weeks of severance pay to the mechanics on the recall list in the event of a merger or buyout?.

This must not have been too stupid of a question because I also posted it on the website and a number of people (with far more insight than you'll ever have) responded to it. Maybe you should check it out and you can show your stupidity there too.

In case you don't have the contract available to you here it goes: "Any employee of either carrier participating in the merger who is deprived of employment as a result of said merger shall be accorded an allowance (termed a "dismissal allowance"), based on length of service..." the catch is you have to be an active employee not one merely on a recall list.

There you go, simple enough for you, what contrived innuendos are you going to find in this post? I can hardly wait. I hope you fixed planes in your 18+ years at UAL better than you respond to my comments.
..and yet again you prove your inability to answer a simple question (not a contrived innuendo as you so elequently put it, however I am impressed with your commmand of the English language), is there a clause in the contract that rewards 52 weeks of severance pay to the mechanics on the recall list in the event of a merger or buyout?.

This must not have been too stupid of a question because I also posted it on the website and a number of people (with far more insight than you'll ever have) responded to it. Maybe you should check it out and you can show your stupidity there too.

In case you don't have the contract available to you here it goes: "Any employee of either carrier participating in the merger who is deprived of employment as a result of said merger shall be accorded an allowance (termed a "dismissal allowance"), based on length of service..." the catch is you have to be an active employee not one merely on a recall list.

There you go, simple enough for you, what contrived innuendos are you going to find in this post? I can hardly wait. I hope you fixed planes in your 18+ years at UAL better than you respond to my comments.


at the time of my original post you claimed you didn't know if the language existed, and yet without this confirmation, which now, wonder of wonders you seem able to easily obtain, you spouted off patheticly veiled inflammatory comments, and you got called on it.

Grow up!

As far as my post on innuendo, prehaps you should learn to read. Note I said may not exist, not does not exist.

....Posing a question on action, pertaining to contract language that you freely admit may not exist.

Yea, you're certainly "1withIntegrity"

You can continue your childlike ranting if you wish, however it wont detract attention away from your original intent.
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  • #43

at the time of my original post you claimed you didn't know if the language existed, and yet without this confirmation, which now, wonder of wonders you seem able to easily obtain, you spouted off patheticly veiled inflammatory comments, and you got called on it.

You can continue your childlike ranting if you wish, however it wont detract attention away from your original intent.

What is my original intent, or can't you answer even that simple question? My original post I didn't know the answer to the question of severance pay for people on the recall list, but thanks again to the "informed" people on the website (maybe you should check it out you moron)(moron (mor'an): an adult mentally equal to a child) I was enlightened to the answer therefore I posted it.

It appears the only inflammatory comments I'm making are towards you, you pompus ass.
What is my original intent, or can't you answer even that simple question? My original post I didn't know the answer to the question of severance pay for people on the recall list, but thanks again to the "informed" people on the website (maybe you should check it out you moron)(moron (mor'an): an adult mentally equal to a child) I was enlightened to the answer therefore I posted it.

It appears the only inflammatory comments I'm making are towards you, you pompus ass.


What are you going to do next??? Threaten to beat me up at recess and take my lunch money???

Get over yourself and grow up.
OK folks,

Enough of the personal sniping. Keep it on topic or the subject will be closed.

This is supposed to be about AMFA and NW, not about 1With vs. Third Seat.

This will be the only warning.

Thank you.