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Can't wait till 1AA comes on hear and apologizes for being such a " chicken little the Sky is falling "
700UW said:
The association agreement put the IAM in control for the first two years, your union agreed to it.

The IAM has certain things that were scheduled already that some on the NC need to attend too, especially the person running negotiations.
700UW said:
Someone is running them and he is from the IAM, go ask your TWU reps about it.
My Union, the TWU. What a freaking joke. I pay dues to the TWU and the IAM is running the show....WTF?
Can I switch my dues to the IAM cause the TWU sure as hell doesn't deserve them? 
Good job TWU.....YOU SUCK!
The "Agreement" also says that anything brought back to the membership for ratification has to be agreed upon by the Intl. presidents of both the IAM and TWU so the way I see it is the International level of both industrial unions are in charge. And most of us know what their main agenda is!
enough already said:
More delays...

Brothers and Sisters,

The process to reconcile our CBA’s with the IAM is continuing. Our next scheduled dates are the week of August 31, 2015 in Dallas and then a week in Chicago at the end of September. I am very disappointed in the fact that we don’t have a more aggressive schedule to get this done for our members who have have lived with concessions for too many years. The company continues to entice members in town hall meetings, saying they will offer a Delta plus 7% contract plus 4% pay raise after a JCBA. I would like to see exactly what the company considers Delta plus 7%. To date I am unaware of any union representative that knows what Delta plus 7% is. Ultimately the CBA belongs to the newly formed TWU/IAM Association. I believe with some pressure from the Association we could speed up the process and get to the table with the Company.

September pay raises

Per Article 4 of our CBA, we are set to receive a 3% rate increase along with an Industry Wage Comparator if applicable on September 12, 2015. I have filed 29D Presidential Grievances on behalf of Title I, Title II, MLS, and MCT’s based on the fact that USAIR is included in the formula that determines industry average. I believe that LUS should not be used in the formula since they are no longer our competitor. It is unfortunate that all members have made equal sacrifices over the years, but based on Government Economic Indexes not all will get the additional bump on top of the contractual raises they will receive. I will work hard in negotiations to get Industry Leading Wages and Benefits for all classifications represented by our Local.


Please be mindful of the upcoming changes to everyone’s 401k plans. You have to make a choice on your investments or the plan will automatically look at your date of birth and pick an investment plan to match your retirement age. The window to pick your investments is September 15, 2015 to October 15, 2015.

In Solidarity,

Dale Danker
They should all be locked in a freaking room and not let out until everything has been reconcile! This is BS!!! 
As far as the Delta +7, what did it consist of for the flight attendants and pilots? Was whatever they gave up worth whatever they got in return.
2ndGENAMT said:
And not a single word about what has been discussed or what needs to be reconciled, just "we will continue discussions at a later date". Thanks for the update Dale.
That's cool 2ndG.  But I would suggest you talk to Dale yourself and then make up your mind.  In my dealings with him he has been honest.  He is also frustrated as we are that the ATD has been hosing us forever.  I talked to him yesterday and the letter he put out did not convey the amount of frustration he has.  Peterson and he are on the same page on a lot of issues and I am hoping that together (Along with Pike) they can get something done for us that we can be happy with.  We'll see though and there is no telling what will happen.  As far as him being Doyle's lackey, I think that is not true.  He (and Pike) stood behind Doyle when he was here because Doyle was the one being questioned and he spoke for the international.
2ndGENAMT said:
The "Agreement" also says that anything brought back to the membership for ratification has to be agreed upon by the Intl. presidents of both the IAM and TWU so the way I see it is the International level of both industrial unions are in charge. And most of us know what their main agenda is!
Any TA will have to voted in by both memberships and guess who has more votes (about 3 to 1)?  Saying the IAM has "Control" is laughable.  
enough already said:
More delays...

Brothers and Sisters,

The process to reconcile our CBA’s with the IAM is continuing. Our next scheduled dates are the week of August 31, 2015 in Dallas and then a week in Chicago at the end of September. I am very disappointed in the fact that we don’t have a more aggressive schedule to get this done for our members who have have lived with concessions for too many years. The company continues to entice members in town hall meetings, saying they will offer a Delta plus 7% contract plus 4% pay raise after a JCBA. I would like to see exactly what the company considers Delta plus 7%. To date I am unaware of any union representative that knows what Delta plus 7% is. Ultimately the CBA belongs to the newly formed TWU/IAM Association. I believe with some pressure from the Association we could speed up the process and get to the table with the Company.

September pay raises

Per Article 4 of our CBA, we are set to receive a 3% rate increase along with an Industry Wage Comparator if applicable on September 12, 2015. I have filed 29D Presidential Grievances on behalf of Title I, Title II, MLS, and MCT’s based on the fact that USAIR is included in the formula that determines industry average. I believe that LUS should not be used in the formula since they are no longer our competitor.
It is unfortunate that all members have made equal sacrifices over the years, but based on Government Economic Indexes not all will get the additional bump on top of the contractual raises they will receive. I will work hard in negotiations to get Industry Leading Wages and Benefits for all classifications represented by our Local.


Please be mindful of the upcoming changes to everyone’s 401k plans. You have to make a choice on your investments or the plan will automatically look at your date of birth and pick an investment plan to match your retirement age. The window to pick your investments is September 15, 2015 to October 15, 2015.

In Solidarity,

Dale Danker
Nice to read this. I'm sure that one of our Presidents in Fleet will also file a Presidential grievance.
OldGuy@AA said:
Say what you want about Dale Danker but we have never had a local 514 president that actually fought for us.   Has anyone stopped the think that maybe the IAM is the problem?  I am guessing they strolled in the room and announced they would be leading the negotiations without realizing that the TWU has them out voted 3 to 1 with the membership.  So I they better listen to Danker, Peterson and Pike or they don't get a contract passed.  Remember that the IAM doesn't have a bunch of the crap in their contract that we have.  They also settled for our pay not too long ago with Parker bragging about record profits.  They don't seem smart enough to know Parker played them.  They may not be smart enough to realize they don't have enough votes.  For instance.....  What if they want to move work from Tulsa to PIT.  You think Danker is going to go for that?  I like that Danker is fighting them.  
700UW said:
The association agreement put the IAM in control for the first two years, your union agreed to it.

The IAM has certain things that were scheduled already that some on the NC need to attend too, especially the person running negotiations.
So basically you are saying that any hold up's in meeting with each other now is not the fault of the TWU? <_<
2ndGENAMT said:
The "Agreement" also says that anything brought back to the membership for ratification has to be agreed upon by the Intl. presidents of both the IAM and TWU so the way I see it is the International level of both industrial unions are in charge. And most of us know what their main agenda is!
Keep collecting union dues and try to shove the IAMPF down our throats is my guess.
OldGuy@AA said:
Any TA will have to voted in by both memberships and guess who has more votes (about 3 to 1)?  Saying the IAM has "Control" is laughable.
You underestimate the stupidity of our fellow union members when they act as a group. Individually we are much smarter. Throw money out there and we will have a jcba hook, line and sinker.
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