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Non-Rev Boarding

Which method would you prefer be used for determining non-revenue boarding priority?

  • Date of Hire (DOH)

    Votes: 64 46.4%
  • First Come, First Served (FCFS)

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • I'm fine with either.

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
johnny kat said:
jimntx, when will you be retiring?  It seems you already have too much time on your hands if you are paying attention to someone going thru KCM and then putting on a pair of jeans.  Gish lighten up already.  Yes, YES we all know it is going to be FCFS.  The travel policy at AA is not any better than anyone else's and the US side will adapt.  But the way you and some of the others go on and on about how restrictive it is and all the hoops employees have to go through, it is apparent that AA's system is entirely inadequate for the new airline.  And this will become more apparent as time goes on.   Simply put, if it is too problematic, management will change it.
Enjoy your retirement!
Correction, those who cannot adapt and become problematic an early retirement can be arranged.

Just a reminder:

Travel Program August 28, 2014
In September, the new boarding priority and time of check-in will take effect, and youll have access to Americans Non-Rev Travel Planner (NRTP). There will be more details to come, including instruction guides and how-to videos, when the changes go into effect, but heres what you need to know right now...look it up on Wings.
flyer63 said:
You are a tool. Over half of the Usair crew members have had their base closed. I' can't move my family at this time... Also Kcm just says you have to be in uniform to go thru Kcm screening. It doesn't say you have to be going to work or you can't change.
I'd suggest asking a TSA Supervisor that question.
The knowncrewmember.org Q&A says this:

Q: Does a crewmember need to be working a flight in order to use the KCM access point?
A: No. TSA headquarters’ states that a crewmember must be currently employed with a KCM participating airline, on active status and in the airline’s KCM database.  TSA security officers are not responsible for determining whether a crewmember is working a flight in order to use a KCM access point. Please remember, a crewmember may be randomly selected to undergo additional screening, as there is a random screening element with all Risked Based Security (RBS) screening programs.
jimntx said:
Another expert moron.  For your information, the rule that the KCM portal is to be used only by working crew members is a TSA regulation, not a company policy.  And, the TSA has made it clear that if they catch employees abusing the KCM privilege they will shut it down--by airport or the whole system.  They almost ended KCM at MIA because there is more than one portal, and if an MIA f/a was selected for random screening (where you have to go through the normal xray, etc like passengers), the f/a would simply go to the other portal and try to get through there.  You bet your a** I notice when other people are doing things that might cause me to lose a privilege or a convenience.  Just as you would.
Retire?  And, give up the glamor of the job?  Not likely.
Hey jim! ------ Don't knock retirement!  You should try it someday!!! You might find it down right pleasurable! But it is what you make of it!
I had plans for retirement.  Unfortunately, they involved my wife who died at the age of 51.  Now, work keeps me off the streets and out of trouble.
jimntx said:
I had plans for retirement.  Unfortunately, they involved my wife who died at the age of 51.  Now, work keeps me off the streets and out of trouble.
I understand Jim. Sorry to hear about your wife!------- I've been married 44 years myself, but still seem  to get into trouble every now and then!
The arbitrator has denied the USAirways travel grievance over FCFS. No contractual violation has been determined. Reaction, 700? 🙂
But, but, but there was contract language AND there was precedent from pervious arbitrations! How can this be? 700 must be stewing with anger. He was so sure and he just knew that FCFS was not going to happen. Just more of his BS that we can ignore. I bet he broke his keyboard during the tantrum he must have thrown upon hearing this information.
Well, first 700 told us AA employees that we were ignorant to the rules or questioned us as to what we don't understand about contracts. Secondly, 700 said that we must not care about contracts as he stated that it was clearly being violated. 700, if you didn't deliver your messages in that "listen here you dumb ass" tone, I wouldn't care. But you chastised me and others rather severely when we disagreed with you. Now all I can say is EAT YOUR DAMN CROW!
JFK Fleet Service said:
Okay,do we have the feeding of the crow out of the way?

Bigger issues lie ahead.
Sure, as long as the chastising is out of the way!

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