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Vortilon said:
AMFA contract doesn't count?  Why shouldn't it count?  As an A&P, wouldn't you be able to shop your aquired skills to companies that pay their AMT's alomost $15.00 more per hour with better benefits?  Why do you so easily dismiss the fact that we are, and have been under-compensated since 2003?  The TWU has a clear disdain for AA's AMTs, and has made no secret about it.  Look what they did by allowing facilities maintenance .80 cents more per hour base pay than a licensed A&P Mechanic in this industry averaging deal this month.  Further devaluing our license pay.  Tell me how the Sim Techs - who used to make about $5.00ph less then a licensed A&P Mechanic - now make over $5.00ph more than a licensed A&P mechanic.  That's on the TWU, and that is inexcusable. 
There is no justifiable excuse for what went down on the TWU's watch.  It's not Bob Owens fault either.  The contracts that your International heros brought back to the M&R membership were definately TWU International engineered, and sucked.  Tell us how many jobs your TWU International heros temporarily saved while justifiably redistributing AA AMT's pay and benefits.
Overspin thinks AMFA doesn't count? Let me tell you something if it were not for AMFA at NWA you would not be making even 30 dollars an hour and that is a solid fact. The IAM is no different than the TWU in this case they always applied the socialist formula when they represented us at NW. The ramp and stores during paycuts took the least as a percentage and the AMT's took the most and when raises came (which was scarce) the AMT's got the least as a percent over the other groups. I seem to remember an IAM official saying his drivers license was a good as an A@P and a loaf of bread costs the same for everyone. Sorry but you will never convince me that  industrial unions are good thing for AMT's we are better off being non union if AMFA is not an option. GSE and facilities make the same base pay where I work but the license premium is $ 9.33 an hr per license. GSE and facilities get a skill premium anywhere from 3.60 to 4.42 on top of base pay and we are non union.
So the association couldn't meet because our ATD fleet guy calling the shots is out applauding Parker.  Dave Verolla (DV) is the guy to the left of Parker in the hand me down leisure jacket.  He was here a few months back and was full of himself talking about how great he is. He reminds me of the last DV at the ATD
American Airlines 27 Virella.webp
lineguy43 said:
Overspin thinks AMFA doesn't count? Let me tell you something if it were not for AMFA at NWA you would not be making even 30 dollars an hour and that is a solid fact. The IAM is no different than the TWU in this case they always applied the socialist formula when they represented us at NW. The ramp and stores during paycuts took the least as a percentage and the AMT's took the most and when raises came (which was scarce) the AMT's got the least as a percent over the other groups. I seem to remember an IAM official saying his drivers license was a good as an A@P and a loaf of bread costs the same for everyone. Sorry but you will never convince me that  industrial unions are good thing for AMT's we are better off being non union if AMFA is not an option. GSE and facilities make the same base pay where I work but the license premium is $ 9.33 an hr per license. GSE and facilities get a skill premium anywhere from 3.60 to 4.42 on top of base pay and we are non union.
Fully agree that we wouldn't have ever seen $30+ with the IAm or the TWu leading from behind, if I recall correctly the TWu waited for the NWA/AMFA contract to be negotiated before they brought back the TWu proposal...and it still wasn't up to snuff with our OSM program and high cost insurance, and other givebacks. In fact, if I recall the TWu International was happy at $28. This is what TWu blind Overdweeb calls "Contract Leapfrogging", a better term would be TWu "Cornhole-ing". We TWu captives haven't ever enjoyed such a joyous event from nearly 30 years of TWu sellouts and failures with the Company Union.
Here we are in 2015, we have a unholy and forced upon "Association" of two of the most worthless AFL-EIEIO Company Unions ever to slither under a management desk.  The "New" American is making billions upon billions every quarter and setting company profit records, while the "Association" stands around with their thumb up their crack wondering just what to do, and then we have TWu representatives bickering about what AMT uniform looks best. This, while being locked into 13 years of unprecedented pay cuts and concessions. Cringe worthy to say the least.
For a lark, DUI Dug and the USukAir minions throw out the Delta +7 carrot months ago. What will the "Association"  counter be that's run by rampers and stock clerks? Most likely; "You have to vote YES, that's all your gonna get". Or "Delta +7.1 is all....that's it"  That's as stretch. As a TWu International clone put it years ago during another failure: "We don't want to offend the Company".  
Here's the chance by the TWu/IAm Association abortion to show the naysayers that elusive ILC!!!
Show that Industrial Union "Real Strength" for the first time in 30 years, SHOW US..... Its waaaaay past time, no excuses this time with all the billions in AA cash flow.
Billions in AA profits, unprecedented record setting profits.  Hundreds of new airplanes, new IOC offices, millions in management bonuses all around.
Should be easy for the "Leapfrogging" of Southwest by +10 or how about Fed Ex by +10....that will be a big win for the International Association of Worthless Industrial Unions.
I can't wait....
In that case, we will for sure have a contract in place before December.
The association should pressure the company for something more than just the 7%!! More of a %, nice signing bonuses, increased company contribution into our 401k's ect,ect, !!1 How about all of the above.   
99Roadstar said:
a friend at Delta, in maintenance, has just told they were getting a raise. And it will be announced tomorrow. He says 14.5% on base pay. the profit sharing % is also going to be adjusted, down. i will know more tomorrow when i see the letter. the effective date is in december. either dec 1, or 31. he wasn't sure 
More then likely the PS % going to fall to a lower number with a higher participation threshold like they tried with the pilots.Sure a gaudy percentage number for an initial raise,paid for with PS reduction.
Employment at will in action.
JFK Fleet Service said:
More then likely the PS % going to fall to a lower number with a higher participation threshold like they tried with the pilots.Sure a gaudy percentage number for an initial raise,paid for with PS reduction.
Employment at will in action.
my understanding is it will be a 5% reduction in PS 
14.5% + 1% covers that by a pretty good amount. 
JFK Fleet Service--

Don't forget the social psychology involved in announcing a raise several months ahead of time...

BTW, it's supposedly going to be in effect on 12/1...
I suppose we should thank RA for any potential wage increases,not the Ass...
I have zero faith in the ability of the Ass to negotiate contract(s) containing rates that surpass (By 7%) the forthcoming Delta rates.
They'll reconcile themselves into a corner and shrug.
JFK Fleet Service said:
I suppose we should thank RA for any potential wage increases,not the Ass...
I have zero faith in the ability of the Ass to negotiate contract(s) containing rates that surpass (By 7%) the forthcoming Delta rates.
They'll reconcile themselves into a corner and shrug.

If the goal post for DL to dole out PS has been raised to an almost ridiculous metric to be reached then why are we still going to expect Parker to stand with the DL + 7%?

I'm thinking (maybe) that 7% call could be lowered to 3% above?

Better keep a keen eye on the work rules and other things in the middle of our future TA when it comes out?

Yes I'm suspicious?
People better stop shouting and start thinking what "show me the money" may really mean.  Protection and improvement of existing work rules (what little we have) should also be a top priority.  
Roadking5560 said:
People better stop shouting and start thinking what "show me the money" may really mean.  Protection and improvement of existing work rules (what little we have) should also be a top priority.
Precicely. We can show making all the money in the world in our contract but if the work rules push you out the door, your paystub is only going to have one number on it. ZERO.

Proceed with caution.
Fortunately at the rate of negotiations we won't see anything till well about 5 years after section 6 openers. That should be around 2023
dfw gen said:
Fortunately at the rate of negotiations we won't see anything till well about 5 years after section 6 openers. That should be around 2023
And had they rushed into negotiations we may have been locked in and had to HOPE that Parker would choose to match the new DL rate announcement?

Maybe the tortoise still wins the race over the hare.
Since negotiations and proposals are always fluid, the new Delta pay raise may remove the Delta + 7 and replace it with a percentage or a fixed dollar figure. Since 1985 every contract the TWU negotiated always had concessions in one form or another. So if the company puts a dollar figure out there for us to see I wonder what we may have to give up to get the money. If the company wants a contract in place then you will see a aggressive proposal from the company. So far the company has been like a dormant volcano. All the talk has been from the association side and its mostly between the two sides and their differences. That volcano is just sitting back enjoying the view and the profits. As time goes on and union members become impatient and edgy maybe they will start to realize that this association was not a good idea. It is costing the members money and lots of it everyday as the calendar clicks from day to day. In the coming days or hours new information from Delta will be released about their pay raise and profit sharing plan as well as other things regarding financial compensation. I seriously doubt AA will go head to head without some kind of concessions mostly in jobs.
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