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Non-Rev Boarding

Which method would you prefer be used for determining non-revenue boarding priority?

  • Date of Hire (DOH)

    Votes: 64 46.4%
  • First Come, First Served (FCFS)

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • I'm fine with either.

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
They should have filed the grievance. You don't file based on popular vote. You file based on interpretation and precedence. They would not be doing their job if they just let it go. If you were the union member who paid dues and wanted it challenged, and they denied you, the story would be different.

All that said, I knew they had no chance of winning. Now the precedent is set.

Move on.
JFK Fleet Service said:
Okay,do we have the feeding of the crow out of the way?

Bigger issues lie ahead.
And with bigger issues, will come 700 know-it-all arrogance on those issues.
Glenn Quagmire said:
They should have filed the grievance. You don't file based on popular vote. You file based on interpretation and precedence. They would not be doing their job if they just let it go. If you were the union member who paid dues and wanted it challenged, and they denied you, the story would be different.

All that said, I knew they had no chance of winning. Now the precedent is set.

Move on.
Nobody questioned the grievance (I know I didn't) Glenn, and your correct, I would I have pushed my
union to do the same. But, having said that, I didn't think it had a leg to stand on either. Secondly, as I mentioned, I was a sap for even thinking that way and I did not appreciate that...I'm moving on!
Glenn Quagmire said:
They should have filed the grievance. You don't file based on popular vote. You file based on interpretation and precedence. They would not be doing their job if they just let it go.

That idea sometimes gets lost in the heat of the moment...
What happened to junior WT? He forget about all his prognostications here that just proved he's full of hot air? He sure is quiet on this topic. Still showing up on other topics. Typical!
Maybe Skippy Jr. learned that it's easier to stay out of internal issues that he has no expertise in?...

I don't fault AFA for filing the grievance, but as I said months ago, the likelihood of any of the unions being successful in throw their weight around with regard to travel privileges was nil. It's not just your program. It's got to be fairly administered across all workgroups, including the non-union folks.
From a benefits philosophy standpoint, no granted benefit, such as non-rev travel, should ever be restricted, controlled, or defined by a CBA.  It twists the definition of a granted benefit.  And, you begin to tiptoe into the land of taxable benefits (imputed income, etc) when the recipient of the benefit can define the boundaries of the benefit.  Not judgin'.  Just sayin'.
jimntx said:
From a benefits philosophy standpoint, no granted benefit, such as non-rev travel, should ever be restricted, controlled, or defined by a CBA.  It twists the definition of a granted benefit.  And, you begin to tiptoe into the land of taxable benefits (imputed income, etc) when the recipient of the benefit can define the boundaries of the benefit.  Not judgin'.  Just sayin'.
As the saying goes....."Be careful what you wish for!"
First day and system doesn't work for LUS to list on AA. Drop down for myself and family have nobody in it... Help desk says there are bugs.... It also had my address from when I was a kid!. System doesn't seem as user friendly as travel us...
For What It's Worth .. I was able to list and all of my peeps were in the drop down.  I do think that the 1980s called and wanted to know where their non-rev travel tool was..  But that's just me.  I'm sure that it is at least as good as LUS' ETC and quite probably much superior...it'll just take a little getting used to, that's probably it.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
The arbitrator has denied the USAirways travel grievance over FCFS. No contractual violation has been determined. Reaction, 700? 🙂
It looks like you scored a perfect 10 and 700 was left at the gate. Hey, I'm happy with the new system and that my family living Texas and OK don't have to go through Charlotte to get to New Orleans. Maybe my dependents can start using their benefits again after a decade. Thanks AA!
Justme said:
For What It's Worth .. I was able to list and all of my peeps were in the drop down.  I do think that the 1980s called and wanted to know where their non-rev travel tool was..  But that's just me.  I'm sure that it is at least as good as LUS' ETC and quite probably much superior...it'll just take a little getting used to, that's probably it.
I also think NRTP looks pretty dated. Not as bright and easy to read as ETC.  I like the way ETC does the math for you unlike NRTP and shows you the number of actual seats available. It also allows you to track flights so you can see how they are filling up before listing.  I'd be curious to hear any LAA reactions to ETC.  Both will take some getting used to. I'd love to see some sort of integration of the two but I'm sure we will go with NRTP and not spend any money on updates. 
ChrisUS said:
 I like the way ETC does the math for you unlike NRTP and shows you the number of actual seats available. It also allows you to track flights so you can see how they are filling up before listing.  I'd be curious to hear any LAA reactions to ETC.  Both will take some getting used to. I'd love to see some sort of integration of the two but I'm sure we will go with NRTP and not spend any money on updates. 
Uh, what is difficult about a column labelled FIRST that shows you 8/16(2) meaning 8 of 16 F/C seats sold with 2 non-revs already listed, and a column labelled Coach that shows 130/124(8) meaning coach oversold by 6--124 seats, 130 sold--with 8 non-revs?  The column labelled Total shows 136/140(10) meaning 136 seats sold, 140 total, 10 non-revs.  And, if you move the cursor over the green I (for Information), it shows you the travel categories (D1, D2, D3) totals for each cabin.  What else exactly did you need the math done on?
(Oh, one non-intuitive thing--to reduce programming changes, under the meal column if it shows R/F, that means snack basket in FC, Food for sale in Coach.  The R category used to mean an "outside meal hours" flight serving the hot mixed nuts and baked on board cookies for F/C.)
You are probably right, it looks dated.....but when it comes to functionality ETC is neolithic at best .

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