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Birdman said:
It was excruciating paying agency fee dues to an impotent representative, the TWU. ALL the former UAL/DL/AA/NW mechanics at WN consider them the bane of the industry. If not for the RLA exemption to Right-To-Work laws the TWU would be toast at AA.
you got that right!
Lompardo will come out with another slogan. we are going to fight like hell or we are not going to take it anymore. remember the money the union printed up with all the top execs picture. maybe they are doing that again or maybe he does not give a rats ass about you and I. remember he gets 200k and more to represent us. Lombardo and the fleet service guys all in charge at the International and atd they know whts best for the mechanics. We  get what we deserve  when we are complacent or afraid to change.
It's amazing how many people come to AA as strong believers in unions. After being in the twu they become apathetic or even anti union. The twu has that effect on people.
Zom JFK said:
It's amazing how many people come to AA as strong believers in unions. After being in the twu they become apathetic or even anti union. The twu has that effect on people.
Unfortunately that is true.
Zom JFK said:
It's amazing how many people come to AA as strong believers in unions. After being in the twu they become apathetic or even anti union. The twu has that effect on people.
Maybe after getting run over by the company and hearing "They can do that brother" time and time again makes you apathetic.
700UW said:
Oh yes you do, its in the PMUS CBA and the PMAA CBA.
Read the CBAs.
You are wrong again, we had two dues objectors who refused to pay dues at all and they were terminated, its quite clear in the CBA, and there is a process for it.
You can become a dues objector, but you still have to pay dues to what is germane to the CBA, its called the Union Security Clause and its in both the IAM and TWU CBAs.
Better go read Whirpool vs Machinists, and Beck vs CWA.
And I would bet that in your AMFA/WN CBA it has the same language, a closed shop is permitted under the RLA and all must pay dues.
If the Union is doing their job and representing the members then there is no reason to have a closed shop. 
dfw gen said:
you got that right!
With all the bad publicity exposure put out about the iamnpf they have no reason to get in a hurry now. As 700 would say "the cats out of the bag".
The problem lies in those members who wish to save money and/or have political/philosophical differences with union and forego their dues payments.  Is it fair (to the dues payers)/ for the union to expend their (our) resources defending these individuals if they have been wronged or terminated by the company? 
You are here: 

Executive Council

Sito Pantoja

Sito Pantoja
General Vice President, Transportation, IAM

Sito Pantoja has served as the IAM General Vice President assigned to Transportation since January 2012. The Transportation Department operates from IAM Headquarters and administers contracts in the railroad and air transport sectors in the United States.
Pantoja initiated into IAM Local Lodge 1056 in Jamaica, New York in 1977 as an Aircraft & Powerplant Mechanic for TWA. He served as a Shop Steward for Local 1056 until he transferred to Local Lodge 949 in St. Louis, Missouri in 1988. At Local 949, Pantoja served as a Trustee and Recording Secretary; and, in 1991, as member and later Chairman of the local’s Full-Time Grievance Committee.

went to the iam site to see if i can email mr Pantoja and ask why we are not negotiating with the company


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evidently the quick link is disabled so emailing is not possible.. a lot like the twu not real interested in the membership a little more concerned with.. i really dont know what their concern is
Why on labor day the only ones off are management and the international reps?

The peons get forced to work.
dfw gen said:
Why on labor day the only ones off are management and the international reps?

The peons get forced to work.
Labor Day is one of the 5 Holidays skillfully negotiated by the mighty TWU. 
OldGuy@AA said:
Maybe after getting run over by the company and hearing "They can do that brother" time and time again makes you apathetic.
 Thats why the TWU/IAM are here to stay apathy. See how many people dont vote for the next contract. Apathy, the unions know it and use it and I confess i'm guilty of it at times
Albert said:
 Thats why the TWU/IAM are here to stay apathy. See how many people dont vote for the next contract. Apathy, the unions know it and use it and I confess i'm guilty of it at times
I agree with you.  Members who don't bother to vote hurt us just as much as those who vote yes for anything that comes down the pike.  These are the same who tell you they hate the TWU but won't sign a card to get rid of them.  We are held hostage by these people.
Roadking5560 said:
The problem lies in those members who wish to save money and/or have political/philosophical differences with union and forego their dues payments.  Is it fair (to the dues payers)/ for the union to expend their (our) resources defending these individuals if they have been wronged or terminated by the company? 
Even if a member goes Agency Fee he is still paying most of his dues to the union. My point is if you are happy with your agent, then in this forum the TWU would not be mentioned in negative terms, as long as they were performing.
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