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Non-Rev Boarding

Which method would you prefer be used for determining non-revenue boarding priority?

  • Date of Hire (DOH)

    Votes: 64 46.4%
  • First Come, First Served (FCFS)

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • I'm fine with either.

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
nycbusdriver said:
Unless that other job was doing military service, isn't using the pass benefit that way (in the furtherance of another company) a primary method for losing that pass benefit permanently?
Sure is. I personally know someone that was fired for it.
Unless that other job was doing military service, isn't using the pass benefit that way (in the furtherance of another company) a primary method for losing that pass benefit permanently?
Certainly supposed to be.
IORFA said:
You measure respect by the fact you've stayed at one company for the longest amount of years? You should think about getting more realistic definitions of respect.
He is part of the "seniority entitlement" crowd that thinks they should 100 percent have their way 100 percent of the time.
Crash Pad DCA said:
People are only upset if they are insecure. What is the harm of a simple poll?
I don't know. Why don't you ask the TWU membership? The TWU has been "polling" their members for years.
Date of hire.....active or retired....employee or spouse. The only people who want FCFS are folks with no time invested....Typical.

I know Doug and his entourage get positive space first class always...

I also know this is a mute point. So much for almost 40 years of this crap. I expect to purchase tickets on some low cost carrier when I retire when I fly. I detest the way things are going. The AmericaWesternization of the industry.
OldGuyinPA said:
Date of hire.....active or retired....employee or spouse. The only people who want FCFS are folks with no time invested....Typical.
Wrong...a lot of seniority at AA and the majority prefer FCFS.
Wrong...a lot of seniority at AA and the majority prefer FCFS.
So, you've never tried  by seniority? Don't be so hasty to condemn then. I've tried both. Seniority has a lot of advantages. 1: No getting up two days early in a row just to list yourself and then travel. .  2: If you work in a hub,  you aren't penalized by having every through passenger ahead of you. 3:  Any person whose flight leaves before yours isn't ahead of you because of geography.  If you are somewhere that has a slow internet or worse NO internet, you aren't penalized.  I could go on. People keep saying its so fair, the few reasons I've listed show it isn't all that fair for everyone.  Moot point by just want to point that out. 
That's funny...where did I condemn in that response. I said wrong to "The only people who want FCFS are folks with no time invested....Typical." My seniority alone proves that comment is false. Also, have worked in a hub (DFW) for my whole career, no issues. I don't need to try the "seniority" route because IMO it is fair the way it is done now and for at least the last 31 years. Let me repeat what seniority gets you: Your shift, start times, days off, job and vacation. Nothing more...But then again, there are those who think stalls in the bathroom should be assigned by seniority...Oh well!!
As of this morning DOH seems to be almost neck n neck with First Through First Served
Some time back I believe they set a target date of August 19 to start the combined procedures where legacy AA and legacy US employees would be on the same system for non-rev travel.
It that was ever the case, is it still the case?  If August 19 is the start date, wouldn't it be nice for the company to let the legacy US employees in on the procedures, websites, phone number, etc.?  Al we have on Wings (the legacy US employee web portal) is a three-page AA document outlining non-rev procedures.  One of these procedures is that employees can only list at an airport ticket office.  Obviously, AA sent a document to us that was at least a decade out of date.  Maybe it's part of the plan to disadvantage legacy US employees.
From the: American Airlines Non-Rev Travel Policies and Procedures 
 For space-available (or “standby” or “sub-load”) personal travel, non-revs may check in up to twenty four 
(24) hours before departure at an airport ticket office. To allow for added security procedures, non-revs 
must check-in no later than 60 minutes for domestic travel and 90 minutes for international. 
 You may check-in at American's Economy class counter only. 
 You will be automatically checked in on all down-line flights, provided all segments are contained in a 
single PNR. You will not need to check-in again at connecting American cities. "
Truly, this is all the information in this document on non-rev check-in procedures.
I am sick of this BS.  There is no respect for people who have put their time in to keep the airline in business.  I retired 9 years ago and haven't flown non-rev since. I purchase tickets now so when I leave the gate I will be sure to wave at you non revs still by the checkin podium. 

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