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Overspeed said:
My allegiance contiunes to be with my trade. I have been a licensed A&P for more than 40 years now. And you're right, the AMFA contract doesn't count. In fact, that contract doesn't exist  nor does the jobs or the rate of pay. The last vestige of that contract was tossed out with AMFA when DL merger happened. Winning a battle was great, losing the war and never getting to fight again? That's losing big.
But who cares about AMFA? They aren't our union. The TWU/IAM Association is and it is that organization that we need to support.
AMFA contract doesn't count?  Why shouldn't it count?  As an A&P, wouldn't you be able to shop your aquired skills to companies that pay their AMT's alomost $15.00 more per hour with better benefits?  Why do you so easily dismiss the fact that we are, and have been under-compensated since 2003?  The TWU has a clear disdain for AA's AMTs, and has made no secret about it.  Look what they did by allowing facilities maintenance .80 cents more per hour base pay than a licensed A&P Mechanic in this industry averaging deal this month.  Further devaluing our license pay.  Tell me how the Sim Techs - who used to make about $5.00ph less then a licensed A&P Mechanic - now make over $5.00ph more than a licensed A&P mechanic.  That's on the TWU, and that is inexcusable. 
There is no justifiable excuse for what went down on the TWU's watch.  It's not Bob Owens fault either.  The contracts that your International heros brought back to the M&R membership were definately TWU International engineered, and sucked.  Tell us how many jobs your TWU International heros temporarily saved while justifiably redistributing AA AMT's pay and benefits.
Vortilon said:
AMFA contract doesn't count?  Why shouldn't it count?  As an A&P, wouldn't you be able to shop your aquired skills to companies that pay their AMT's alomost $15.00 more per hour with better benefits?  Why do you so easily dismiss the fact that we are, and have been under-compensated since 2003?  The TWU has a clear disdain for AA's AMTs, and has made no secret about it.  Look what they did by allowing facilities maintenance .80 cents more per hour base pay than a licensed A&P Mechanic in this industry averaging deal this month.  Further devaluing our license pay.  Tell me how the Sim Techs - who used to make about $5.00ph less then a licensed A&P Mechanic - now make over $5.00ph more than a licensed A&P mechanic.  That's on the TWU, and that is inexcusable. 
There is no justifiable excuse for what went down on the TWU's watch.  It's not Bob Owens fault either.  The contracts that your International heros brought back to the M&R membership were definately TWU International engineered, and sucked.  Tell us how many jobs your TWU International heros temporarily saved while justifiably redistributing AA AMT's pay and benefits.
I agree that the TWU did not apply the industry averaging language correctly. I've said that already. That was a big fail on the Association's part absolutely.
If you are implying that we have industry seniority I am not in favor of that. If you are speaking of a higher rate of pay somewhere I always want to be top but realize different contracts are always being negotiatied and leapfrogging is inevitable.
I realize fully that there are many things the TWU could have done better. Swapping jobs for pay was definitely a bad idea for all the unions at AA.
Overspeed said:
I realize fully that there are many things the TWU could have done better. Swapping jobs for pay was definitely a bad idea for all the unions at AA.
These kinds of comment will get you thrown out of the democrat party.  
And so now we do not get the Delta plus 7% without USAir in the calculation why?
Because the TWU International agreed with the company on the $1.63,which the general union membership has not seen.
Overspeed you state that our union is the TWU/IAM Association, then why is the TWU International making the decisions?
Overspeed said:
I agree that the TWU did not apply the industry averaging language correctly. I've said that already. That was a big fail on the Association's part absolutely.
If you are implying that we have industry seniority I am not in favor of that. If you are speaking of a higher rate of pay somewhere I always want to be top but realize different contracts are always being negotiatied and leapfrogging is inevitable.
I realize fully that there are many things the TWU could have done better. Swapping jobs for pay was definitely a bad idea for all the unions at AA.
Did not apply the industry averaging correctly? Well that and waiting months for TWu/IAm "negotiations" (down on both knees to beg) to get started is another big "Association" failure. I surmise the forced members of the "Association" will be looking forward to more TWu/IAm excuses and "big fails" in the coming future. Merging two perpetual losing and corrupt Industrial Unions into one CLUSTER**** DOES NOT UNION REPRESENTATION MAKE.
You mentioned that "Leapfrogging is Inevitable". This statement begs the question of those of us not on the TWu Dream Boat of Lies and Deceit.  When in the past 30+ years has the TWu ever, except maybe to those on Planet TWu Crackpipe, has the TWu EVER LEAPFROGGED ANY OTHER AIRLINE CONTRACT? NOT ONCE.
LEAPFROGGING TO THE TWu is just a dream that will never be realized....unless your talking concessions.
WHY WAS USAIR INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS? I asked in upper case so no one will miss read my question. I spoke to a union rep about this and he told me there was an understanding in writing that UsAir will not be included if the merger went through and we were the same company.
1AA said:
WHY WAS USAIR INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS? I asked in upper case so no one will miss read my question. I spoke to a union rep about this and he told me there was an understanding in writing that UsAir will not be included if the merger went through and we were the same company.

The world must be coming to an end since we both agree on something. I didn't (and don't) think US should be included in the averaging either.

I read that Dale Danker was filing a Presidential grievance about it.
Well if he filed a Presidential grievance then we should have access to the details of the grievance. I will ask my union rep to see how members can get access to it. It should not be difficult since mostly everything we do now is electronic.
Buck said:
And so now we do not get the Delta plus 7% without USAir in the calculation why?
Because the TWU International agreed with the company on the $1.63,which the general union membership has not seen.
Overspeed you state that our union is the TWU/IAM Association, then why is the TWU International making the decisions?

Anything having to do with a direct violation of OUR contract is handled by our bargaining agent for our contracts. Our contracts are still TWU contracts on the old AA side.
WeAAsles said:
Anything having to do with a direct violation of OUR contract is handled by our bargaining agent for our contracts. Our contracts are still TWU contracts on the old AA side.
Unfortunately the TWU uses LOA without membership approval. Sometimes you wonder if the contractual agreement between the TWU International and the company has any meaningful value. I hope the presidential grievance will have merit on our behalf.
1AA said:
Unfortunately the TWU uses LOA without membership approval. Sometimes you wonder if the contractual agreement between the TWU International and the company has any meaningful value. I hope the presidential grievance will have merit on our behalf.
You have different PEOPLE in both the ATD and the International. Of course I 100% think the emphasis is on them to prove themselves to you.

I just wonder if you have the ability to allow them to and what that might take (for you)
Oh and remember, they got in AFTER the BK and all of that language was written.
a friend at Delta, in maintenance, has just told they were getting a raise. And it will be announced tomorrow. He says 14.5% on base pay. the profit sharing % is also going to be adjusted, down. i will know more tomorrow when i see the letter. the effective date is in december. either dec 1, or 31. he wasn't sure 
99Roadstar said:
a friend at Delta, in maintenance, has just told they were getting a raise. And it will be announced tomorrow. He says 14.5% on base pay. the profit sharing % is also going to be adjusted, down. i will know more tomorrow when i see the letter. the effective date is in december. either dec 1, or 31. he wasn't sure 
And why would we at AAL be interested is such news?
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