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Non Rev

Not only do we get a deal on Non-reving, but we get disscounts at hotels, car rentals, cruise lines (took an Alaska cruise 2 years ago) and who knows what else.

Problem is to many americans live at or over their credit limit. Mom and dad raised me not to do that so I have quite a buffer in my life style.

Your attutde is fine by me. At least you and Bob are 2 less non-revs I need to compete against. :lol:
Garfield1966 said:
Not only do we get a deal on Non-reving, but we get disscounts at hotels, car rentals, cruise lines (took an Alaska cruise 2 years ago) and who knows what else.

Problem is to many americans live at or over their credit limit.  Mom and dad raised me not to do that so I have quite a buffer in my life style.

Your attutde is fine by me.  At least you and Bob are 2 less non-revs I need to compete against. :lol:

I glad that you know the financial status of everyone.I don't call driving a 6 year old car that is paid for is living beyond your credit limit.With less pay and vacation the luxuries such as travel had to cease.Myself and my family have a few bad habits that we have to support like eating,making a house payment,and paying for utilities.Also my FEW extra dollars have been taken away by the current gasoline prices.

I think Mom and Dad should have spent some money getting you spelling lessons.

"disscounts" "attutde" "to"

Microsoft offers some cool spelling programs that you could buy with some of your buffer money.
Mach85ER,Oct 4 2005, 03:17 PM]
They pretty much equal getting all the fries you can eat if you work at McDonalds.

Not really, its more like you only get the fries if they were going to throw them out.

You asked about parent travel. Unless they are in their 50's or younger, non rev-ing basically sucks for them unless they really like to travel at oddball times to non-seasonal destinations.

It's probably great for a single young hippie relative but nothing like it used to be.

I'd sell my employee flight bennies for a few hundred bucks.

Same here.
Non-Reving, what's that??? We can actually non-rev on AA still? Wow, that would be amazing!
goingboeing said:
I glad that you know the financial status of everyone.I don't call driving a 6 year old car that is paid for is living beyond your credit limit.With less pay and vacation the luxuries such as travel had to cease.Myself and my family have a few bad habits that we have to support like eating,making a house payment,and paying for utilities.Also my FEW extra dollars have been taken away by the current gasoline prices.

I think Mom and Dad should have spent some money getting you spelling lessons.

"disscounts" "attutde" "to"

Microsoft offers some cool spelling programs that you could buy with some of your buffer money.

I have a 18 year old car that is paid for. What's your point?