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Non-Rev Boarding

Which method would you prefer be used for determining non-revenue boarding priority?

  • Date of Hire (DOH)

    Votes: 64 46.4%
  • First Come, First Served (FCFS)

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • I'm fine with either.

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
flybynite said:
Also, as a side note...DP has been telling everyone in the Town Hall meetings that we really shouldn't have Profit Sharing... :angry2: I beg your pardon? We are set to generate Billions of dollars in profit. And all of a sudden, we aren't going to share a piece of that pie after all of the astounding sacrafices we've made? I'm calling BS on that too! :angry2:
You don't get it.
Companies will only let loose some profit sharing when there are no profits to be had and they need gives backs from labor.
Losses are to be  shared with labor;  profits are to be shared among themselves. 
It's very simple.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Personally I can't stand libtards. 
And we liberals are not too fond of you neocon losers, either.
As a rsponse to NY
nycbusdriver said:
You don't get it.
Companies will only let loose some profit sharing when there are no profits to be had and they need gives backs from labor.
Losses are to be  shared with labor;  profits are to be shared among themselves. 
It's very simple.
I get it quite well...your failure is you don't know the the AFA Contract. While you guys have been pissing around for the last 10 yrs..we've negotiated some real language. Some of which pertains to Profit Sharing.
How do "Libtards" and "Neocon losers" feel about non-rev boarding?
I think it should be FCFS.
nycbusdriver said:
And we liberals are not too fond of you neocon losers, either.
Good, then we have an understanding. 
nycbusdriver said:
And we liberals are not too fond of you neocon losers, either.

“Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.”
― Winston Churchill
As OP I would be much obliged if the mods could lock this thread.  Thanks to all who voted and posted.
Happy flying!  B)
flybynite said:
As a rsponse to NY
I get it quite well...your failure is you don't know the the AFA Contract. While you guys have been pissing around for the last 10 yrs..we've negotiated some real language. Some of which pertains to Profit Sharing.
If it's in your contract, why are you whining about profit sharing?
If the company isn't giving you what you negotiated, grieve it.  I'm sure it will be heard quickly and settled....in 2025.
MetalMover said:
My point exactl;y....If it was OK for you and others to take advantage of either early outs or buyouts, I say MORE POWER TO YOU.!
But those of you thar DID take advantage of the incentives, don't be offended when those of us that had to stay say to you I'M GLAD I GET  TO BOARD AN AIRCRAFT BEFORE YOU...
It works both ways..
Metal, I am sorry you HAD to stay. It sounds like you didn't want to. Everyone has to make choices about their careers and I respect yours. FWIW I wish I could have stayed. I love the airlines but the airlines had evolved into a totally different entity than what I hired into decades ago. I HAD to leave. Fortunately I found employment elsewhere.

Maybe you missed it, I don't fly non-rev anymore. Not worth the headache.
nycbusdriver said:
If it's in your contract, why are you whining about profit sharing?
If the company isn't giving you what you negotiated, grieve it.  I'm sure it will be heard quickly and settled....in 2025.
Who said I was whining? You?  I, AFA, didn't give give up the farm in an absurd MOU. You guys did.
flybynite said:
Just to keep everyone up to speed on this issue...the AFA filed a grievance concerning the violation of our Contract back in January of this year. It clearly states in the AFA Contract that DOH is used for competive bidding as well as our passes.
Would you mind posting the contract language concerning non-revving?  Someone posted it before...but once we saw it, I believe all it said was that FA's could not be put at a boarding disadvantage as compared to other employee groups in the company.  
AirwAr said:
Would you mind posting the contract language concerning non-revving?  Someone posted it before...but once we saw it, I believe all it said was that FA's could not be put at a boarding disadvantage as compared to other employee groups in the company.  
the US fleet service agreement says boarding by seniority.
as for me I'm one of those 7 who voted I'm fine with either, so no need to flame me.
whatever it is I'll make it work as I suspect will most of you.
IORFA said:
 The pilots use DOH, because they are usually self centered just like the few DOH people come across on here. 
If you look at the poll here,  the difference between DOH and FCFS is  5!  Hardly what I would call "a few" . 

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