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Non-Rev Boarding

Which method would you prefer be used for determining non-revenue boarding priority?

  • Date of Hire (DOH)

    Votes: 64 46.4%
  • First Come, First Served (FCFS)

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • I'm fine with either.

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
Hello3B said:
I am sick of this BS.  There is no respect for people who have put their time in to keep the airline in business.  I retired 9 years ago and haven't flown non-rev since. I purchase tickets now so when I leave the gate I will be sure to wave at you non revs still by the checkin podium. 
You are probably referring to the I GOT MINE CROWD who most likely voted for every POS contract so that they can either get an early out package or cash buyout. They got theirs alright and left the rest of us who remain working holding the bag. 
700, I ask you again. What happened to the grievances that were filed on behalf of the US employee work groups who had it in their contract that DOH was the law of the land. You told me to educate myself on contracts and I told you get back with me in August, it will be FCFS for ALL...Well, where do we stand?
700, I ask you again. What happened to the grievances that were filed on behalf of the US employee work groups who had it in their contract that DOH was the law of the land. You told me to educate myself on contracts and I told you get back with me in August, it will be FCFS for ALL...Well, where do we stand?
Yea, what happened to all the grievances?
I watched several town hall videos on jetnet and everyone had someone asking about the new Non-Rev travel rules and how it violates the contracts. DP's answer was we looked at all the contracts and did our homework and we found no violation of any contract. We are approaching the date of transition to the FCFS boarding process and no one has said anything about grievances whether they were won, denied or withdrawn.
Crash Pad DCA said:
As of this morning DOH seems to be almost neck n neck with First Through First Served
Ok...well this means nothing...and if it did...FCFS has won!  So what's your point?
Hello3B said:
I am sick of this BS.  There is no respect for people who have put their time in to keep the airline in business.  I retired 9 years ago and haven't flown non-rev since. I purchase tickets now so when I leave the gate I will be sure to wave at you non revs still by the checkin podium. 
Did you take a buy out?
MetalMover said:
You are probably referring to the I GOT MINE CROWD who most likely voted for every POS contract so that they can either get an early out package or cash buyout. They got theirs alright and left the rest of us who remain working holding the bag. 
FYI, I voted no on every contract I had. Plus, the buyout was not in the contract. I left nine years ago because I didn't see any future with the airlines. Couldn't live with the paycuts and didn't want to wait for the snap back. Did I take an early out package? Yes I did. Why would I turn it down since I was leaving anyway. I am still working. Can't afford to live on just my airline pension. The company I work for now actually pays a decent wage.

No one says you have to stay at the airlines. There are other jobs out there.
Hello3B said:
FYI, I voted no on every contract I had. Plus, the buyout was not in the contract. I left nine years ago because I didn't see any future with the airlines. Couldn't live with the paycuts and didn't want to wait for the snap back. Did I take an early out package? Yes I did. Why would I turn it down since I was leaving anyway. I am still working. Can't afford to live on just my airline pension. The company I work for now actually pays a decent wage.

No one says you have to stay at the airlines. There are other jobs out there.
Congrats on getting out of the airline business. I went to school and got out myself, though I have only been out for 2 years.
What do you do for a living now?
My last question and probably the biggest one of all. You have been out of the airline business for 9 years, why are you here? Do you still have ties to the airline business?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Congrats on getting out of the airline business. I went to school and got out myself, though I have only been out for 2 years.
What do you do for a living now?
My last question and probably the biggest one of all. You have been out of the airline business for 9 years, why are you here? Do you still have ties to the airline business?
Good for you. You now know there is life after the airlines. I wish I would have left earlier.

Right now I work for a large multi-national company. I have no skills or technical training. I was able to get hired on in some low level area and through diligence and showing an eagerness to work and accept tasks I am now in a position where people actually count on me.

I still come to the forums because I still have the airlines in my blood. I have many friends still working in the business. I am mostly in the Water Cooler. I get a kick out of reading the posts from all the libtards.
Hello3B said:
FYI, I voted no on every contract I had. Plus, the buyout was not in the contract. I left nine years ago because I didn't see any future with the airlines. Couldn't live with the paycuts and didn't want to wait for the snap back. Did I take an early out package? Yes I did. Why would I turn it down since I was leaving anyway. I am still working. Can't afford to live on just my airline pension. The company I work for now actually pays a decent wage.

No one says you have to stay at the airlines. There are other jobs out there.
My point exactl;y....If it was OK for you and others to take advantage of either early outs or buyouts, I say MORE POWER TO YOU.!
But those of you thar DID take advantage of the incentives, don't be offended when those of us that had to stay say to you I'M GLAD I GET  TO BOARD AN AIRCRAFT BEFORE YOU...
It works both ways..
Just to keep everyone up to speed on this issue...the AFA filed a grievance concerning the violation of our Contract back in January of this year. It clearly states in the AFA Contract that DOH is used for competive bidding as well as our passes.
This has been in our contract for over 30 years. Not to mention that this has happened in the past with the merger with AW...it was grieved then as well...and we won. This isn't a contract issue for the AA f/as...as it has only been a company policy. And the Contract trumps a company policy.
It has now gone to the Arbitrator. Also, as of last week another Grievance has been filed concerning our 25/45 Retiree Travel Benefit as well.
Nor would it surprise me that the company will try to violate our contract again over the Jump Seat.
I'll keep you posted.
Also, as a side note...DP has been telling everyone in the Town Hall meetings that we really shouldn't have Profit Sharing... :angry2: I beg your pardon? We are set to generate Billions of dollars in profit. And all of a sudden, we aren't going to share a piece of that pie after all of the astounding sacrafices we've made? I'm calling BS on that too! :angry2:
Y'all leaning on the CBA angle do realize that you are all soon to be members of a different union, and working under a different CBA?

Didn't you..
Hello3B said:
Good for you. You now know there is life after the airlines. I wish I would have left earlier.

Right now I work for a large multi-national company. I have no skills or technical training. I was able to get hired on in some low level area and through diligence and showing an eagerness to work and accept tasks I am now in a position where people actually count on me.

I still come to the forums because I still have the airlines in my blood. I have many friends still working in the business. I am mostly in the Water Cooler. I get a kick out of reading the posts from all the libtards.
I came into American Airlines with a skill (electrical) however, due to 9/11 I got "stuck" in Fleet Service. There is nothing wrong with Fleet Service but that is not where I wanted to be. I originally wanted to go into electrical maintenance. I guess I could have transferred out but after 9/11 I was just trying to keep a job. Before I knew it the years had ticked by and I  felt "seniority locked". 
That is why I dislike occupational seniority. It is a form of entrapment.
Since leaving American Airlines I have found a lot of success. 
I know what you mean about airlines being in your blood.
Personally I can't stand libtards. 
flybynite said:
DP has been telling everyone in the Town Hall meetings that we really shouldn't have Profit Sharing... 
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.

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