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It would not be very smart to suggest a slowdown.
It just might be against the company rules and regulations.
ATD, do you have any suggestions on how the membership can encourage the leadership to settle our collective contract?
Bob Owens said:
Sadly you are correct, under the Little-Videtich -Gless regime we were told "They (the mechanics) really need to reduce their expectations"-Gless, "We need to put this contract stuff behind us and do what is best for American Airlines-Conley, and "Fuel went up another 2 cents a gallon, that's x millions more AA has to pay"-Videtich. 
At the end of the day as long as their Metal is Moving it doesn't really matter whether the Union leadership is in the company's pocket or not, ask or demand, the company isn't going to move unless the membership collectively makes them move. 
You are great at pointing out what you perceive as others failings but you have yet to show us the way to success. You blame them and now you blame the membership. Is this the leadership you offer that will lead us to a better contract?
Buck said:
It would not be very smart to suggest a slowdown.
It just might be against the company rules and regulations.
ATD, do you have any suggestions on how the membership can encourage the leadership to settle our collective contract?
Exactly. Unfortunately, we are still getting rehash of how much that past regime sucked and no plan or proposals on how to lead us out of the mess we are in. That leads me to believe they never had one other than to bash who was ever in the Int'l.
I would like to see and outsider's view and plan. Maybe one of the newer people have a fresh outlook and concept to better our situation. We need something to get behind that doesn't have a personal agenda but one for our collective benefit. The first 591 vote only garnered 25% participation of which the current regime only got a slight majority of those who voted. That is less than 750 people of 4,500 voted for them. Hardly a mandate of their leadership style. We need some fresh blood at 591. Anybody new out there? Step up.
Remember AA isnt going to file bankruptcy, how many times did Bob say this?
700UW said:
Remember AA isnt going to file bankruptcy, how many times did Bob say this?
He claims to have never said that but in the past I posted the many times he said BK was a threat or a tactic. He wanted every agreement to go down in flames unless he got his geo-pay regardless of the cost to others. He was chomping at the bit to have us get to the leverage he beleived we would have had if we struck. I am sure AA would have loved that outcome. Remember Bob even wanted us to vote down every 1113 agreement and go on strike as well. He's a lawyer as well as a negotiator, labor organizer, economist, and financial whiz kid.
I may be as destitute as my employer. If the union I pay dues to doesn't allow the Delta plus 7% soon I too will have to file Bankruptcy....
ATD said:
You are union leadership for quite a while I think but you blame verybody else.
Are you as a leader saying we need to slow down until we get what we think we deserve.
tell us Bobowens.
Wow what a ballsy guy you are! Ask a directional leading accusation type question and using a guys real name while hiding under an alias yourself is cowardly at best. He never said slow down he just made the observation that as long as a corporations product is moving nothing will make them alter their position. Corporations are heartless and have no conscious just like industrial unions have become. Are there any plans by the aflcio or industrial unions to change the bankruptcy laws to protect union members? The AMR bankruptcy should be the poster child of why the bk laws should be changed for union members  bound by the RLA. Sure there are supposed protections offered under 1113c but they don't have enough teeth to bite thru a wet paper sack! AMR filed BK because the corporations window was closing fast on their ability to file. The climate was changing for the airlines and the cycle of losing money was coming to an end. If they didn't file soon they wouldn't be able too. But hey, lets bash a union member that has the cods to put his real name out there, I don't have the balls he has do you? The point is that this new era of so called unionism will get us absolutely no where. The beneficiaries of this type of unionism are the corporations and corporate unions and not union members. If we see Delta + 7 without a give back somewhere else it will be on the planet Mars where there are no union members.        
First I am not overspeed. I do not see your real name either. The person you are refering too uses his name. So what do you want me to call  Bobowens. I do agree with  you on how the unions have become corrupt. It is all about the money. How can the International bash the Company when there salaries or out of whack with the people they are suppose to represent. They even  have better health benefits and a hell of a retirement. Ask Little, Conley, and all that retired  before Lombargo took over.
Overspeed said:
You are great at pointing out what you perceive as others failings but you have yet to show us the way to success. You blame them and now you blame the membership. Is this the leadership you offer that will lead us to a better contract?
Can you tell any of us about a TWU International success for AA's AMTs is the last 30 years?  The AMFA contract doesn't count!  The only reason your POS union is still on the property is because AMTs got lumped in with the "and related".  I'm convinced that is 100% political, and pushed by your commie philosophy leadership.  Is your first allegiance to advancing your trade - as you claim, or is it to this "one size fits all" union?  Pretty obvious you aren't an AMT.
Vortilon said:
Can you tell any of us about a TWU International success for AA's AMTs is the last 30 years?  The AMFA contract doesn't count!  The only reason your POS union is still on the property is because AMTs got lumped in with the "and related".  I'm convinced that is 100% political, and pushed by your commie philosophy leadership.  Is your first allegiance to advancing your trade - as you claim, or is it to this "one size fits all" union?  Pretty obvious you aren't an AMT.
My allegiance contiunes to be with my trade. I have been a licensed A&P for more than 40 years now. And you're right, the AMFA contract doesn't count. In fact, that contract doesn't exist  nor does the jobs or the rate of pay. The last vestige of that contract was tossed out with AMFA when DL merger happened. Winning a battle was great, losing the war and never getting to fight again? That's losing big.
But who cares about AMFA? They aren't our union. The TWU/IAM Association is and it is that organization that we need to support.
ATD said:
You are union leadership for quite a while I think but you blame verybody else.
Are you as a leader saying we need to slow down until we get what we think we deserve.
tell us Bobowens.
Another six post wonder alias from the ATD brain trust (sic).  TWU encourage a slowdown? That is funny.  That would put the TWU International at risk of a lawsuit from the company.  Wait, I do think I recall the TWU encouraging a slowdown. LOL.
As I look around the hangar and terminal, all I see are AMTs working as hard as they can, cause they know they can trust Doug Parker, when he tells them: "Delta plus 7% guys"!
Vortilon said:
Another six post wonder alias from the ATD brain trust (sic).  TWU encourage a slowdown? That is funny.  That would put the TWU International at risk of a lawsuit from the company.  Wait, I do think I recall the TWU encouraging a slowdown. LOL.
As I look around the hangar and terminal, all I see are AMTs working as hard as they can, cause they know they can trust Doug Parker, when he tells them: "Delta plus 7% guys"!
DL+7 minus what though?
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