Ok...I apologize for the management comment if you took offense to it, but I am tired of everyone in this station giving management a free ride and helping them out, and then blaming the union for everything, and from your name you must be in Miami too. So my bad on that if you are one of the few here with their eyes open... 😉
As far as answers, I will go off of my notes from the meeting. I tried scanning but the attachment is too large for this website.
On the holidays, they said we can't tell you how many the company will agree to or propose, but they did say on holidays and holiday pay that they intend to secure USAir at a minimum--although they want more on pay and number of holidays because the USAir guys obviously want more.
On the 401k, they said that they intend to keep the match and want it increased. The IAM plan may be there as an option for new money for those who choose to want to be in it, but we would not be forced in it is their position. Question was asked about getting the old pension back, and the answer is that it is highly unlikely the company would be agreeable to bring back the frozen pension plan. But they will ask once at the table
They want double time on overtime like the old days.
Crew chief issue was raised and is still being discussed. They said local has proposed getting a mediator or arbitrator on the issue if it can't be resolved--something like that. They don't know the company position on the issue is either
C/S policy was talked about and they said they want a policy that is in the book but better than the USAir policy. The same with a single day vacation policy.
They also want USAir line language where very little gets outsourced. They don't know where the company is at with it till they see the company proposal.
And they want anything else, like sick, benefits, etc that are better on the USAir side. They don't intend to have USAir concede anything that is better than ours
I took like 4 pages of notes and talked with them for a while after the meeting...
Here's a few more not contract related...there was some new medical return to work policy on jetnet they suggested reading that the local won through a grievance or something like that, something about a big grievance that the local won on the 401k match if you had a grievance, I already knew about our 401k changing plans, the union guys here get info to talk about every Friday from the president (have yet to see this here--said we should be having weekly crew meetings with the union guys--we had this at AFW and LAS(this local)), a bunch of guys complained about job continuance being a scam here and after they said what job continuance is supposed to be used for it looks like job continuance was being used wrong here, the union guys here know it, and that we should file grievances for overtime bypasses, there are lots of grievances at DFW, a few here, and almost none in LA. There was more, but that is about all of it that I wrote down.